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Everything posted by Trunk

  1. Testicle Pearl Breathing

    a few more thoughts (and experiential progress) on this... Typical male sexual disharmonies revolve around "dense heat". Application of "cool air" is on-target heteropathy. This is the best qi gong effect I've experienced for cooling my jets. Also I feel more broad LDT healing. Add to that that the physical pulsing along the low line is strong and the ojas -> brain slam would make any junkie happy. => A pretty good morning orgasm substitute. Still really important to get lumbar to ming-men & kidney integration, and I've had moderate success w/ that. I can get there, but not as consistently, deeply, fluently as I'd like. I've had a little trouble opening the dynamics really all the way up through. This evening it strikes me that yi swallows qi might make a good topper.
  2. Kuan Yin from a Taoist Perspective

    Yup. Part of how I've been exploring, here.
  3. Happy Holidays!

    Merry Krishna
  4. What is a Bindu?

    p.s. Read the "Core Vessel" essays on this page for more about the bindu (from my pt of view).
  5. What is a Bindu?

    imho ... Bindus are potent subtle "drops" that reside along sushumna, are at the inner-most center of chakras, and - of all of subtle anatomy - are especially key to integrating with Vast Light. They have a special resonance w/ Vast Light and as that connection is activated they play the role of crucial spark plugs that Light up the Light Body... that is, properly Lighting up the chakras and the human sphere. Bindus are super key, sort of a rosetta stone of subtle anatomy in that many esoteric practices, systems, processes will make sense once you get an understand the bindu ~ Big Light connection.
  6. Totally allowed. I was not speaking as a moderator, only as a person speaking my feelings of the moment.
  7. Yeah, I was thinking/feeling the same - that I contributed to. Maybe we can all agree that there's plenty to legitimately bitch about - and that it'd be more fun to focus positively.
  8. What helps me relax and sleep, and assimilate new energies: .. before going to bed .. - self-acupressure (various places, whatever feels good, not getting into level of acupoint selection here) - stretch
  9. I'm surprised and glad to hear this. Not being a Catholic, probably I hear only the "news-worthy" (awful) things - and undoubtedly many people take up virtuous acts, inspired by their Catholic faith. yay! Still, the first things that jump to my mind are corruption and hypocrisy, entrenched in religious-political structure. Given the shell game they've played re: molestation, they've lost credibility. Sarah Silverman inspires me more to raise a flag and do good work. This next one not about Catholics, just very cool.
  10. Christopher Hitchens died at 62

    RIP Christopher Hitchens. I always appreciated hearing him speak and felt he added greatly to the conversation. Nice vid.
  11. Max Christensen Interview

    Here is the page that the interview is on and here is a direct link to the mp3 itself. I know that I probably focus on my criticisms to the extent that it blocks out my more rounded view - in that I know that many of Max's students receive benefit from his compassion and by applying the methods that he teaches. Congrats to you Cameron towards your adventures, global and otherwise. May each find their own way, Keith
  12. TTB Song project

    If you have a pc, then the freeware "audacity" is standard and lays down multiple tracks, easy to use. (About to listen to your stuff right now and I'm down for this idea )
  13. Hot Tea

    Health effects of tea. (wiki article)
  14. Testicle Pearl Breathing

    Thanks for the info. I remember that James McConnell (sharp fellow, imo), yrs ago on another board, was emphatic about testicle breathing - that it was critical and should be done all day and night, even during sleep. I assume that he got something out of it that we didn't, that maybe I'm getting now with this slightly different approach. ... anyway. All this stuff, more effective if you do the physical massage (vas deferens, etc) first.
  15. Testicle Pearl Breathing

    This Nan Huai-Chin? Curious which book/s(?). Nice phrase, and that's my experience too - though I've experienced it mainly through KYMQ. Lately tried your suggestion and . Took me decades. Changed everything. The knowledge along that line is sort of the rosetta stone in that, once known, many other things make sense and fall into place and things at least begin to, well, actually... work.
  16. Testicle Pearl Breathing

    Neither pearl work nor the central channel's (sushumna's) relationship w/ Emptiness & Light are referred to explicitly in the Kwan Yin Magnetic Qiqong dvd. However, the mechanics and results of KYMQ are toward harmonizing diverse energies into sushumna. Also, one of the KYMQ movements specifically (and *very* effectively) results in an alternate concentrating / expanding in relation to points along sushumna - and that's part of what inspired the tangent exploration of this thread. If you want to talk more directly about Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong, it has its own thread. For me, the texts that clarified deeper theory were: 1. Tsongkhapa's Six Yogas of Naropa If you can see through the typically Tibetan ornate detail to the simpler principles.. well, that book was really big for me. Really even just that you should dissolve in sushumna. 2. Cleary's version of The Secret of the Golden Flower.
  17. Testicle Pearl Breathing

    For me, the quality & dynamics of the pearl have changed significantly over the years... prompted initially by understanding that (at least the center of) the pearl should dissolve into emptiness and Light. That connects with deeper principles, uh... more fundamental refining agents. I used to subtley hold onto the pearl as a source of nourishment and simply didn't know to let it dissolve into nothing, how that relates to the potencies along central channel and how they integrate w/ Emptiness & LIght.
  18. Acupressure

    Most popular acupressure books are exactly that. - Have a headache? Massage acupoints xyz. - Have a blahblah? Massage abc. Cruise for such & read reviews. I'm more interested in "how do I gradually open all of my channels?" with no specific ailment in mind. Also, of course, the sex stuff. Section at my site has some miscellaneous that might be of some help.
  19. Testicle Pearl Breathing

    I've been tinkering further with "pearl breathing", applying it to - the tip of the penis (there's a chakra there, some say) - gonads - huiyin then doing sacrum work (sacrum breathing + maybe exercising the muscles around the sacrum), then doing basic lower dan tien breathing. Gathering air-qi into those critical places along the lower-most horizontal line of the torso has freed things up a bit. Integrates that whole line. I've been enjoying the more meditative experience of hui yin, ... p.s. Next obvious major station is kidneys & ming men.
  20. I'm the invisible man

    ~~~ TTBs Moderation Team ~~~ BloodyWarrior has been banned and a number of his trolling posts have been deleted. Very rare that we delete anything, but this was just blatant troll-flaming. - Trunk ~~~ Mod Squad out ~~~
  21. Refining Qi to Shen

    ~~~ TTBs Moderation Team ~~~ BW has been moved to the "Banned" group. - Trunk ~~~ Mod Squad out ~~~
  22. Hot Tea

    I'm going the pig-route and enjoying volume, like 7-10 mugs a day (especially enjoying warm left-over in the morning). I feel better when I'm chuggin' water for at least several days in a row. .. isn't there some health literature about that? ~ edit ~ Oh, man, we need a similar cooking thread! p.s. Pls provide links when mentioning your favorite stuff, makes it easy for the rest of us to explore.
  23. Tibetan Empty Force Master Tzun Tzun Hsue

    Done. Nice post, very generous, btw. +1