Eric Yudelove

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Posts posted by Eric Yudelove

  1. Dear Cat:

    I love and adore my beautiful Sparkle.

    She is my inspiration to do all the dirty deeds I'm famous for.

    She even calls me Dragon Master.

    Does it get more dubious than that?


    Eric Yudelove


    I really have a soft spot for men whose wives love them, as long as they really love their wives back. If dubious is what turns up on the menu when the kitchens run out of toe the line, so be it.


    I remember reading once "until you lose your reputation you never realise what a burden it was.."

    So dont change your name to Jesse James, then you'd be saddled with an regular fixed identity, as it stands, you are free as what you are and a challenge to others to find their own way to the character beyond the rep.

    Divine Providence likes a question mark here and there, I reckon, and some of them embodied.


  2. All the rumors are true and you haven't even heard the really bad stuff. I was even left back at the Taoist Immortality University, they called me to come forth and get some enlightenment and I came 5th.

    Lucky for me my wife loves me, but she's even more dubious then me. You shouldn't know from it.

    I'm considering changing my name to Jessie James Yudelove.

    Thanks be it to Divine Providence that I have a good heart.


    Eric Yudelove



    Hello, smile.gif


    I havent seen any dubious behaviour from him, myself. Before this forum was born I read his Tree of Life book and it was very good, so I was working from "Sexual Yoga", which I found brilliant. I dropped him an email, and he answered and we had a fairly long email exchange in which he was unfailingly helpful, charming and friendly.


    One of the qualities which strikes me very strongly about Eric Yudelove is his heart quality. I find he has a very full and expressive heart energy well integrated with his intellect.


    I know there are a lot of rumours about Eric and I understand he is not averse to some coyote behaviour.



    I am always amused by the stories of zen masters hitting their students with sticks when they ask questions instead of practising, and I like the notion of callow students waiting by a tree for a good few years to pass the endurance test before the master unlocks the door.


    So I am not concerned by a bit of sound and fury, I dont even think it's a bad thing.


    I dont think anyone has ever implied Eric's practises are dubious, btw.

  3. Hi cat. smile.gif


    Master Eric Yudelove's dubious behavior on TTB precludes me from seriously considering his works. wacko.gif


    To all you civil servant Taoists:

    I may be dubious but I love it.


    Eric Yudelove

  4. Hi Eric,


    I have a copy of your book "Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy" and it's very informative and interesting. Are you still active at writing or teaching?



    One day, Bohun Wuren went to see the philosopher Liezi.

    But as soon as he saw all the shoes laid outside of Liezi's house he turned and walked away.

    A servant saw Bohun Wuren do this and called to his master Liezi that a guest had appeared but was leaving instead of entering.

    Liezi rushed outside and when he saw that it was Bohun Wuren, he called out:

    "Master Bohun, you've come all this way, why don't you come inside and teach me?"

    Bohun Wuren stopped and turned to Liezi and told him:

    "I cannot do this.I told you before to keep the light within yourself and not to let others see it. You are gathering followers instead of keeping them away.

    One who knows does not speak but one who speaks does not know. You had to go and reveal your brightness and attract all these people. You show petty intelligence instead of great wisdom."

    Then he turned and walked away.


    Eric Yudelove

  5. While my wife Sparkle was doing some writing, preparing for her next book, I came up with a very short scenerio that really told a complete story that requires some active use of the imagination.

    Upon reflection I saw how it might be the shortest short story.




    What if you were transported to a planet where flowers were the dominent species and you just ate a flower.


    Eric Yudelove

  6. I was one of Mantak Chia's original American students. I started studying with him in 1981 and studied with him for over 20 years. I also studied with a number of other teachers but not to the same extent.

    In 1999, Chia named me a master and I really haven't studied with anyone except a number of books for the past 8 years.

    The names of my books are "The Tao & the Tree of Life", 100 Days to Better Health Good Sex and Long Life-A Guide to Taoist Yoga and Chi Kung" and "Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy". These books have been translated into 20 languages worldwide.


    Eric Yudelove

  7. um...


    i don't think that being the author gives you the authority to make a request like this. that book is intellectual property, and it is owned by the publishers. my guess is that you know this.




    just thought i'd put the warning out there. and if this is NOT the case, please give us something more than just your word on that.



    Dear Hundun:

    Thank you for your concern. When I 1st saw your message, I thought to myself - Doesn't he believe in magick?

    All right were returned to me by Llewellyn on June 29 for both "100 Days" and "The Tao and the Tree of Life".

    "Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy" is still being published, so those rights were not returned.

    My books are still being published in Bulgaria, Russia, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Hungary, France, Spain, Poland, India and China, so I do not have these foreign rights. But that will not affect my original idea.

    Now I can just expand on it.


    Eric Yudelove

  8. well I've been "conserving" for about 3 months... but I'm sure this is not what's referred to as 'laying the foundation'. So I'm asking for instructions as to how to go about it. What is the "100 days of laying the foundation"? Where can I find information, and instructions as to how to do it?


    Serious discussion only.




    Try my book "100 Days to Better Health, Good Sex & Long Life- A Guide to Chi Kung & Taoist Yoga".

    The entire book is dedicated to answering your question.


    Eric Yudelove

  9. Hello Again:

    I was recently on & checked in to see what my books were selling for these days. I was pretty amazed to see that prices for "100 Days" were going through the roof. I attribute that to 2 things 1) the book is no longer in print in the US and therefore the availability of books is diminishing and 2)a new interest in the system I laid out in my books.

    So I know there are a lot of girls and boys out there who aren't able to get a copy.

    Anyway, I really think this system will seriously enhance your practice. So I need some one knowledgeable in such things to perform an magickal alchemical display for me. Turn "100 Days" from paper and print into a website. Contact me.


    Eric Yudelove

    • Like 1

  10. amazing thread!! thank you!! i knew there was a reason i was drawn to crystal balls.



    Here's something amazing, a 300mm - 12 inch - quartz crystal ball on my hexagonal dining room table in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This is an extraordinarily healing stone with great positive energy.



  11. actually i did read it and no it didnt confuse me. i thought i would contribute a view point from one of the texts we used. showing how it was briefly presented from a western view point to show similarities etc. also to show how confusing it can be to try to corrolate them.


    i think you did a good job actually and your right they didnt teach the alchemical processes in school or in text books. that came from taoists from wudang and some others that visited, but then again, you dont get it all in a few weekends a year either.


    you do not have to be chinese to know the truth, far from it actually. personally i prefer the vedic-yogic methods of understanding truth as this is what i practice.


    i stated that westeners overthink. i am western and i do. less so than i used to, but that seems to be our way, not just here in America.


    as far as how i would corrolate them, i personally wouldnt. but when i read the post, i remembered that there was something about it in one of the texts we used and thought i would share it.


    as far as your book goes, good for you. i mean that.


    sorry if you think i was somehow contradicting you, wasnt my intention. i can tell by the snide comments you have a distaste for my comments as they sometimes disagree with yours, again this wasnt my intention. we should leave it at that.....


    Dear Yuanqi:

    I guess I had difficulty understanding your original post or exactly what your point was or even whether you were Western or Chinese. I think I may have been reacting to something from the past that had nothing to do with you.


    My Regrets,


  12. 3 5 1


    yeah thats the ticket.


    the following (not all) is taken from a book we used in TCM school. i skipped over some of it dealing with Aristotle as we were in school to learn Chinese medicine but this author likes to overthink (he is a westener) so he mentioned it. thought it might help since most of the books on the market in general that go into any of it are crapola or the authors own speculation which really is all you have. speculation. unless of course you remember your past lives. LOL anyway here it is.


    Aristotle said"earth and fire are opposites also due to the opposition of the respective qualities with which they are revealed to our senses: fire is hot, earth is cold. besides the fundamental opposition of hot and cold, there is another one, i.e. that of dry and wet: hence the four possible combinations of hot-dry (fire), hot-wet (air), cold-dry (earth), cold wet (water)"..."the elements can mix with each other and can even transform into one another, thus earth, which is cold and dry, can generate water, if wetness replaces dryness.


    this is similiar to the chinese view, although wood is related to wind which is air, but here we see hot-wet as air. wood isnt hot and wet from a chinese veiw point, but does have to do with wind. however, spring can be hot and wet compared to winter, so it can be confusing depending on how you look at it.


    the word element is poorly translated as it is alot more than what we think of as elemnt, eric mentioned one idea of it before, although it has many other qualities.


    at one point in china there were 6 elements with grain being the last. however, originally yin and yang theory started or was recorded i should say, around the same time as that of the 5 "elements" as they came from the same philosophical school.they go hand in hand.was about 1000bc-700bc during the Zhou dynasty, but again the world "element" wasnt used, seat of govt, mansion, house etc was used instead.


    Dear Yuanqi:

    I don't think you read my post carefully or it confused you. I wouldn't take Aristotle's views on the Elements, from 2400 years ago, as the know all and be all of the Western Kabbalistic & Magickal Tradition, which he pre-dates by about 1500 years. Anyway, he wasn't Chinese either, as if that is some requirement to see the "truth". He was Alexander the Great's teacher(a Westerner) and probably thought too much also.

    Wood is not listed as hot & wet, but as warm & moist. Metal is cool & dry. This is a big difference.

    Fire is hot. Water is cold. Earth is neutral.

    Air has 2 poles: warm & moist & cool and dry.

    These "elements" are used in a practical-not abstract manner- in both the Western and the Eastern traditions.

    In the Kan & Li alchemical formulas cool Metal & warm Wood are used to regulate the temperature in the Cauldron. They are referred to as the White Tiger-Metal and the Green Dragon-Wood. Often they are seen as being ridden by two immortals with beams shooting out of their mouths and into the Cauldron.

    I don't think they teach this in Chinese Medical School or medical textbooks.

    How would you corrolate the 5 Chinese and 4 Western elements?


    I found when my "100 Days" was first published, it got flack from people who never read it because I wasn't Chinese. Well the Chinese almost wiped out the Taoists in the latter part of the 20th Century and came close to losing the whole tradition. The practice of Internal Alchemy was specifically banned by the Communist government as being non-productive to the state. It is a good thing that Westerners were there to pick up the pieces and help to put them back together again. Anyway, now they're publishing my book in China.

    Racial arrogance is not the ticket to the Way.



    Master Eric Steven Yudelove

  13. I was very pleased to recently find out from my publisher that "100 Days to Better Health, Good Sex and Long Life" was published in mainland China.

    Somehow this feels like a real seal of approval to me. Considering the somewhat anti-government material in the early part of the book-which I'm sure must have been deleted-I was really amazed that it was published there at all.

    I don't usually pat myself on the back, but this time I think I deserve it and I just wanted to share this with all my Taoist brothers and sisters out there.

    I include a picture of the cover.


    Eric Yudelove

  14. amazing thread!! thank you!! i knew there was a reason i was drawn to crystal balls.. in your research, have you come across any correlation with this particular practice combined with baoding exercise balls?


    No to your question.

    But I am thrilled that this thread has been helpful in uncovering your true nature.


    Eric Yudelove

  15. So...Cindy and I picked one out today! 40-50 mm I guess about a kilo of "rutilated quartz" or "sagenite", popularly known as Venus-hair stone.

    Drove up to Antioch to Sacred Earth on a day trip. The owner said this type helps w/ physical healing whereas the amythist is more for spiritual meditation type practice.






    Not actual size or photo but a close approximation anyway


    Very Nice!

    The crystal ball on the right in my photo with my 1st post here is rutilated quartz.

    I have used this ball alot and have had some amazing results with it. The rutile helps you to find points deep inside the ball to focus on rather than keep your consciousness on the surface. This can initially be more difficult with a clear crystal ball.

    Have fun and if you have any questions ask.



  16. Were you on drugs?

    Don't be ashamed.


    I was totally straight. I was already a big fan of Jimmy Page from his work with the Yardbirds & if truth be known I liked the Yardbirds even better than Zeppelin, their lead singer, Keith Relf, was a gifted blues harmonica player-great riffs- and that has always been my instrument. I've been playing them since ever since I heard John Lennon play one on "I'm a Loser", back around 1964.

    I was in my 2nd year of law school when I saw Zeppelin & Flower Power had passed me by.

  17. Question for Mr. Yudelove:


    This is a little off-topic, but I was wondering if you could explain a little about the differences between the Taoist Five Phases and the Five Western Elements.


    I know a lot could be said about this topic and that you have written a book about the Tao and Western Alchemy (I plan on getting my hands on this). Still, any quick insights would be appreciated.


    I've been working with the Taoist system but am also interested in Western magick, and am a little frustrated by the elemental differences. Where does air come into the Taoist approach, and what's up with the different correspondences with, say, the directions?






    Dear Ryan:


    In response to your excellent question, I forward the following text, taken from my first book "The Tao and The Tree of Life," pages 32-33.




    The Taoists see Later Heaven as the place where the five universal energy forces were formed out of the interaction of the Three Pure Ones. These Five Elements are: fire, water, wood, metal and earth. Everything in the universe is composed of these five elements in either a pure state or interacting with one or more of the other elements. The term "element" is difficult to define. It refers to energy in the universe. This energy has two poles -- Yin and Yang, and five phases, or activities, generally referred to as elements.


    The Kabbalists saw the first three elements, fire, water and air as emanations from the Three Mothers. The Hebrew Kabbalists were most concerned with these three elements. The element of air is actually the equivalent of two of the Taoist elements: wood and metal. Air is seen as having two poles, rather than being separated into two distinct elements.


    Franz Bardon, the German Hermeticist, said in his book "Initiation into Hermetics" that air has two poles. It mediates between fire and water. The Hebrew book on the Kabbalah, "Sepher Yetzirah" confirms, numerous times, that air acts in a mediator or balancing role. Bardon further says that, in its job as mediator, air assumes the quality of dryness from fire and humidity (moistness) from water to establish the dual pole. The two poles of Air are moist and dry. By this same manner of reasoning, Bardon fails to say that the two poles also take on the qualities of warmth (not hot) and coolness (not cold). Warm and cool are the two balancing poles of hot and cold. The two poles of the air element should be (1) moist and warm and (2) cool and dry to act as mediator between fire and water.


    I searched for a long time for this information. Without it I could not complete the correspondences between the five Taoist and four Western elements. The Taoist element Wood has the quality of being warm and damp. Bardon's description of one pole of the Air element as humid would appear to match. Metal has the quality of being cool and dry. The other pole of the Air element in Bardon's system has the quality of dryness. Close enough. Thus for the Western element Air, combining the Taoist elements of Wood and Metal, the two systems, Chinese and Western, could be perfectly corrolated."


    To the best of my knowledge nothing else has been written concerning this matter. I hope this answers your question. I don't think directions plays a key role in defining these universal forces.



  18. Thanks for the info, Eric. I will definitely be purchasing Blofelds books and your 100 Days book--it looks very promising. I noticed that you also have a book called, "Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy: Transforming Your Body, Mind, and Spirit". Does this book also have information covered that 100 Days does not? The book looks very good, judging by what I read about it on


    Thanks again,




    "Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy" is the sequel to "100 Days". It has much less of a direct connection to Luk's book. But if you Like "100 Days" I'm sure you will love it.


    Eric Yudelove

  19. Had an experience with this that may be insignificant, but I'll state it anyways.


    I followed the meditation as usual, and was at the third eye turning my focus around. This time i felt that when I looked inwards my focus was off, like I wasn't looking at the right place (I was glancing up more towards the left hemisphere). I adjusted my line of sight to go straight in, inbetween the two hemispheres, so what I was seeing was more like a road between two great mountains, or like the entrance to a deep valley.


    I started moving inwards, through the "valley", towards the center of the brain. A bit on the way I saw something new, a cube made of pulsing light where I usually pass by on heading further inwards. I go closer to look, interested in what it may be.


    This is where it may become insignificant due to the dreamy nature of the vision.


    when I get close enough I come upon the entrance to a palace grounds. At first it was keeping it's distance as I approached, but I managed to "just be there" after a while. When I step in two guards approach me, saying the palace is for the king only. I answer that I am the king, and they reluctantly let me pass. The palace has a long shallow pool in front of it, and is very lofty and open. Just one room with a throne in it, open to all sides except behind. Come to think of it, it all looked a bit like the Lincoln memorial.


    I step up in front of the throne, and ask who's there, the throne answers emptiness. A long conversation later, about the nature of myself and why I should be allowed to sit on the throne as a part of emptiness (it wanted a very good reason to let me up, understandably so...)it let me sit. When I sat down, my mind went completely blank, and it was more as if my consciousness, all at once, radiated from the point I was at, outwards in all directions. I have felt it somewhat before, but then it was more as if there were still some stray thoughts and ideas floating around, and I was more or less collected and focused into emptiness. This was as if all the "light" had gone into the upper center, and simply sat there radiating.


    I sat there a while, but eventually I had to take leave.


    Paralells can be drawn to Taoist literature, but I've read it a bit too many times for it to be spontaneously the same experience. My guess is I was dreamy and helped create the vision. But then again, I'll see where I end up today. If the palace is there I may want to think about working a bit on the decoration. Some koi in the pool perhaps, and a few trees with beautiful birds in them...


    Dear Uti:

    It reminds me of Ezekial 1:26-

    And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone; and upon the likeness of the throne was a likeness as the appearance of a man upon it above.


    The cavern of Original Spirit in the center of the brain is also known as the Hall of the Ancestors. Everyones experience there can be different.

    This was definitely a significant vision.



  20. The name of this thread Oneness and the Tao is actually a duality that contradicts itself. Oneness is the Tao.

    But how can this be?

    How can I help you to know this, not just understand it with your mind?

    What is the mind set necessery to see this?

    Here is the mind set to achieve this.

    First, you should think about how small your mind is compared to all the stars you can see in the sky. How infintessibly tiny is your mind compared to the entire universe. And then realize that all this is tiny compared with the invisible yet subtle Tao.

    Then you can sit or stand and believe you are the center of the Universe. In terms of infinte space, any point

    or body, is equally in the center of the universe as any other body. So this is a true statement.

    So, you Are the center of the Universe. and now you will know that the Universe is you body. You are One. Now extend your awareness to realize that no matter how far you go, Tao is where you are and far beyond that and where you are not. Feel your conciousness expand, out into the place of silence, beyond your mind, because your mind is tiny, but Tao is everything and more. Beyond your mind is the silent realm.


    With the Blessing of Kwon Yin, I allow Eric to transmit this to you.

    Unutterable Peace and Love, my Children



    PS This piece was previously inadvertently posted on Book Club site.

  21. Hi Eric,


    I'm currently thirty-one years old. I was first exposed to Tao and Qi gong when I was 14 y.o. I learned the material from a magazine which was published back then (I don't konw if the magazine is still in circulation), called "Qi Gong". It taught me self-massage and kidney exercises. That is all that I studied until age 20-21, when I did train with a teacher. However, it wasn't a one-to-one training; I was in a class. It was Qi Gong but I don't know what branch of qi gong. I practiced this for a couple of years then abandoned qi gong and tao until about 6 months ago, when I purchased Luk's book.

    I have since then also started studying the book Qi Gong for Total Wellness, by Dr. Baolin Wu. I was told that this is a good book for beginners, so I will be focusing on the teachings of this book for some time. It is an introduction to the 9 Palaces System.

    I am also expanding my knowledge by studying some books by Yang, Jwing-Ming.


    I decided to not emphasize Luk's book for the present. However, I still want to have a solid understanding of everything discussed in the book, so that I can master that book as an endpoint to my training, many years from now. (Basically, I simply want to acquire and secure the knowledge of what is taught in that book, as early as possible; I certainly don't plan to practice and make progress in that book until years from now, when I am well experienced.)


    Sorry for the length, but everything I wrote has importance.


    Thanks very much.





    The name of the book where you find the description is "Gateway to Wisdom" by John Blofeld All his books are good. There are some used copies available on

    I would really urge you to get a copy of my "100 Days" book. It is probably the only book out there that makes use of some of Luk's methods, especially the microcosmic orbit.


    Eric Yudelove

  22. Thanks Oleg. :)


    Before I give you any further information, I would like to know how long you have been studying & doing Taoist practices? Have you studied with a teacher? Have you studied & praciced anything except Luk's book?


    Eric Yudelove



    Hi Eric.


    Thanks for looking into it for me. Appreciated.


    So the book is definitely incomplete. However, there could be enough complete information on this material which is little known right now, but which just needs to be translated from Chinese and published. It may take decades, but more information will probably be eventually published and revealed. So I'm definitely not giving up. I'll just have to realized that it's a life-long effort.

    I studied the book up to chapter 10 thoroughly, and I came to learn that though the book may seem confusing at first, when studied patiently, it is definitely coherent and makes perfect sense. I understant everything that he writes, now. I must say that it does, actually, seem complete, but I admit that there may be more to the exercises than he alludes to. He explains them so that they seem simple to perform. That's why I've been practicing the first six steps. However, I may be missing many elements to the exercises that he doesn't include in the instructions. So my practices may be pointless. I was going to make a discussion post about acquiring info on microcosmic orbit. (I recently purchased more books on qigong, but they don't explain the technique of mo at all.) Are there any known books that do? Are there any about inner copulation? Judging by what you tell me, there may not be; but if there is any info on them out there at all, anywhere, then I want to find it.

    You also said that you found the instructions for the diagram on page 68 with two immortals mounted on a dragon and tiger shooting beams of light into a cauldron. If you happen to recall the title and author of the book that you found the instructions in, could you please tell me?; I'll look into that book. (Don't give me the actual instructions, just the title.)


    Sorry for the long post, but thanks.

