Eric Yudelove

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Posts posted by Eric Yudelove

  1. The name of this thread Oneness and the Tao is actually a duality that contradicts itself. Oneness is the Tao.

    But how can this be?

    How can I help you to know this, not just understand it with your mind?

    What is the mind set necessery to see this?

    Here is the mind set to achieve this.

    First, you should think about how small your mind is compared to all the stars you can see in the sky. How infintessibly tiny is your mind compared to the entire universe. And then realize that all this is tiny compared with the invisible yet subtle Tao.

    Then you can sit or stand and believe you are the center of the Universe. In terms of infinte space, any point

    or body, is equally in the center of the universe as any other body. So this is a true statement.

    So, you Are the center of the Universe. and now you will know that the Universe is you body. You are One. Now extend your awareness to realize that no matter how far you go, Tao is where you are and far beyond that and where you are not. Feel your conciousness expand, out into the place of silence, beyond your mind, because your mind is tiny, but Tao is everything and more. Beyond your mind is the silent realm.


    With the Blessing of Kwon Yin, I allow Eric to transmit this to you.

    Unutterable Peace and Love, my Children.

  2. This was seen during my last attempt at the practice

    Closest representation of what I experienced, only I saw greater optic nerve and corpus callosum detail.



    Dear Robert:


    That is wonderful.

    You are one of the reasons I came here.


    Could you tell us more about this experience and anything else you would like to share.

    I love your mandala.

    If you prefer you can contact me personally.


    May the Peace and Harmony of Kwan Yin Bring Blessings to You and Your Loved Ones,


    Eric Yudelove

  3. http://www.telegraph...nd-ironing.html




    "Let's just do the O2 and we'll see what happens from there," Page said in a recent interview. "I haven't got a crystal ball here and nor have you."





    Zeppelin 2010


    Peace, Love, and Rock and Roll


    Dear Sifusufi:

    Did I ever tell you that I saw Zeppelin during their 1st US tour at the Boston Tea Party. I was in my 2nd year of Law School and the ticket cost $3.50. All the English bands used to come to the Tea Party mid-week to warm up before playing at the Fillmore East in NY. I saw Page with the Yardbirds there twice and once at Queens College. I was there when he came to NYC to negociate the price for an original 1st edition of Aleister Crowley's 10 volume "Equinox".In his early days he was the Grand Sorceror of the Magick Guitar.

    About the Boston Tea Party concert, Wikipedia says:

    "In one famous concert, Led Zeppelin's final of four nights performed at the Boston Tea Party, the band played for more than four hours with only one album worth of material. As Jones explained:


    We played four nights at The Tea Party, and by then we had an hour and a half's music to play; we played four and a half hours on the last night - we played the act twice, and then did everybody else's act with Who, Rolling Stones and Beatles numbers. Peter hugged us at the end of the gig, picked all four of us up at once. We knew we were actually going to make it."




    PS If you had a crystal ball, you would have known this.

  4. Hey I have no problem with you or me or anyone else giving their opinions on taoism. But when you present your opinions as "the gospel truth of a master" it gets my attention, given its my 30 year long religion and all, including memorizing every word in that book. But before that book came many others that a beginner should read and a master would first say to a beginner. Would not Taoist adept be more apt? A Taoist Master like Chao Pi Ch'en is an extreme, and I for one would like to keep this rare phenomenon as such. Actually, I wish you were a Chao Pi Ch'en! :lol:


    I have been teaching beginning Taoist Yoga on TaoBums for awhile now. This is just a new thread. Two of my books were partially based on the teachings of Chao Pi Ch'en.

    What I post here is just my opinion not gospel. What is your problem with use of the crystal ball?

    I seem to have struck some nerve in you. What "secrets" do you think I'm revealing? The book itself states that this practice should be used at the beginning of alchemical training.

    Taoism is just my way of life not my religion. I've been at it since 1971.


    Master Eric Steven Yudelove

  5. Who was your master who taught you "Taoist yoga" of Taoist Master Chao Pi Ch'en?

    This book is full of oral only metaphors. Only those who are ready can even come close to understanding it. Do you have this oral transmission? Are you giving their secrets away, which they warn sternly not to do? What is the Taoist alchemical formula that all beginners are taught first, if you are going to teach this. "Crystal ball" is not "beginning Taoist yoga". Readers should proceed with extreme caution.


    PS a lot of crazy thing have been associated with Taoism since its inception over 5000 years ago. Buyer beware.


    Is this a test?

  6. The crystal ball has long been associated with Taoism, Taoist Yoga and Fung Shui and continues to do so. For instance:

    The Yoga Journal - Jan. 1985 - states: "The "Eight Heavenly Gates" sect of Taoism keeps only a crystal ball and a mirror on its altar."

    On Sunday, March 29, 2009, The China Post reported:

    "Crystal ball to blame for rare fire at Taoist temple

    NANTOU, Taiwan -- A Taoist temple in Luku Township in the central county of Nantou recently witnessed a rare fire triggered by a crystal ball placed at the gate of the temple, but the fire was extinguished soon without causing any major disaster.

    Lin Hsien-wen, owner of the Taoist temple, said that he had placed the crystal ball beside the gate of the temple for almost two months, and didn't expect it to trigger a fire on the rugs. Lin has since relocated the crystal ball to the inside of the temple."


    Crystal balls have long been used in Fung Shui primarily for cleansing and energizing purposes.


    As far as Taoist Yoga is concerned, Charles Luk states in his "Taoist Yoga":

    "The whole body is negative(yin) except for the 2 eyes which are positive(yang). It is due to this small amount of positive yang in the eyes that man is not overwhelmed by the negative yin. This positive yang should be used at the beginning of alchemical training to root out all latent ailments that have accumulated in the body.

    You can use a hypnotist's crystal ball for your practice in the morning and evening. First sit in meditative posture until your mind is settled and then place a crystal ball in front of you in such a position that it is neither to close nor too far neither too high or too low but in line with the spot between the eyes. After gazing at the ball for some time tears will flow; they are saline and smelly and are the residue of (inner) combustion similar to tears caused by feelings and emotions such as sadness, etc. After employing this "Shifting Fire'to remove latent ailments, you should immediately use "Slow Fire to sooth the pupils which otherwise may be injured by the heat. (NOTE- Shifting Fire also called Quick Fire is very rapid Abdominal Breathing used to quickly increase internal heat. Slow Fire also called Calming Fire is slow abdominal breathing. Quick Fire helps to get the tears to flow). This Slow Fire is called Calming Fire whose charactheristic is to cause immobilization.You should use it by closing the eyes completely and concentrating on the spot between them in order to drive the breath back to the lower tan t'ien (under the navel)... While doing this your tongue should plug the heavenly pool in the palate."

    This practice is similar to "Getting the Tear Out" in my "100 Days" book.

    The crystal balls being discussed here are quartz crystal balls not glass. These balls should be clear or almost clear. Generally the larger the ball the better, but this is not always the rule.

    I've been collecting Quartz crystal balls for many years and I find that it is now virtually impossible to find really clear balls, most are a mass of internal fractures which render them somewhat useless. However, upon recently checking I found that flawless crystal balls are being exported from China(where else?) made from fused pieces of quartz. I find them to have the same qualities as naturally occuring quartz that are carved and polished into ball shapes. These crystal balls are available online and are pretty inexpensive. The largest sold is a perfect 8 inch diameter that costs about $90 + shipping(If you could find a ball like this made from naturally occurring quartz, it's price would be literally astronomical. The largest known flawless crystal ball is in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC, it is 12.9 inches in diameter, I was stunned the 1st time I saw it, it seemed to suck me right inside it.) Smaller balls are alot cheaper. I would recommend at least 4 inches. Check around on, prices vary alot.

    Glass crystal balls can work well for skrying but they lack the energy of quartz crstal, which seems to come "alive" when properly used. Crystal balls are tools par excellance for concentration and meditation, aside from any magickal purposes.

    I urge you to try using a quartz crystal ball. It is part of the Taoist tradition.



  7. What results are you looking for? That's the key thing here.


    The GOAL of Taoism is to live in harmony with the Tao. This includes as basics: good health, long life, wonderful sexuality, balancing the energies in your body, establishing good personal moral qualities and calmness. At a higher level the goal is to silence the mind so as to perceive your Original Nature, Embryonic Breathing and creation of the immortal spirit body.

    None of this is just fancy talk, to a long time practicing Taoist it can become a reality.

    I'm not a New Age hippy author. I wrote about authentic Taoist practices some of which date back thousands of years. I didn't make anything up. But I can only speak for myself. As far as anyone having success with my books, I know of a number of people who've had spectacular success and I've never gotten any negative feedback in the 15 years since my 1st book was published.

    Being sceptical is healthy. I myself am very skeptical and agree that alot of the material out there is crap. But it's not 99.9999999% crap. Being a nihilist puts you in conflict with the unity of the Tao. These practices require much work over a long period of time, in our age of instant gratification, this is something that most people cannot do. I've been at it for 40 years. I've achieved some incredible successes and I'm still learning and practicing. Life is really a great mystery when you get down to it.

    There is a great difference between the beliefs of St.Doubting Thomas who proclaimed "I believe, maybe" and believing in nothing at all. To a Taoist this is the difference between someone who has potentional and someone who does not. Belief is the Magic that makes it all work.





  8. I checked and there is nothing out there that I can find giving more information about Luk's "Taoist Yoga". There were some postings on TaoBums back in 2007 that came to the same conclusion and that also found the book to be not only incomplete but misleading.

    I continue to read it myself and I have been able to see a somewhat coherent system, but definitely incomplete.

    For instance, there is an illustration on page 68 of two immortals mounted on a tiger and a dragon shooting beams of light into a cauldron. There is not one word of information about that diagram in the chapter or anywhere in the book.

    This is where being a Tao Master comes in handy. The same night that I saw the diagram I was in my basement organizing my Taoists books, when just on a whim, I opened one at random right to the page where it gave a full description of the practice associated with the abovementioned diagram. After reading the description, it is obvious to me that when the author of "Taoist Yoga" repeatedly states that you need a teacher to get through this material, he wasn't kidding.

    Unfortunately, there might not be a teacher around who could teach you. The Taoist population in China was reduced from about 2,000,000 in 1965 to about 50,000 in 1974 at the end of the Cultural Revolution. Until very recently the whole topic of Internal Alchemy was frowned upon by the State as being non productive. So much talk on TaoBums about the "purity" of ancient schools and lineage after a Holocaust that left the Taoist world in tatters and close to annihilation.We are lucky there is anything out there at all.

    Set your sites a little lower for now, Neo

    I'll keep working on it myself, maybe I'll come up with something worth publishing.



  9. The method is give for free in multiple here



    So next time do your research


    You posted the initial website. Why would I know about some other website or do research to find it? That's irrational.

    Anyway on this new website he gives only 1 of the 6 methods he claims to know, referring you back to join his website or to buy his book to learn the other 5.

    Arrogance and magical thinking won't get you to Heaven my Son.


    Master Eric Steven Yudelove

  10. No, they give the method away for free.


    They clearly charge $5 to take a test necessary to join and $5 a month to belong, I was able to discern this within less than a minute of being on the site. It might be worth it but your claiming it's free when it's not(even if the fee is nominal{$60/year}) is still not true.

    It should be understood that this is not internal alchemy, but Western laboratory type alchemy.

    How do you know if the methods are successful or not? Because the site says so?

    The site makes some pretty outrageous claims - It will be advetised on TV all day, everyday in 2010 and though less than 1000 books have been sold by site's creator to date, he expects to sell 100,000(by the end of the year?). That his method can create substances worth billions of $$.

    In my entire life of searching, I have only met 2 real Western Alchemists and they weren't interested in advertising, who does he plan to sell all those books to?

    Be careful.



  11. That last bit sounds quite intense :) I've just started getting the hang of moving to the ridge and visualizing the light, my eyes geting tired soon and start to glide away on their own. But the past two days I've started to move forward a bit again. It suddenly felt as though I wasn't looking out through my two eyes, but rather through my third eye, looking down at the nose-tip. Somehow the visualization went much easier after that, and I started feeling the light moving into it. Gonna get a hang of it a bit more, then move on to what you said above.


    Thanks so much for the time and knowledge you've given us here! I have a feeling this will bring a new dimension to my practice if I stay on course.


    Also, got a copy of "100 days" in the mail today, I already do some of the stuff twice a day, but I will follow the course anyways as an appendix to what I already do :)


    If you want to share more with us, I have a feeling I'm far from the only one who wants to hear it! If nothing else, I will post again as this practice progresses.




    Dear Uti:

    From what I have heard here, I believe that I have accomplished what I set out to do when I started posting on TaoBums. I gave you the Real Deal the way the Masters of old would have transmitted it.

    Now some of you are feeling the real power in Taoist Yoga that you never felt before.

    If this is true, then I have been a good teacher and not simply a large bag filled with wind.


    A final note: On the Eyes- The importance of the eyes in Taoist Yoga. In relation to the rest of the body, the two eyes are Yang while the rest of the body is Yin. This is a basic Taoist belief. Once the eyes are illuminated, like taught above, and mentally turned inward, they become like powerful Yang flashlights, lighting up the interior darkness, rooting out the Yin darkness until there is no Yin left,all that is left is Yang, illuminated.

    This was one of the most highly kept Taoist Yoga secrets. So take good care of your eyes. Massage them, get the tear out and do the Sexual Yoga exercises connecting pulling up on the various parts of the perineum area while pulling in on the eyes.



  12. Thanks guys, for welcoming me to the board.


    I happen to be rereading "Taoist Yoga" right now. I just ended a fairly long thread here called "Beginning Taoist Practices", based in large part on "Taoist Yoga" and "The Secret of the Golden Flower"(you MUST read the Richard Wilhelm translation if you haven't already). I urge you to check that out.

    My book "100 Days to Better Health, etc" derived a great deal from the above 2 books, if you don't have it, you should get it. It sets out a very coherent practice course and is based only on authentic Taoist sources.

    There might be books out there that specifically deal with interpreting "Taoist Yoga" but I am not aware of any-I really haven't looked. I haven't bought any Taoist books in a long time. I do have a rather extensive library but I have found very little out there that can actually help with Internal Alchemy. Some of Chia's books are very good, but difficult to turn into a coherent practice. I'll check this myself and see if I can find anything that looks useful. There is so much philosophy and Chi Kung out there but very little on internal work.

    Even upon rereading "Taoist Yoga" for now the 6th or 7th time, there are so many gems here but there is still much that requires real knowledge or a very educated guess as to what he is talking about-definitely not something for the neophyte.


    Eric Yudelove


    Hi Eric.


    I haven't been back to this thread since I first posted, so I didn't see your response until today.

    You said that Luk's book is incomplete and that I should seek out other sources. I eventually want to master the material in Taoist Yoga, so what books do you recommend I use to build up skills so that I can eventually begin to practice from Luk's book? And when I do become skilled enough to begin Taoist Yoga, what books give the missing information to make Luk's book complete? (I know that it is necessary for me to find a Master, and I will soon begin looking.)





  13. "The old mans beard hangs low."


    Dear Spectrum:

    I hope that's a complement.

    The final topic in this string will be Shining the Light on the Central Palace.

    I've had you bring your concentration to the tip of your nose and then bridge of the nose and now finally to the point between your 2 eyes. I talked about this before when I said to visualize the Sun at the tip of the nose then bridge of the bridge of the nose and then finally in the mid-eye point. I said to practice at the mid-eye point until the light begins to shine.

    Shine the light into your 2 eyes. Next imagine your 2 eyes revolving backward so that they are looking into your brain.

    Now, if it doesn't flow there by itself, guide the light out of your eyes to the center of your brain, directly behind the mideye point, about 3 inches inside. This is the Central Castle, , the Central Palace,the One Inch Square, the Crystal Palace-different names for the same place.

    Illuminate the Central Palace.

    Once you have established this practice, you can guide the light wherever you wish inside your body, even fill your whole body with light, or connect the light to whatever practice you already know.


    A note about the breathing exercises. Do the 6 Healing Sounds, as you exhale silently, inside their respective organs. It is a good way to help regulate the pace of the inhalation and exhalation. The ability to do the Sound subvocally inside it's organ marks a significant step forward in the practice. The 6 Healing Sounds are true Taoist techniques that are often mentioned in Taoist literature. There were even schools that were based around this practice.

    Listen down as your breathing quiets down and becomes silent.


    This should conclude the topic of Beginning Taoist Practices. I hope it has been an aid to your practice. If anyone is still interested in going further along this Way, please let me know.


    Master Eric Steven Yudelove

  14. Eric,


    I would be grateful if you could clarigy a bit what the intended result of the initial nose-gazing is. The reason is that I feel I am having different things happening every time I do it. This may not be bad, and this stuff is all indivudual I suppose, but it would be good for me to know what's sidetracking and what's something to work towards.


    What I've felt so far, that was what I figured as the most on-track instance, was working with the sun visualization and ridge of the nose. I felt the sensation increasing, and the visualised sun drawing up the nose, and moving into the eye-brow point. However, when I did it today, I felt the craziest tingling in my lower abdomen-nothing else. So, it sort of varies from day to day...


    Dear Uti:

    Please read over my postings on this string. I make it quite clear what the purpose of staring at the tip of the nose is all about. It is a starting point, not a destination. It should bring on all sorts of reactions as activity from previous practicing falls in line with the new techniques.

    If after you re read, you still have a question, then ask again.




    I practice it a while then I find I am back at the tip.


    This is really fine. This is why the tip of the nose point is so important. It gives you a point to fall back to when your mind drifts or you cannot hold an image or you get distracted or any reason at all, and you just need to focus and start over. Just put your concentration on the tip of your nose and then go back to where you were.

    The tip of the nose is a powerful grounding point, it can bring your mind back from almost anywhere and keep you from getting "lost in space". As long as you can find it, you can't get lost.


    I would like to hear from more of you as to whether you are having much success or not.

  16. I find the ridge of the nose, sun visualization challenging, but I keep at it. I practice it a while then I find I am back at the tip.


    Bring your image of the Sun, from the tip of your nose to the Bridge of the nose and then to the Third Eye Point between your two eyes. Hold the Sun there until you can see the light shining. Keep an awareness of the tip of your nose(just imagine touching it with your finger to keep it in place and then move on).

    Things should start to get interesting.

    There is real power in Taoist Yoga. As Taoists you deserve this. I wonder if you have been getting real energy from your practices.

    All that swirling stuff that some of you are seeing is the light starting to congeal-become coherent. It's a beautiful sight seeing universes twirling in our third eye. It's your growing connection to oneness with the Universe or as we call it-Tao.

    I don't know if anyone ever told you before, but there is real magic in Taoist Yoga.



  17. After seeing Balance's avitar I did a search and found

    0 - Zero posts containing Sun Ra.


    I am Positive sum Bums out there have read much Sun Ra or at least dig on the Arkestra.


    Well can't learn if my cup is overfloating.


    Space is the place,


    Dear Rob:

    Well back in the good old days, say real early '70s I tacked the cover of Sun Ra's "Atlantis" album on my kitchen wall.

    One day while standing in my kitchen, what seemed to be a rainbow colored snakelike glowing band of energy was flowing from my navel area to the Sun on the cover of the "Atlantis" album. It appeared just like that. It went on, very coherent, for about 5 minutes, then faded away. I've only seen this happen one more time, under similar circumstances, with a poster of the Hindu Krishna. I knew nothing about Tan Tiens back then. It had sort of a buzzing feel. The cord between me and the picture slowly whipped around, but the diameter of the pipeline was uniform the whole time.

    This must have really influenced me years later when I started reading about Taoist practices.

    I had forgotten all about this incident. It was so interesting and so unexpected, so magickal-I was heavy into magick back then. Thanks for reminding me.

    BTW-I thought the cover was way better than the music.


    Eric Yudelove

  18. Earth Friend,

    as one of the posters on this thread with experience on the exercise suggested, my finding is that the eyes downward to the tip of the nose actually guides the energy down to the dan tien. In many methods that I have done in the past the eyes have been used to guide energy in the body including moving them in a type of circular pattern meant as an analogue to the small circulation where eyes up is meant to bring the energy to the head. Eyes looking downward is meant to bring energy down whichever channel one is working with. So for me the experience with the eyes at the tip of the nose has the effect of bringing energy downward that results from the quiet mind that is enhanced by the eye position. If you read carefully, the eye position that Mr Yudelove is suggesting is meant just for that, quieting the mind, not necessarily inducing energy to the head, or anywhere else for that matter. He just says that it will help us to quiet the mind and allow us to get to a meditative state more consistently. The rest are postings from people who I am sure are not novices to inner work and therefore bring their own energy dispositions into play.



    Grounding oneself to the Earth is of major importance in the practice. That is why I cautioned one reader not to focus the Light on the Crown, you can injure yourself that way. When you're ready for that, you will know. Don't be so fast to get outside yourself, work on the inside first.

    Concentrating on the tip of the nose is just the beginning step of the Backward Flowing Method. It is in itself a grounding technique and is a great tool in learning how to concentrate and keeping the mind from wandering, as well as silencing the thought processes. It is the starting point of Taoist Internal Meditation, which many of you already know alot about. I'm just trying to fill in the holes and make life a little easier and more fun for you.

    I have already told you about raising your point of concentration to the Bridge of your nose, about 1/3 of the way down from the point between the two eyes. You must maintain an awareness of the tip of the nose but your focus is on the Bridge of the Nose Point. Your eyes are almost shut as you stare at the Bridge. You might feel all sorts of things begin to happen. You might feel a flow of energy between the 2 points. You might feel what seems to be a condensation of energy, you might experience a real quieting or total cessation of thoughts.

    You don't have to work on these exercises more than 15 minutes a day. You can raise the tip of your tongue to the rear of the palatte where it gets soft, if you like, but it is not crucial at this point.

    You should be also be doing some form of physical exercise as well as breathing exercises.

    Any higher goal in Taoist Yoga cannot be achieved without rythmic or regulated breathing. I have to assume that you all know how to do Abdominal Breathing and many probably Reverse Breathing. If you're not doing Breathing exercises, now is the time to start.

    Rythmic breathing consists of breathing at a certain pace. Usually the length of the inhalation should be matched by the length of the exhalation. This can be accomplished initially by counting. Inhale 2-3-4- Exhale-2-3-4. Or use a longer 5 count or 6 count( Counting also helps to increase your ability to concentrate without getting distracted). The idea is to match the length of the inhalation and exhalation, with practice it should become easy. What is also regulated is the sound of the breathing, no higher goals can be accomplished if the breathing is not silent.

    "If it can be heard then the breath-energy is rough; if rough than it is troubled, if it is troubled than indolence and lethargy develop and one wants to sleep." "Secret Of the Golden Flower" pg.42.

    Okay now for something new. Put your concentration on the tip of the nose then raise it to the bridge of the nose. After staying here awhile, listen inward, with your ears, to the sound of your breathing. This is inner hearing. Use it to regulate away the sound of your breathing. Work on this until your breathing is silent. Nothing in your practice is more important than this. Sorry.

    As the "Secret of the Golden Flower" states: "If the ear does not listen attentively or the eyes do not look at the bridge of the nose,it often happens that the heart(mind) runs off outside, or that sleep comes."

    Work on these exercises.

    I am not offering any quick road to Heaven. I'm sure many of you have practiced for a long time, what I've given here so far, hopefully improves your practice. If you are just starting, I can see only benefit from continuing here, as long as it goes on. We really haven't done any internal work yet, we have been learning to focus our attention, learn to concentrate and increase the silence.

    For those of you combining what I'm teaching with internal work, be careful of raising too much heat. If that should happen, immerse your thoughts in the Water Element.



  19. One: Scotty quoted the group's banner, I agree with him and thank him for that.

    Two: As for you trying to moderate here and threatening to ban me - the real moderator has spoken. So you better take it cool there Mr. Wanna be moderator? :)

    Three: I apologized to you in my post for butting in and the response was geared towards Little1. I think you paid no attention to that and simply took off on me. Talking of keeping the ego in control, advice easier given than followed? lol


    I don't follow Ramakrishna, Buddha, Mantak Chia or Taomeow. I read them all, and absorb what I think is useful and makes sense. I only quoted Mantak Chia as Little1 seems to have regards for him, just as I do for Ramakrishna.


    Mr. Y, just as you think this Ramakrishna banter is unneeded here, I also think Little1's comment was totally unnecessary. I still find his comment offensive and attitude condescending, but now you have have hopped on to the same train.


    Just go back and check how many topics on Ramakrishna are really there on this forum. Seriously, now I have to agree with what someone said about you on the other thread. Don't spend your precious time in redefining the way things work on TTB please, there are actual moderators to do that :)


    Okay, I am out of here, please go ahead and share your valuable teachings without any more Ramakrishnabumm interruption from me. Power trips of your kind with no compassion or insight are as interesting to me as old, fake plastic flowers :)


    I thought there was a strict policy on TaoBums to treat harshly any name calling, which you did. I was simply warning you of this policy, I'm not a Moderator nor do I seek to be one. I won't do it again.

    I didn't realize that single topic strings on TaoBums was a long extinct species-pity.

    I hope I get some help from some of you out there to raise the level of consciousness around here.I'm not the Ku Klux Clan of Taoism-but you can't teach Taoism when you're in the midst of chaos.

    Anyway I thought this string was meant for discussions about Beginning Taoist Practices exclusively. If I was wrong, this is my error.

    Kunlun Experience - Go with God and do not sin.


    Once Again I Have Been,



    P.S. Sin if you must!

  20. Attorney Master Yudelove,


    Not everyone here agrees with what you think this forum should be. Before the recent site change, there was a quote under the banner which said that this forum allows discussion of all spiritual paths. I think this still applies. It's nice to see your version of Taoism being represented here, but please know that the opinions of others are very much just as equally supported as your own.


    If this is so, I apologize.

    I just think this particular thread should be kept pure Taoist. I'm trying to teach something here, not knock someone else's belief.

    There are so many threads to use at TaoBums or you can create new ones. I don't see the harm in having at least a few sites just dedicated to Taoism on TaoBums.

    Otherwise, you can talk about any spiritual path you care to, anywhere you'd like to. If you come here, all I ask is that you keep things within the bounds of what I'm teaching. That's fair. I'm not hurting anyone.

    To me it's the same as leaving Taoist messages on Catholic websites, but what do I know? I take tea with Alice.



    • Like 1

  21. Ramakrishna and hemorrhoids and pimples? Not a good comparison. You offended me here by comparing a well-accepted Master to jerking off and pimples. Note that Mantak Chia is way less interesting to me than Ramakrishna. You don't find him interesting, don't read about him, but quit making such stupid statements.


    Eric, I apologize but little1's attitude to belittle a teacher speaks of his littleness.


    This does not belong here. Another post like this could well lead to your suspension from TaoBums, especially posting it here when you've already been warned, apology or not. You might have noticed that this site is not named RamakrishnaBums. You're not preaching to the choir here. Control your ego. I never read him but I'm sure Ramakrishna said something similar.

    Stop the my guru's better than your guru and I'm willing to fight and call you names about it bull shit. Grow up! Overcome your need to take offense on your path to spiritual growth. It's not easy, but who said it should be easy?




    P.S. I just went back and read the posting that so upset you. There was no comparison made of Ramakrishna to pimples and hemorroids, Ramakrishna was listed as one subject that he would like to see less of on Tao Bums. I agree, no offense to Ramakrishna. When I 1st came here I thought there wasn't enough Taoism on TaoBums. Maybe I'm wrong but I would think that is what people on this site want to see for the main part. If there are postings comparing Taoist with other practices or ways of line, great. But I don't think TaoBums should be the depository for every eastern religion or philosophy out there. Perhaps there should be another category to post to on TaoBums, for other Spiritual pursuits. I don't mean to offend anyone, maybe it's all just my inclination toward clarity.

  22. I am aware of the two different systems.

    However, one thing to consider is this-the techniques come from ancient texts that were written in archaic Chinese. According to my past teachers and instructors the chances of proper translation of those texts is slim and none, this could be the reason why the "tip" has been used in some circles and the "root" in others.


    Not all the sources are so ancient. Charles Luk's book is a translation of a Taoist text less than 200 years old. The Tien Tao school I quote is from 1995, I don't know right now when "Golden Flower" was written, but it was 1st published in English in 1931. There are other sources as well. There are no Taoist texts that I know of which specify the root of the nose as the starting point of the practice. If you know of any, please inform, I would like to read them.

    Based on my experience as a criminal lawyer for more than 25 years, when you have 3 witnesses all saying the same thing and nothing to rebut them, the likelihood of them all seeing something different than what they were seeing, as you propose(they all were seeing the written Chinese words for "root" but thought they were seeing "tip"), is certainly slim to none. BTY, who are these teachers and instructors who knew of the mistranslation? Are they Taoists? If so what did they base their conclusions on?

    I'm not trying to be a smart ass(even though I am), but what you put forth is illogical if you are just assuming your argument is so, with nothing behind it but the wind. To me it's comparable to mistaking the urogenital sphincter with the tip of your dick. I don't want to go any further with this line of thinking.

    Give me something concrete Yuanqi. If it is Taoist related than I think we would all be interested.

    Walk your talk.

