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Everything posted by Trunk

  1. Hejinghan video

    bumped into youtube videos by this guy, not just this one video, but a number of his. 5gh1hA8QN5w another video on the same movement; it's a heaven & earth qi gong movement CeYgI8G1zmM
  2. Shift Happens

    No better time to join the neo-amish underground! Luddites unite! tree-huggin' dirt worshiper
  3. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    Well, foremost, the conversations need to be held in the context of priority. Mostly, at large, we lack coherent understanding and method of spiritual progression. That is way, way higher priority than the minor interpersonal ruffles. I mean, if we can't get through basic communication and brush the chips off of our shoulders in order to focus on real work, then there is really no hope. Second, personally, I see Sean's communications as relatively patient and clear. There are some occasional mis-statements, loss of patience, but he's been in a swarm of bees here and he's only human - to me he seems to be speaking as clearly as anyone else, with more patience than most. Where he's lacking, I think, is that he lacks historical experience with this group - and is taking for granted that we're all fresh off the HT/Winn boat, where-as the group as a whole has gone through quite a number of years & varied cycles of explorations since that trip. .. and are wiser for it. (Not accounting for the people who've shown up from totally different backgrounds.) Also, his experience has been HT crap followed by exposure to very very accomplished Chinese medical practitioners and Cultivators. That's a radical contrast, and perhaps the extremity of that contrast plays out to some degree in his communications towards TTB's crowd. Acquired conditioning and playing out of psychology, like everyone. (And, I'm just going from what little I see of SeanD as posted here. So, take it as my slightly-less-than 2 cents.) It's a getting-to-know-each-other process. I just hope that people keep their sense of humor (and take rests), so we can get through this, as I think that in three to five years - as more students go to study with SeanD's teachers and practice, progress, and their group grows and matures - that that can have a fundamental change for the better on this whole scene.
  4. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    Agreed. All kidding and community-human-interaction-complications aside, it seems clear that SeanD is hooked up with a very high level authentic lineage that is transmitting both method and principle, along the lines we've all been interested in for many years. And, up to this point, it's been nearly impossible to get decent information - to the contrary (etc).
  5. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    * staggered, shaken by clever reparte and trumped level * Darn, you, SeanDenty!!!! * Logs off, heads for nearest cold root beer. *
  6. Serious Offer

    (never heard that adjective before) .. compared with .. actually attractive, want-to-spend-time-in-bed-with, and wonderful to be around.
  7. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    Them's fightin' words!
  8. Sun Do (Korean Mountain Taoism)

    Perhaps some of the Sundo Newsletters would give some first-hand accounts? I've heard that their retreats are physically rigorous, so prepare, and that the practitioners tend to be pretty focused, interesting, accomplished. I've met Master Kim at some introductory workshops in the LA area, and have been very impressed by him. His energy is very smooth, very integral, if you have an eye for body development his training really shows, and - character-wise - he's easy to be around, good sense of humor, obviously focused. Sundo is not fizzy, sensationalized, sparkly-packaged-to-sell. Authentic system. Obviously, make sure you contact Sundo to get full details about the retreat.
  9. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    As with everyone else, kudos to your dedication, and none of the following is meant to damper it, but to sharpen it. The problem in your approach that seems most prominent to me is naivete. That you picked up a book and expected to get the full results as advertised, and on schedule ... leaves me speechless. I have a hard time knowing where to even start, other than to say: it generally doesn't work that way. I'm not saying that you got a-hold of a bad book, but that your bullshit detector is sorely under-developed, with which you might be able to make better use of that - and other - books. (Also, obviously, as other people have said - study with an authentic teacher if you're anywhere near that dedicated. It'll save you decades at minimum.) The spiritual path is something that's a lifetime path (lifetimes, according to some traditions, and the learning curve certainly suggests that length). "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."
  10. Can anyone recommend good Tai Chi DVDs?

    I've owned two of Dunn's videos, and liked them a lot, recommend them.
  11. coconut

    Here in LA, I find bottles of coconut oil at Indian and middle eastern markets. It's very yummy, and I cook with it and occasionally have a spoonful. Also great for massages.
  12. Well written!, good points.
  13. Straight from the horse's mouth...

    from my blog.. Also, the talks at
  14. best "mini yoga" asana routines

    "The One-Minute PreMeditation Warm-up". * sweet * I'm all for a "Best Shortest Routines" thread... is this it???? Nothing over 5 minutes qualifies.
  15. Intro from Cheya

    Hadn't heard of that book prior. Looks really interesting, good reviews. Welcome aboard!
  16. Whiskey and beer

    I was just looking at online videos from the HBO series "Addiction".
  17. Wing Chun?

    I don't have first-hand enough expertise to comment, but I've been around other experienced martial artists who've commented that wing chun is effective, formidable.* 2nd hand 2 cents *
  18. Thanking other beings and calling on them

    Important, keeping in contact with enlightened cause, on a regular basis.
  19. Don't get discouraged. What I started experimenting with here, "bouncing the front line" - and some of the work with the smaller rubber balls - is very aggressive (one of the most aggressive methods I've shared on this board, ever, btw), and I didn't quite realize it at the time. I think there's softer ways to approach this stuff, gradually.
  20. Maybe worth going to a large sporting goods store, and a large kids toy store to see what's available. Yup, I think the variations are virtually endless. -- later edit -- In any case, I can send you the others no problem.
  21. Happy Birthday Sean!

    Hey, you! Happy Birthday!
  22. post deleted

    Hilarious follow-up avoided.
  23. I wasn't pressing with full weight, just a decent shove. These are inflated rubber balls, not foam (not sure if you're using the word "foam" to mean "rubber"). I can send you some, PM me your address.
  24. Aloha

    Welcome! What sort of Chinese Brush Painting do you do? Calligraphy? Landscapes?, ... It's always seemed such a beautiful practice.