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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Connection between tao and christianity

    Might not be a bad idea...why only preach to the choir here? Got any idea what the best or most popular mainstream ones are?
  2. Connection between tao and christianity

    And what's wrong with the simple truth? I would argue that seeing the big picture is primary, before all the details... Or how about this...this same jealous and avenging whackjob also adulterously knocked up a man's fiancée...and then instructed that man to marry her anyways and raise his bastard love child. Who he later had sacrificed up on a cross. To pay for his own guilt trip on humanity's adultery. It's almost like this was written as a failed BDSM deviant fanfic...but then repackaged as a holy text.
  3. Connection between tao and christianity

    Of course, there is some truth embedded in Christianity, since a lot of it was cut & pasted from older Sumerian and other tales... And of course many Christians have had spiritual experiences. Even your regular, run-of-the-mill ones. But this is generally not really from following actual Christian doctrines. But because a sincere seeker will get in touch with Spirit, regardless of whatever club he belongs to. As far as the more "spiritually-developed" Christians...they usually have incorporated aspects of other forms of spirituality either personally, or as subsumed into cultural Christianity as it colonized the world. And as their eyes continue to open to the common universality of spirituality, some of them simply drop their exclusive Christian gateway drug altogether... I mean, a typical "evolved" Christian has to basically ignore all the Old Testament warmongering, patriarchal is actually not even a Christian anymore, even if they claim to be. In a nutshell, Christianity was about destroying the sacred feminine, tree of life, and colonizing the planet for its ET Anunnaki puppetmasters. Basically, Abraham's monotheism was just cutting the whole FEMININE out of the polar equation! As opposed to Daoism's preservation of BOTH! Ergo, Christianity is essentially the opposite of Daoism and other more holistic, aboriginal/shamanistic-based "Earth wisdom" paths.
  4. Geez, I never denied that...and do give him plenty of kudos! I was simply highlighting one blindspot of a product of the mental box he was raised in...and that he never saw much past its high, palacial walls of... I'd give him more of a pass for this given that this was decades ago pre-internet and this was a KID'S SHOW...but then again, it was also during the height of the hippy counterculture, so a lot of that knowledge was already getting made readily-available in pop culture by that point. In regular adult interviews, he would have to intentionally turn a blind eye and ignore all such hard-hitting hot buttons to offer such conflict-avoidant deflections...and keep pushing the blue pill. Stay asleeeppp sheeepp....bahhhh....
  5. In all seriousness...can you explain this? A global cult of ancient/elitist coneheads associated near stone megalith sites dating back to the Younger Dryas Flood with local legends of "gods" descending from the skies... All just "idiotic agendas," huh??? Again, the viable ancient alien theory keeps strengthening (here & elsewhere) because not only has it not been debunked by Enlilites...but the multidisciplinary evidence for it only keeps mounting!
  6. Connection between tao and christianity

    More like on opposite ends of the spectrum? Better get used to the dog house?
  7. It's a valid criticism of his coma level of wokeness and typical Christian colonialist Disneyfication/"sanitization" of their horrific past & Columbus "discovering" a "New World" 15K years after its current inhabitants, the Thanksgiving myth, every resource-grabbing imperialist warfare as "spreading democracy," toxic lawns/NIMBY toilets, Cali surfer Jesus, Christianity spinning the whole Anunnaki agenda, etc, etc... Literally a bloody bedrock of spiraling debt incurred on multiple levels from constantly living beyond their means with quick fixes for quick fixes covered with a snowy facade of white lies called AMERICA (a historical misnomer by any measure)! Mr. Rogers was like a security blanket that kept kiddos warm and sleeping soundly (hence the ClA oversight's approval)...but also shielded them from the cold truth. He was a human barbiturate (sedative), not ayahuasca (awakener). But, WHAT IF he WOKE all of us up in his show, instead? Just imagine the repercussions of THAT!!!
  8. Unfortunately, Fred's strongest suit (rose-colored lenses) was also his greatest flaw... Are you f'n kidding me??? American history in a NUTSHELL was the complete colonization, polluting industrialization, and irreversible obliteration of most native flora & fauna, and aborigines and their cultures here since before the FLOOD...with EXTREME PREJUDICE. All within just a few centuries of landing! But due to all that whitewashing, this colonialist spawn of course has the nerve to ask what the "greatest event" in this horror show history was??? And instead of giving him some real WOKE education, the blind Christian leading the blind then gives him a Good Will Hunting speech just to tone his chest-puffing hubris down a few notches! Reality is, the ClA never had anything to worry about! Mr. Rogers was still a shepherd, not a wild goat. Hey, I still give the guy plenty of due credit! But nobody's perfect!
  9. Low-hanging slurs are counterproductive. But otherwise, censorship doesn't stop opposing views, it just pushes them down like a pressure cooker. Falsehoods should be openly debunked. Flawed ideologies should be openly exposed. No reason to ban reasonable dialogue. Get in the ring and glove up! Take on your challengers and may the best person win! Is it even really that hard to debunk the American Right/Left nuts? Like, I've already subsumed and overridden both the "intellectual" alt-right and "Daddy issue" leftists with a greater (ecospiritual vs ET) paradigm that will dominate this forum in 5 years. DONE!
  10. I thought this was "The Wheels of Justice," "Every Vote Counts In An Electoral Oligarchy!," "Government Efficiency," "Facts Vs Trump," etc...?
  11. vonkrankenhaus - Interesting, but not so fast... Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was only on NET for <2 years (1968-1970), before it was on PBS. Although at this time, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood did certainly fit NET's "social justice & welfare" objectives, as laid out by the Ford Foundation. And the Ford Foundation was started with seed money by Edsel Ford as a philanthropic arm, but divested itself of all Ford Motor Company stock between 1955 and 1974. So, I don't think NET was ever ad-driven, and it had nearly shed all of its corporate ties by the early 70s. It was also never a commercial, corporate entity to begin with - even if it was started by one. The main political criticism they have gotten is for their left-leaning stances... As for the 1969 Jaffe Memo, most of these population control proposals have never even been implemented yet...50 years later. In fact, many of our policies remain the opposite. Nor do I see how NET was promoting them? And even if so, human overpopulation (over say a ~100 million - 2-3 billion carrying capacity) CLEARLY IS a problem - which is a byproduct of agriculture and humancentric "civilization." So, I don't agree with forced/artificial depopulation...but natural depopulation from adopting more natural lifestyles living within local ecological means (as aborigines did for millenia) would be a GOOD thing for the planet! The only reason why you would think differently is due to Christianization that places humans on some towering, sacred (LOL) pedestal above all other life on this planet. Which is what has led to this: And as far as spook involvement, it was supposedly formalized because they knew they were going to be infiltrated anyways... Anyways, point is that NET/Ford Foundation were never corporate/commercial media to begin with...but a philanthropic nonprofit...which is what allowed the space for Mister Rogers' Neighborhood to exist on air. Because their goal was human welfare, not profits. And even then, it was only on their network for less than 2 years to begin with... So, a lot of smoke, but little actual fire here.
  12. Problem is, there is no mention or critique anywhere of the structures behind mass media and how they influence content. Mr. Rogers was always aired on PBS, which was not corporate-owned and ad-driven. This clearly creates a very different result (more like YouTube) than the majority of mass media, which is the opposite. Now, which of these networks would have even carried Mr. Rogers or Sesame Street - which were intended more simply for education, rather than selling products and airtime?
  13. Interesting, sounds like a feral Bigfoot like Esau (Isaac's grandson)...born wild. So, "wildman" Esau had the birthright, but "civilized" Jacob tricked both him and their Dad (Isaac, Abraham's son) out of it. What's interesting is that the whole Anunnaki lineage in Sumeria seemed to intentionally pit wild, free-spirited (Enki, Enkidu, Ishmael, Esau) and obedient, domesticated (Enlil, Gilgamesh, Abraham, Jacob) siblings/rivals against each other to divide and conquer their own lineage to ensure control and instill obedience to Anu (not Nature). So, they served as public examples where the wild scapegoats always got demonized, while the civilized sheeple triumphed over them. [Note how their leader is a single human "alpha male" middleman...not just the organic, decentralized, holistic whole of Nature. So not only is Christianity is centered entirely around a sole, cult figurehead. Which then allows Enlil total centralized control of his herd.] Incidentally, it's interesting how Isaac's anti-Semitism was so strong that he preferred polygamous incest for his son over marrying the local Semitic women: Again, all this is explicitly coded in the holy blueprint of Christian colonialism here!
  14. Climate Change

    Of course not. If he was, he would be thoroughly indoctrinated with their brainwashing propaganda and in complete, apologist denial. But clearly, he is not a robot respouting the company lines from their certified programming camps... Sounds VERY legit and WOKE to me!!!
  15. Well sure, the 100% sustainable, aboriginal lifestyle is tough...which is why they deserve so much appreciation and respect! Not derision as "merciless savages!" And yes, a lot of the colonialist ecological damage is simply irreversible at this point. The spread of invasive species and extreme depopulations/extinctions of native flora and fauna cannot be undone. You can't unring a bell or stuff some genies back in the bottle. You can't bring the Dodo bird back or stop all mile-a-minute weed. You can never really restore a land back to native forest or prairie without invasives now. Which is why Christian colonialism deserves to be held FULLY accountable for its planetary ecocide and STOPPED!!! Most people don't realize the true scope of its damage unless they ever really delve into ecology...and even then you have to eventually figure out ON YOUR OWN that it was the root of all evil there. That said, of course I have done what I can to help turn the tide against invasives, along with some native restoration. But that is but a very tiny drop in the bucket...
  16. Or, I'm sure we could crowdfund you $20 if you would finally post up even just a 5-minute video of you in full lotus giving a random stranger an O&D? Seriously, the internet NEEDS this! Not to mention, many women would gladly pay you $20 a pop as volunteers!
  17. ^ Well, not when you requote the entire about just the first line for brevity, geez? The memes or quotes provided the links or sources for the primary documents, you fool. And I did directly quote ralis... So completely contrary to your false accusations...YES, my memes DIRECTLY ILLUSTRATED ralis's OWN shared views, here! Wow, hello McFly...anybody home??? And then you accuse me of rude ad hominem arguments...right after calling me rude, the OP not in his right mind, and dismissing his opinion on the matter, after YOU speak on his behalf, in HIS own thread. LMFAO! Mirror, mirror, on the wall...
  18. Woa, ever get your blood pressure checked, buddy? Or your opinions, for that matter? First, ralis is like a "woke" ex-doctor/insider who now against what his old system was really for (Big Pharma not true health). He said so himself, and I was simply agreeing with him. Hence, he is tired of the "thank you for your service" meme because it makes him feel like an imperialist tool, now...if you really need it spelled out for you? And my post and memes also referenced Newsweek, uncontested American history, and the US Declaration of Independence. So no, those facts are NOT wrong and cannot be easily dismissed by your blanket assertions. And finally, the OP actually liked my HE obviously didn't find it "rude," lol! Sorry, but what you feel as "rudeness" is simply the uncomfortable truth pushing you out of your comfy, colonialist foxhole and shifting your entire paradigm. But it's OK, aim high and be all you can be, private...Enlil appreciates all your personal sacrifices for his world cause! I'm totes sure there must be a jetpack, harem, and hot dog trees waiting in Heaven for you, son!!!
  19. Exactly. Nothing noble about megadestructive colonialist wars to control, secure, and sequester more global resources. In fact, it is the exact opposite!!! Yes, this is what all Christian colonialist nations are REALLY fighting for! As evidenced by their entire histories...not 0rwellian Doublespeak propaganda/projection!
  20. ^ Well of course China's first hierarchical RULING dynasty with live sacrifices would be from the BULL/EL/Enlil cult. The cult spread further than just E.din...although took longer and became more watered down in its furthest reaches. So, a number of areas built civilizations around the globe, creating a whole spectrum from native indigenous to exoteric Anunnaki culture. I've just singled out Christian colonialism because it is on the most extreme Anunnaki end in degree (of severity and global influence). I mean seriously, if Columbus did what he did today in any US city...he would be labeled a psychopathic, mass murdering, serial killer! This sh*t goes deep, people...and very few fish will ever notice the water they were born in! For example, one simple rule-of-thumb metric for this spectrum is the literal distance between a population's root chakra and Mother Earth on average when comfortably sitting or sh*tting. Now, on the native end of the scale: Somewhere to the right of the middle lies China...where they still squat down to sit or sh*t...use short chairs in some places...and all used to squat or sit in seiza or lotus before chairs were imported (likely) along the Silk Road back in the Tang Dynasty. And their mystery schools still preserve these practices (like MoPai Level 1)... And then you have "Western" civilization...who has been sitting and sh*tting high up on chairs since Egypt (Anunnaki stronghold). And even if they ever do sit on the ground, they usually must place some barrier down on it first like a condom. So, this UNCONSCIOUS disgust/disdain for and separation from Mother Earth is very, very ingrained into the Anunnaki colonialist culture! Natives sat down WITH Nature...exocolonialists sit ON top of Nature! Huggeee difference! Raw Nature is unpalatable, we must replace it with our synthetic aesthetic!!! Which leads us back to our predicament today...
  21. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Well, also 1st Mass Extermination of everything...else besides human overpopulation is the OPPOSITE of homicide!
  22. Racist against the Anunnaki? Because that IS simply where the trail of breadcrumbs leads back to for the origins of Christian colonialism exoterraforming and the great mass extermination of native life/culture/ethos on this planet... Which is the big question this thread really seeks to answer? What really caused this sudden turning point in the long history of this planet? Anu space invasion -> Enki & Enlil (good cop/bad cop) -> GMO invasive hybrid humans (by Enki) -> Intervention (ME handbag/knowledge/forbidden fruit/Promethean fire from "serpent" Enki) -> (Younger Dryas Deluge destroyed most of humanity) -> Humans built "Tower of Babel" stone megaliths (frightening Enlil) -> Abraham (Enlilism to counter Enkiism) -> Judaism/Christianity/Islam -> Christian colonialism -> 6th mass extinction/extermination Remember, deforestation/ecocide is just the other side of the coin to "Western" civilization/city-building...
  23. Full Lotus is a state of being.

    Lol, ORLY??? IME, I've known of only very, very few people that can maintain full lotus with ease! Although I would agree that certain abilities, like psychic energy healing, are not dependent upon it. Which is not to say it might not still enhance them, but that one can be a born natural with such abilities even without being able to sit in full lotus. Conversely, I doubt that being able to sit in full lotus easily would immediately grant those abilities, either...although it might help pave the way...? For example, I don't know this woman, but:
  24. No, those were the Promethean fire/fruits from the Tree of Knowledge...given to priests by Enki. Huh? Abraham was the mythological progenitor of the Jews (through his son Isaac) and Muslims (through his son Ishmael). But he himself was neither...but a royal-blooded Sumerian actually descended from Enki. However, he had totally defected to Enlil's side 200%, probably out of fear after witnessing the fall of his homeland, Ur. He wasn't the only progeny of Enki, either. There were still many other descendants of Enki and Enlil before and after him. Again, the main rival factions here are between Enlil and Enki. "Jews" and "Muslims" were just 1 later categorization...more like newer branches on the Sumerian tree. Enlil is the one behind elitist, hierarchical colonialism exploiting Mother Nature to the hilt... Although I wouldn't say this is that true either...given that Enki was the one tampering with Mother Nature by hybridizing humans to begin with!!!
  25. The Christian colonialist fog is slowly clearing from our brainwashed metanarrative for me... *Warning - Sitchinism ahead...feel free to ignore!* Essentially, there has been a lonnngg exoteric power struggle on Ea(Enki)-rth between 2 rival, half-brother lineages - archetypal "David"/Enki/Buddha underdog rebelling against a domineering "Goliath"/Anu/Yahweh/Enlil overlord lineage control freak (and all of his mass sheeple). Anu chose (Sumerian) Abraham as his chief general because he was the most obedient suck-up out of all his distant relatives. The lasting legacy of his busted family soap opera is the eternal, fractal global strife between half-brother (Isaac lineage) Jews & (Is-Mael lineage) Muslims for land and legitimacy... And the complete spiritual misdirection and brainwashing of all under their collective create a global dystopia. In case you wonder where all the "civilized insanity" started... And Abraham was their main middleman - amply rewarded with land, power, riches, and offspring. Basically, he would give his wife or sacrifice his own son to the highest bidder and was ballin' like a Sumerian Trump. Now periodically, there were a few, lone rebels who challenged the crushing might and temptations of the global Anu control system...but they were very few and far between! Of course, these contrarians are all branded as heathens by the Enlil lineage threatened by them...and ordered to be banned/destroyed. But, let's connect some more dots here with comparative mythology. Note the combination of these key elements in cross-cultural creation myths: Now, notice the context of the cross-cultural handbags: What you have here are 2 descendants both from an exoteric (outer space) lineage hybridizing a new race using the Bible's forbidden "tree of life" representing human double helix DNA. They are "controlled" by aliens (symbolized by wings) behind them holding handbags. YES, EL = ENLIL. Ergo, elite, Is-ra-EL, etc...all later permutations with the same connotations of the Anu/Enlil/El root lineage!