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Everything posted by dwai

  1. Perception. What comprises perception?
  2. Is it merely silence and is that an experience? I will not answer this question at this stage of the thread
  3. Setting aside the opinions on Papaji, From the Ashtavakra Samhita, I get what this thread indicates. It is not a rant against the "foolish unawakened" masses...it is a pointer to what already is WRT "Tat Tvam Asi", is it not an encouragement. It is an exhortation to the individual -- Don't think for one moment that you are NOT the Brahman. You Are That! The Practice is not chanting "I am Brahman", but after realizing what IS Brahman, abiding in continuously.
  4. Interesting. How can that be? No time?
  5. I'd suggest that she evaluate what she got. Is it really "nothing" or just that there's no "label" that seems to fit it? Cool. Do you get a feel for whether it is only transitory or is it always available? Is that, what is, a thing? Can it ever be a thing? An object of inspection? I'm just the messenger
  6. Feeling involves thought too, doesn't it? What do you get without thinking?
  7. Very nice, albeit it'd be good if you were able to narrow down a reason why you can't find the identity. What DO YOU/CAN YOU know about that which you can't identify?
  8. You get mountain, lake, sky, sun without thinking?
  9. It would be great if we could explore why you can't find an identity in such a short time.
  10. Yes...it does help. One finds out where to "look"... However, the process of awakening to realize one was already awake seems to be necessary too (for most) This is a path that requires neither space nor time to travel, but yet people seem to spend years and travel far and wide to get there...
  11. Care to elaborate on that? What did you get in terms of your identity?
  12. That is also the outcome of having the realization that subject-object are not separate imho. Albeit, the degree and depth of the realization is also a big factor.
  13. Non duality is NOT a thing. It is not something we can use our sense organs to experience as an object. It is a shift in awareness. From subject-object duality to the realization that subject and object are not essentially separate. It is a position taught in Buddhism, and in the hindu traditions in Advaita Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism.
  14. Reality vs. Unreality

    Because of our everyday experiences we assume that the waking body is the "real" one, the dream body only in our imagination and the body rests (mind hibernates) in deep sleep. But what if there is a deep sleep body (Causal body) that is merged into nescience, and from it arises a subtle body (dream world) and subsequently it solidifies further into a physical body (waking world)? What if what we consider to be the primary envelope of living/experiencing is actually just a side-effect of a larger envelope of reality in a much vaster dimension?
  15. american chakra

    It's a lot of fun to bathe like this. When I was a kid I used to bathe at a hand pump (called Tube Well) station near my grandpa's home in Calcutta with my cousins (summer-break). Oh and we do bathe every day (sometimes more than once a day )
  16. There are three types of Kundalini awakening, depending on the type of ego of the person. For the sattvic ego, there is the chit-kundalini awakening. The Sattvic ego finds jnāna yoga easier to practice. For the rajasic ego, there is the prana-kundalini awakening. The Rajasic ego finds rāja yoga easier to practice. The third type of kundalini awakening is very rare. It is called parā-kundalini. It is supposed to happen at the universal mind level, after awakening. http://premnirmal.blogspot.com/2010/09/secrets-of-kundalini.html
  17. What Happened? Nothing!

    duality of substantial and insubstantial - heavy and light, hard and soft, hot and cold, full and empty and so on. Specific type of substantiality-insubstantiality - Consciousness-Energy.
  18. https://www.medhajournal.com/what-happened-nothing/
  19. Only way to find out if its real or false is to awaken.