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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Watch out, fabricated war around the corner

    Lol, Israel is an illegal land-squatter with ~200 nukes and a human rights atrocity who has admitted to using white phosphorus on and organ-harvesting Palestinians. So, why is that ok and are they not the threat? Reality is, the US attacked Iraq because they started selling their oil in non-USD currency (and possibly also to recover ancient stargate technology in their "hunt" for nonexistent WMDs). Now Iran has tried doing the same thing with their oil bourse, hence the US is ready to stop that too. The reason being of course that the FRB has hijacked our money supply and replaced everything with inherently worthless fiat currency. The only thing backing it now is Mid East oil that must be sold in USD under OPEC rules. Pricing a global commodity in USD is what gives a universal value to USD. But if oil gets delinked from USD, then it could significantly correct itself and hyperinflate. "Human rights" and "democracy" are just generic excuses the US uses to justify invasions whenever they can find no better ones. For example, the US constantly chides China for human rights abuses. Yet, we actively fund Israel, which is a modern-day ethnic apartheid. And as has been noted, there are even faaaarrr worse human rights hellholes in this world too (like much of Africa). 70% of Liberian women have been raped, for example. But, when was the last time you saw the US lecturing them on human rights? Same type of tribal warfare sh*t going on here as in Darfur, but with no political angle to exploit, they don't give a f***. Of course, 99& of Americans are simply not smart enough to understand the realpolitik underlying the mass propaganda so will never see past the thin facade covering up reality called their TV screens.
  2. Taoist Contradiction?

    Well, to follow Nature you have to find your true nature first... And in the Taoist tradition, this is your prenatal (not postnatal) state. Which requires deep meditation to uncover. Even in New Age circles, it is believed that our True Selves have been obscured in this mundane realm by an Earthly veil. So, our true natures are not immediately obvious...and your normal beta wave conscious mind is just an outer wrapping for it. Much of Taoism is actually in accord with "Heavenly" nature, which runs opposite to "Earthly" nature. Hence, alchemical ascension does often reverse the "normal" processes in the descent towards death here. As far as SKF, a man who doesn't ejac is simply not going to lose from sex, not necessarily gain from the woman. In effect, a mutual non-exchange.
  3. IMO, the key to all of these is filling your centers, opening all your channels and transmuting your energy. In traditional neidan, this starts with filling your lower dantian until it overflows and opens your 8 extraordinary channels (including microcosmic orbit & kundalini awakening) and they then overflow and open your 12 meridians (macrocosmic orbit). If you attain that much, then healing and martial arts will become relatively simple applications at that point. If you haven't, then they will be much harder to make work and less effective (moreso IMA). For example, I personally don't think that "working backwards" by repeating IMA kata is going to open your energy body very efficiently. That's why many IMAs can't beat external stylists even after decades of practice. All form, no gong = "useless". Might as well rely upon an external style at this undeveloped stage... BTW, neidan traditionally also requires a lot of sexual restraint (basically celibacy).
  4. Question on qi gong and dreams

    I doubt the OP is really at this stage yet, but:
  5. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    I'm theorizing that IMA are basically useless until you have opened your microcosmic orbit...and not very effective until you've opened your macrocosmic orbit too? Anyone agree? Otherwise, you can sit there and "relax" all you want, but without being full of qi to "inflate" your loose limbs...they will just be limp & weak. Yes?
  6. More on haunted houses

    Single (yin) females with no male (yang) presence in their households are naturally more vulnerable to ghosts (yin entities). And depressed single females with emotional issues are especially prone to such entities, and even possession. Throw in some bad feng shui too...and you're asking for some trouble. Also, in Asia, a house probably simply wouldn't have even been built there under those conditions.
  7. Well, that assertion would certainly be a great self-serving one for Barry. "Hey baby, let me "heal" you with my magical pen0r!!!" So, one wonders how accurate that and Clara's scare-mongering "neo-feminist" claim that men leave "energetic tapeworms" inside women really are? And even if that were true, men would probably still be the shortchanged ones considering the amount of jing lost by men with each deposit. Not to mention, the whole evolutionary point of sex is procreation and giving the best to the potential baby. So, it would be only logical if BOTH partners gave up stuff during sex - but ultimately to the BABY, not each other. Only when you view sex from strictly a hedonistic, self-centered perspective might you feel it's so "unfair." But, what's a baby but a giant parasite anyways, right? Well, women used to be discouraged from casual sex - but then feminists complained that they were being sexually oppressed by "patriarchal" men. So, they "sexually-liberated" themselves and now enjoy casual sex like frat boys. And, why should they be warned against "energetic tapeworms," when I've never even heard of that before (outside of Castaneda's work)? Let's hear some proof of this before we start sounding the alarm bells here, lol. Moreso (and ironically), Taisha Abelar was one of Carlos's "witch" lovers - of whom he had a handful. Who also disappeared shortly after his death. But, I guess she and her fellow groupies had no problem accepting Carlos's tapeworms - that she cautions other women against? Point being, while Carlos and his witches may not be the most authoritative sources here. It's common knowledge now that he is a cultural fraud who fictionalized his work, although I have heard that it does still contain some good insights. But everything probably should be questioned and taken with a grain of salt...not blindly accepted as carved in stone. Anyhow, an interesting fact about Marvin Gaye's famous song:
  8. Lucky guy, congrats!!! I'd be a little careful with the pop SKF, though. Actively rerouting postnatal jing could be tricky and risky. That whole area is still rather vague to me (and many others as well). Some might consider that a bit of a left-hand path and that once your prenatal jing has been converted (by lust or sex) into postnatal jing, it's already gone down the wrong fork in the road (as opposed to getting transmuted directly into yang qi). Again, lots of hearsay here though.. Personally, I would focus more on opening my macrocosmic orbit, than SKF, at your stage. But, you're ahead of me and so what the hell do I know?
  9. At the end of the day, that's the main question. What can she actually DO and how much of it can she reliably teach/transmit? That said, her curriculum does seem to include various energetic practices and is not just a weekend's for a whole WEEK. So, $850 is not outrageously excessive for that (at least here in the States). In fact, considering that it includes room, board, tuition & 2 textbooks - all for just $106.25/day - that's actually a great deal! I might even consider going now just for the hell of it at that rate, lol. Again though, what has she tangibly attained in her own life and practice? Radiant health, healing powers, immortality, enlightenment? At least opened her MCO and kundalini?
  10. Relaxation, attentiveness, visualization

    WOW, thanks! That totally explains intent in a crystal-clear way to me (that was otherwise always too intellectually vague)... BRILLIANT!!! I think more points should be dumbed down with real-life "childlike" examples - because scholarly concepts simply aren't real.
  11. macrocosmic orbit

    Would doing this also help open the microcosmic orbit, or would it be better to focus on filling up the dantien for that first...and THEN doing this to open up the macrocosmic once your microcosmic has been opened?
  12. About Tarahumara way of life

    I wouldn't necessarily say their diet is poor at all. Although they may have picked up some vices (beer & cigs?), their core diet sounds quite healthy. And they also eat a lot of chia (salba) seeds - billed as a "superfood" now. Not to mention the key fact that most of their food is all unprocessed. Another possible factor may also be the intense Darwinism that "weeds out" all but the most naturally-robust villagers due to the presence of so many powerful environmental stressors there. IOW, it may be that only such robust individuals can survive such hardy lifestyles, not that the lifestyles alone are making them all so robust. BTW, I believe that man first "invented" booze simply as a way to keep stored water sterile (before other technologies). It's not that it was inherently healthier...just that it was healthier than rancid water. So, it was merely a lesser of evils.
  13. Leading Qi to the teeth

    You may also try boosting your kidneys and clearing your kidney meridians...
  14. Pushing past resistance

    I've grown to be a bit wary of "Western pop" New Age gurus. Many seem to overcommercialize ancient traditions that they are underqualified to conduct and pass down. Whereas in indigenous cultures, there's more codified training to accomplish before one is deemed a qualified "guide" or "master." Things usually still work out ok, but with a lack of experience and decreased safety factors...risk gets "imperceptibly" increased along the outer boundaries of these experiences. Hence, harmful effects aren't really seen until they start pushing things too hard or incremental damage builds up over an extended period of time (like with smoking)... I think from this standpoint, the post-colonialist fantasy where a clueless outsider can infiltrate a minority native tribe and master their ways in just a matter of weeks...can be an arrogant and even dangerous one. And underlying this fantasy is also a postmodern "deficit-spending" mentality of instant gratification and "something for nothing" (see "The Secret"). Which may often lead one to take risky "shortcuts" or "overspend" and (often unknowingly) run up various forms of debt (that must be paid back later). Anyhow, I think it's fine to dabble in the New Age fads (like snacks)...but ideally your foundational main course will consist of a more sustaining, time-tested fare.
  15. The Humble Beginning of an Immortal

    So, you've studied his book and some of your methods are based on it?
  16. Taoist Practices

    Well as you said, a large amount of Taoism got wiped out by the Marxist Cultural Revolution in China. So, many torches did not get passed down, even in China. And of the masters who fled overseas, most are older and can speak only Chinese. This of course makes passing the torch down to anyone here who cannot also speak Chinese far more difficult. Not to mention that these authentic masters are very few in number, to begin with. So, I think due to the very limited access to these rare masters, many monolingual Americans relied upon books in the 80s & 90s and the internet now for what little Taoist instruction they can get. Thing is, Taoism tends to attract more solitary seekers, not masses of blind followers. It's not heavily commercialized and "pushy" like evangelical religions. Water seeks its own level and Taoism is like the water vapor up in the clouds... Just outta curiosity, who is your master, btw? And what has he attained?
  17. Cold Water Therapy (Fascinating!)

    Well, there's also generally no hot water even available in Chinese monasteries (as well as other places), so I'm not sure that would be entirely by
  18. Regarding Dao Zou

    I love how Matt over-commercializes simple stuff that Chinese folks generously show him for free, lol... I have heard about some similar practices - where you just do standing qigong and then you will often naturally start stumbling backwards... However, that is a natural, not deliberate, reaction.
  19. A third eye technique, anyone tried this?

    Where exactly is the 3rd eye? I have a sense that it is more towards the top of my forehead, like right where it starts curving back from the flat part. Similar to this description: And about where these ancient heads show: Anyone else know exactly where theirs is??
  20. Very interesting, I would like to know what exactly caused his death? Particularly from an energetic or TCM standpoint? I think it does raise some questions about qigong and lengthened or shortened lifespans - given a number of other notable examples... And I wonder if DSV might have anything to say about it, given that he learned XSZ from him?
  21. Yes, there seems to be a lot of confusion about various "jing" here...since the actual distinguishing characters and tones get omitted in the translation.. Power The jin in "fajin" is 勁, which means power. Fa means to emit. So, fajin means to emit or discharge power. This term is used primarily in IMA, not neidan. Lifeforce The jing from the alchemical "jing-qi-shen" context is 精. In my interpretation, it is our personal lifeforce. IOW, it carries our energetic identity, just like sperm carries our unique DNA. And whereas qi or blood is more interchangeable and can be "transfused," I don't think jing can be (and certainly not sperm, lol). Prenatal jing is bestowed upon us by our parents and that amount is fixed (perhaps like a piggybank), I believe. At this stage, it is not really "sexual" per se yet - but simply lifeforce. Now if we get turned on, then this prenatal jing can convert to postnatal jing and seek sexual release. But if we cultivate it instead, we can convert it into yang qi. In short, we have the option of passing it on down to our hypothetical kids through sex...or using it for our own rejuvenation and growth. Simply retaining without cultivating accomplishes neither, though (but might even foster stagnation). Jing is normally stored in the shèn (肾), which is a functional TCM term that often includes the testicles along with the kidneys... Channels "Jingluo" (经络) means meridians. "Jing" means channels and "luo" implies communication. So, meridians can be interpreted as "communication channels." This "jing" is also the same "jing" as in Neijing Tu (內经图). "Nei" meaning internal and "tu" meaning drawing. Hence, Neijing Tu means "Internal Channels Drawing." Classic In addition, this 经 also has another meaning, too - "classic" (text). Hence, this is also the same "jing" as in the Dao De Jing or Yi Jing. Ok, I think that's about it. Everybody thoroughly confused, yet?
  22. The sound of one hand clapping

    What is the sound of a meaningless thought?
  23. A begginers book to tao anyone?

    Are you saying that you've cleared all your meridians and fully formed your yang shen jalus? If so, can you provide any tangible evidence or demos of this?