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    John Dao Productions

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  1. The two gentler layers (above), so simple and short. If I do 2-3 breaths at each Ren acupt that I choose, I can easily activate a sampling of acupts along the abdomen. This is easy enough to do any time. (the #3 vertebral joint opening much more rarely, and only before bed) I find that all of my more traditional abdominal practices, as well as standing & practices in general, have benefited.
  2. Software issues.

    Sean goes by Jules, now. Same person site owner, different name. Oh, and f'in' bravo! that the site is running stable fast & smooth now. relieved ... was causing me background anxiety, lol - Keith
  3. Software issues.

    Reports of good speed, functionality lately ... same for everyone? Holding steady?
  4. Introduction

    Welcome, Yuluka. - Trunk
  5. New to the group

    Welcome, Shane. - Trunk
  6. Old person

    hello, Ian.
  7. Software issues.

    Just now, at least, the site did everything quickly. My observation is that there has been improvement, but occasional snag at this/that feature (hoping all resolved?) ... How are the rest of you experiencing TDBs site performance, now and very recently? - Trunk
  8. To the Mods

    We've been having some technical difficulties. Apologies for the bother, Thanks for your patience, Trunk
  9. Hopefully this is my last post on this, get it off my mind ... REN, exploring some ideas ... 1. I'm cautious about "flowing" energy through channels. Yeah, I do it some, but also cautious ... do I know which direction? it really goes?, or should go? Often, "nope". Specifically regarding ren, some Ch.medical texts say that there's a branch of ren that goes up. (My experience is that there's flow - at least in the vicinity of ren - that goes up and down) 2. I do like activating points, deepening the alchemy that happens at a point ... and then the energy goes where ever it goes from there. 3. I do find connecting to the center to be reliably refining. 4. The "ming lines", and the general integration of front ~ back I find to be progressive. Not merely the loop-d'-loop of the orbit. Consider in regards to the above.
  10. re: this marrow-washing the spine part (of course thereā€™s a million spine exercises, why is this one cool?) : Consider that various tension & trauma can get all the way to the spine ā€¦ that results in some chronic ā€˜holdingā€™ right at the spine, at the root of a nerve plexus .. and how that inhibits healing, perpetuates tension/trauma from the core outward. Iā€™d say, also, that the vulnerable abdomen is a very layered protection system, and thereā€™s a lot of survival strategy holding trauma at various layers, so that it doesnā€™t go further. Ok, bottom line: spine holding tension. Goal: getting the vertebral joint to let go of that tension and to gently open (just a little). This method avoids recruiting surrounding musculature. Usually, youā€™re twisting and bending the spine - all cool, healthy ā€¦ but part of that is that youā€™re employing muscular tension at *some* angle of the spine. The alternative to this is traction, pulling vertically on the spine, and we often do it by hanging from our hands or feet and thereā€™s stretching and it feels good ā€¦ but, still, a lot of supportive surrounding musculature is recruited: The vertebra donā€™t fully relax and let go. The trick in this method is to press down gently enough so that one vertebral joint *might* open, and it opens only with the application of basic alchemical elements: sustained focused attention and breath. 1. tiny bit of vertical traction + 2. sustained focus + 3. breathing = provides the condition where the vertebra ā€œfeels safeā€ and relaxes, opens, on itā€™s own. It ā€œlets goā€ of that tension under safe conditions. (It does NOT feel like ā€œpulled openā€.) ime, when this happens - the ā€œopeningā€ is small ā€¦ Iā€™m saying 1-2mm guesstimate - but it is palpable The inter-vertebral joint ā€œletā€™s goā€ of the tension, opens, and naturally sucks in essence which pulses the stack of vertebral marrow nā€™ bouncy pads. Itā€™s a marrow washing practice whose structure (the marrowy vertebral stack w/rubbery pads) naturally supports the pulsing of jing. Naturally refines the jing, you donā€™t have to ā€œdoā€ anything once the process is triggered. Feels good, heals the nerve plexuses starting at the roots. (If you have trauma stored in layers, expect that it will soothe and loosen and may be painful coming out.) When this first started to happen, especially, I needed to do it before rest/sleep. Significant spinal adjustment, delicate, just needed to be still with it. In general, I think itā€™s best before bed/resting, though I do mix it up some. re-emphasize to be gentle through this whole process. Youā€™re making adjustments right at the spine level in a open relaxed way: very vulnerable. Donā€™t rough up through this process, nor use this practice as warmup for more rigorous work. Exercise caution. Trunk
  11. Context, on my previous post above. a few quick thoughts My experience, and I think that it's typical of others, coming up through popular presentations of the orbit, etc. is ... 1. Some exposure to the m.orbit, often by shooting energy up the back. It's easy, and people tend to learn it first. 2. Later a revision of that approach by emphasizing the establishment of the lower dan tien. Both of those approaches (while important pieces) typically leave gaps: - the abdominal work in general gets put off until later (when often trouble has accumulated) - Ren gets neglected, overall (until later). Ren acupoints tend to not get activated. - the sinewy aspects of the spine are emphasized (the back) and the bone-marrow-alternating-with-rubbery-discs stack (front) aspect of the spine is de-emphasized. There's a semi-missed marrow washing opportunity there. While the idea of "jing up the spine" is nothing new, taking a detailed look at spinal anatomy clarifies the denser aspects of this rich organic chain as structurally apt for processing the pulsing of jing. (Not merely whooshing it around). the Yin of the Spine There are deep practices, in various traditions, to address the abdomen deeply. Worth while exploring - but they also tend to be rather difficult, long term projects to really get. I found that the methods that I presented above (prev. post) give a few very accessible tips, that anyone can easily implement. Simple easy tools.
  12. ~ a year later, and I'm still finding the original premise (orig post link below) of this thread to be fresh and progressive in my practices, and consideration of principles. Much to say and pressed for time ... considering, reviewing, the abdomen in Daoist terms ... - sinew changing - opening the channels and tissues - ren and ren acupoints - vertabral marrow washing Basically just going in from the front, kind of dan tien breathing, all up & down major pts of the abdomen (pubic bone to solar plexus). Layers: All in concert with breathing & stabilized attention. 1. More physical. 2. More energetic. 3. Core and vertebral. 1. More physical. Touching, pressing with finger to sensitize musculature at a pt. It's also self-acupressure. Touching w/ finger tip is such a simple technique, and so effective. One of those simple things that, duh!, I should'a could'a done from the very beginning. 2. More Energetic. Gentler touch, or slightly not-touching, = more energetic in through the ren pt. 3. Vertebral joints. stabalized attn, space and a *little* traction to *gently* open vertebral joints. I find that this approach emphasizes the bulky front "marrow" of the spine. "Opening the joints" of the spine in this way naturally sucks up jing into the vertebral space and triggers a pulsing through the vertabral chain of marrow & rubbery pads. Naturally, effortlessly, refining jing, healing the roots of the nerve plexuses ... right at the spine. Still in an editing phase with these pictures and ideas, any kicking around, discussing, experimenting feedback appreciated. Trunk
  13. DGS's Dizzying DVD Collection

    his videos are a treasure
  14. The Totally Boring News Thread

    I have two egg rolls left.
  15. Staff changes 8/2024

    while this process individually, as a group, as a culture often in the thick of it: slow, frustrating yet also tremendously rich satisfying inspiring worth while I look out over the quality of progress since '86 in the Earthling Bookstore what's available, what people bring to the table TDBs has been luckily positioned to participate substantially in whateverthisallis, very grateful. I'm happy glad relieved that the staff transition is so smooth. several staying, two going, two arriving, a bit o' re-shuffle almost like nothing happened, *whew* special thanks to @zerostao for introducing Sifu Matsuo special thanks to everyone who has ever contributed on staff thank you to each for sharing your practice - Trunk