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About dwai

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    Tadekam evadvitiyam

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  1. Software issues.

    Issues should be resolved now. We were able to reach Jules and they’ve fixed the issue (disk ran out of space due to a log file getting full)
  2. Software issues.

    Are folks still getting the timeout issue? Things seem to have been better for the past 24 hrs for me.
  3. I think the teachings themselves have not been "secret" but are only limited to those worthy of them. Who can decide about a seeker's worthiness? One who has been authorized to teach can. If they have been authorized, the assumption is that they also have the capacity to discern between casual seekers vs. thrill seekers vs. spiritual crows vs. genuine seekers (there are many more categories, I'm sure).
  4. Software issues.

    Trunk left a voicemail for Jules on the number he had, and afaik hasn't heard back yet.
  5. Software issues.

    It is likely an issue on the server side. There’s no indication in the logs that point to a DOS/DDOS.
  6. Software issues.

    Also, as an alternative, those interested can sign up here - https://www.daosnet.com/ This is my own site that I created, run and maintain. It's not been active for a few years, but at least I own and control its destiny.
  7. Software issues.

    I'm trying to get hold of Sean through various channels. I don't want to upgrade the site without taking a full backup first, as there is the risk of potentially losing years' worth of content. Unfortunately, we don't have the option to create a backup from the admin console, it has to be done at the server level, which is hosted by Sean (and only he has access to it).
  8. Sorry

    Please link the ones you want removed. NVM, I found and deleted the ones you didn't have any text in.
  9. Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

    GuiKang's is the correct version Bindi needs to use a better AI bot
  10. God is not love

    Actually, it won't It is a logical fallacy to apply modern/current social norms on historical events.
  11. God is not love

    The upanishads were transmitted in verse not prose. All the ancient teachings were transmitted that way - having a specific meter, intonation, etc. Why? Song-format is easier to memorize than prose.
  12. God is not love

  13. God is not love

    Ah, but she was a great sage in her own right...so she didn't divorce him
  14. God is not love

    I'd written an aritcle about this a while back - https://www.medhajournal.com/non-dual-awareness-is-without-attributes-but-what-about-love/
  15. Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

    Good luck 👍🏾