Eric Yudelove

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Posts posted by Eric Yudelove

  1. "awarded master status (for a reason)"? Who exactly delegates/rewards one with the title of master status? I once heard a true master will never acknowledge/ refer to himself/ or even know he is a master; a lovely paradox paralleling the ambiguity of taoism. What exactly is this self-proclaimed master a master of? OH, yes one is still a self-proclaimed master if he embraces the title even if 6 billion others "award" one with this "nobility". Would a "master" engage in an internet feud? Would a master make all sorts of assertions and projections to reinforce his blatant insecurities? OH, the hilarity of the self-proclaimed master. There is much to learn from such a character, as there is to learn from everyone and everything, just make sure you're looking through the lens with the tag entitled "what NOT to do to be a TRUE taoist master". Very simply put, one's fire ego is one's undoing.


    I can't figure out why people are so rude on this website. I guess because you can be.

    Live Long and Prosper.


    Master Eric Yudelove


    P.S. This is the pirate Tarot Jack and his beloved Not-Puppy, the fair Lady Jezebel Bad Cat, signing off. We sail today for distant shores.


    Vaya Con Dios

  2. Eric,


    I'd happily look you in your eyes and call bullshit.


    I'm not buying your whole mercenary story with your ninja sword and your uzi.

    I'm happily married and have a wonderful daughter dispite the faults that I have.


    I'm a nobody and I dont think that I'm above anyone. I think that people who are in the spotlight and call themselves "Master" should actually own up to their mistakes, like a responsible adult. This topic doesnt even concern me so I doubt I post in here anymore. You can PM me if you'd like to take this conversation further.


    This was taken from another post..maybe you could clear this up for anyone who was actually thinking of learning from you.

    Monday, August 01, 2005


    NEW YORK Is that a samurai sword in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

    The answer was a resounding yes and no for New York sex-book author Eric Yudelove.

    On Tuesday, the 58-year-old Syosset, L.I., resident was busted for allegedly threatening a strip-club bouncer with a Japanese-style sword.

    But later in the week, out on bail, he allegedly stole his own car from a police impound lot, returned to the strip club and threatened to blow it up.

    At first, the author of "Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy" was charged with criminal possession of a weapon and menacing, after allegedly waving the sword outside the Hustler Club on West 51st Street.

    Cops said he'd taken the sword from his vehicle after a dancer rebuffed his advances.

    "He started bringing her presents and becoming a bit of a pain in the a**," a police source said. "When it became clear she wasn't interested in anything other than his money, he went to see the manager and demanded she be fired."

    When those demands fell on deaf ears, he became unruly and was thrown out, the source said, only to return "a few minutes later ... waving the samurai."

    Cops added that they later found an Uzi automatic weapon in his vehicle.

    And as if that weren't enough, the bailed-out Yudelove, whose real name is Eric Steven Edelstein, allegedly took his car out of the NYPD pound without permission, drove back to the club and vowed to blow it to smithereens.

    Police re-arrested him at his home on Saturday.

    Now he's charged with tampering with evidence, intimidating witnesses and making terrorist threats.


    Source: http://www.foxnews.c...,164424,00.html





    Edit: Questions were removed because they were answered in another post.

  3. Just curious, did you legally change your name to "Yudelove" and why? And what does "Yudelove" mean, if anything?


    Because, I notice a number of "self-promotional gurus" have done this:


    Eric Steven Edelstein -> Eric Yudelove

    David Greenberg -> David Deida

    Eben Pagan -> David DeAngelo




  4. ~~~ TheTaoBums Moderation Team ~~~




    Just from a moderator's pt of view,

    re: spam rules ...

    TTB's has no problem with people plugging their products (or other people's products that they're inspired to promote) in the natural course of conversation. It's especially ok if there is actual conversation, contributing to conversation. We're fine with people promoting good products and making money, no problem! Especially, as you noted, as when it's appropo to thread subject.


    What's not ok is promoting inappropo, in high numbers, without really contributing to the conversation. For instance, if I was super excited about Eric's book/s and went around to every thread and to everyone who showed up in the lobby and just posted, "Buy this book (link)!" ... say, maybe 30 times over the course of several days. Well, that would be spam and not ok.


    We're fine w/ Drew promoting SFQ, or anyone promoting any relevant product/system ... just not all over the place all the time. :D


    The other issue potentially at play here is,

    general conversation rules

    If you don't like what someone says (re: promotion or other) or if you disagree (minor or major, mild or strong) on some point, of course people are welcome to voice their differing opinions. This is a discussion board, after all. :) Just voice your pt of view in a way that is real conversation, profane brawls aren't ok. Open board. Plenty of room to express.


    This isn't really a "warning" post ... no one has broken any major rules that hasn't already been addressed privately. Just points of information. B)


    - Trunk


    ~~~ Mod Squad out ~~~


    Dear Trunk:


    Someday I hope to be as wise and diplomatic as you.


    Eric :blush:


    For some reason this posted twice, so I guess I meant it twice as much as I did the first time.

  5. ~~~ TheTaoBums Moderation Team ~~~




    Just from a moderator's pt of view,

    re: spam rules ...

    TTB's has no problem with people plugging their products (or other people's products that they're inspired to promote) in the natural course of conversation. It's especially ok if there is actual conversation, contributing to conversation. We're fine with people promoting good products and making money, no problem! Especially, as you noted, as when it's appropo to thread subject.


    What's not ok is promoting inappropo, in high numbers, without really contributing to the conversation. For instance, if I was super excited about Eric's book/s and went around to every thread and to everyone who showed up in the lobby and just posted, "Buy this book (link)!" ... say, maybe 30 times over the course of several days. Well, that would be spam and not ok.


    We're fine w/ Drew promoting SFQ, or anyone promoting any relevant product/system ... just not all over the place all the time. :D


    The other issue potentially at play here is,

    general conversation rules

    If you don't like what someone says (re: promotion or other) or if you disagree (minor or major, mild or strong) on some point, of course people are welcome to voice their differing opinions. This is a discussion board, after all. :) Just voice your pt of view in a way that is real conversation, profane brawls aren't ok. Open board. Plenty of room to express.


    This isn't really a "warning" post ... no one has broken any major rules that hasn't already been addressed privately. Just points of information. B)


    - Trunk


    ~~~ Mod Squad out ~~~

  6. So you know them both personally? You know them both outside of the forum?


    Sparkle is pushing his book. That's obvious because she mentions it several times.


    When someone questioned the events that took place at the stripclub his defense is that he's a ninja assassin.


    Noone else finds these things odd?


    I refuse to drink the Cool Aid.

  7. hi there


    it's not uncommon for people that practice magic and are fond of rituals to be involved in special clubs and secret societies


    i wonder if eric was involved, or is


    i also wonder if he has some thoughts he can share regarding this subject

  8. Greetings..


    Hi Eric, no it doesn't offend me.. i was genuinely curious.. i have many 'titles' conferred upon me, and i worked hard, too.. but, i am not the 'titles', i am just me.. i am always surprised, not offended, by those that use titles.. as for 'anonymity', my name is Bob Waers.. and, it's not 'who i am'.. eternal student and occasional teacher, are aspects of 'who i am'..


    Be well..

  9. Electric Chi Magnet,


    I have a good idea of who you are. I'm fairly certain that you wont actually tell what style of neikung you study and if that's so then I do know who you are.






    Eric Yudelove has a book out called "Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy". That book has really good power developing exercises in it. The methods are all from Chia, even if modified slightly from Yudelove, so the fact remains that at the very least, Chia has some authentic methods.

  10. Eric Yudelove's books are beautifully conceived and written and densely packed with stuff that will get you going where you need to be going with Taoism.


    You couldnt do better than study with Eric.

  11. Aw c'mon guys, give him a break. :lol:


    53 days is great. My last effort was right around there too. Never done the full 100. Maybe when I'm older...


    I hope the NE was lucid! :P

  12. Hi Eric, thanks for your addition in this thread. :) One phrase jumped out at me. Marital status. Would you please explain so that I can understand you better? :huh:


    I want to believe that you mean "committed relationship," not necessarily a legal contract with the government. (But I won't know unless I ask. ;))


    Additionally, do you also see monogamy as an essential component in a marriage or committed relationship?


  13. Well, without over-complicating it:

    what is the proper relation between sexuality and spirituality?


    One type uses sex as a guideline on the spiritual path (like tantra), while another avoids sexuality for good (like most religions). Average people take a bit of both, they deal with some spirituality and have some sex. But this isn't good enough.

    I'm thinking about the ultimate potential. What is the best for us in an ultimate way? Not averagely - ultimately. Buddhism says that avoiding sexual intercourse is good because we need to get rid of attachments, and sexuality is an attachment. Taoism says that avoiding ejaculation is healthy because so we spare our sexual energy and that energy is used in our spiritual development. Then again, think about this:

    If taoism is something what everyone should do because it's the ultimate truth, and we should avoid ejaculation, or sex for that matter, then if everyone would become a taoist, humanity would extinct in a century. No children would ever be born. The thing is that this whole enlightenment stuff, and that everyone should become enlightened and we should help each other (all sentient beings) to reach enlightenment, and by knowing that animals can reincarnate (or reborn or whatever) in human form, so the thing is that it is only possible if sex is a part of the life of the taoist. Or the Buddhist, or everyone. Because we must ensure that there will be a next generation.


    I hope this makes sense.


    I want to know how to determine whether something is a healthy sexual desire, or an unhealthy craving for the sake of bodily satisfaction. At first it might seem easy to distinguish, but it's really not. I mean it's not like appetite and hunger: you can determine whether you're really hungry, or you just have appetite for some food. In sex it's different. You can't separate your mind from the body in this case, because the sexual need is always triggered by the mind which receives some sort of sexual impression. When you see a beautiful person then you think of sex and you get excited - there you have the desire. But, in a spiritual sense, is it a desire or a craving? A spontaneous happening that can be examined and lived to the fullest, or a mental trick, an egoist struggle to get satisfaction for the mere sake of the ego?



    PLEASE! I already know many opinions of laymen. I'd like to know the thoughts of someone who has WISDOM about this.


    You can share your opinion, of course, but please make it clear whether you're sharing an opinion, your personal experience, some teaching what a master told you once, or your true, intimate and deeply lived wisdom. Thank you.

  14. Hi folks,


    I'm new here and I'm new to the study of Tao. I'm currently reading (and practicing) Taoist Yoga, by Charles Luk. I'm looking forward to learning a lot from you folks; and hopefully I will progress in my training.






    Hello Neo:

    Charles Luk's book is good but it is incomplete and not well organized. I must urge caution if you are new to the practice. I started practicing from it back in 1981 and wound up almost killing myself. It is actually a translation of a 19th century book. I would urge you to seek out other sources.


    Master Eric Yudelove

  15. who is asking them all to be quiet?


    Silent knowledge.

    Once the mind is silenced, this doesn't mean that you dissolve and there is no one there. You are still there it's just that you see the world without the filters of the mind.

    Silent knowledge is a gift from Tao, once the mind has been silenced the Heavenly Heart silently speaks to you. It is real knowledge, not something that has been self created.


    Eric Yudelove

  16. Do you mean "mind" as in the linguistic mind? Mind as in self-conscious/dualistic mind? Or the mind of intentions, the heart?


    If I had to deal with so many minds, I think I would get confused.

    Best to ask them all politely to be quiet, then I wouldn't have to deal with any of them.


    Eric Yudelove

  17. By watching your mind.


    I don't think so. Your mind is a product of your ego. It's not the same as your brain. The aim of silencing your mind, one of the higher goals of Taoism, is to eliminate the mind. Once your mind is silenced, there is nothing to watch. Ultimately the mind is nothing but a self created dream and will be gone once you die, but Tao will go on regardless of whether anyone tries to watch it or not.

    If you think Tao is something playing in your mind that you can watch, I guess that is practicing.

    You can do Taoist practices, but you cannot practice the Tao; you can only try to live in harmony with it.


    Eric Yudelove

  18. Continuing in the Castaneda tradition Ive just started this enjoyable little journey The Sorcerers' Crossing.


    Im checking it out online (there is also a ZIP of all the books, basically making the entire site available off-line)


    I'm on chapter 5, very interesting stuff about sex being a flow of energy from women to men. Its nice to read about a womans path rather than a man and regardless of the conjecture about Castanedas life and teachings I do enjoy his universe


    Just a word on Casteneda and the Toltec tradition. I haven't really followed the post here regarding these topics, but I have just spent the last 6 months deeply involved in these subjects. Surprisingly I found "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Toltec Wisdom" by Sheri Rosenthal to be a terrific source book,to understand much that was obscure in Casteneda's books, although it never does touch on sexuality(I guess you have to be more than an idiot to broach this subject). She also approaches the Toltec tradition from a woman's point of view. Check it out. You can get a used copy on really cheap.

    I do some Magical Passes everyday. They had a real strong input from a Chinese man named Lujan who somehow got stranded in Mexico at least a 100 or more years ago(I forget). He was obviously a Taoist. He's mentioned in the introductory section of the 1st set of Passes.

    Sorry if I'm moving off topic here.


    Eric Yudelove