Eric Yudelove

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Posts posted by Eric Yudelove

  1. Hello Eric


    welcome back to the forum!


    Nice to hear from you. I'm following your two books together with four girls. We have been practising froom them for about 3 years. I think thew will be happy to know you are on this forum. I am :)


    Hope you stay for a while this time.


    Simcerey Fire Dragon


    Dear Fire Dragon:

    Glad to hear you and others are using my books to learn and practice(there are actually 3 books and I just spoke to my publisher yesterday, who informed me that they have been translated and published in 20 different languages.) I've been going through "100 Days" with my wife Dian, we're just about to start Week Four. I really hadn't looked at the book for quite a while and I have to say that I'm quite pleased with its thoroughness and clarity. Perhaps my greatest gift is the ability to take often difficult concepts and portray them in a clear and easy to understand manner. This skill probably comes from my almost 30 years as a criminal lawyer and my need to present clear, precise and concise summations to juries.

    I don't think there will be any more Taoist course books. "Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy" took it as far as I think you can take it in a book. This book is much more my own teachings than "100 Days", which was sort of an amalgam of the teachings of Mantak Chia and Wilhelm's translation of the classic Taoist text "The Secret of the Golden Flower",although it's structure was uniquely my own. (I find Cleary's translations of "The Secret of the Golden Flower to be useless from a practical point of view, however I loved "Opening the Dragon's Gate".)

    I am currently working on a children's novel with Dian about dragons.

    As to my own practice, aside from teaching Dian, I spend a lot of time, when I'm in New York, on my 200 foot long Taoist rock pathway, which is decorated with the entire inventory of a gem and mineral store that I purchased when it went out of business. About 2/3 of the way down the path you cross over a wooden bridge, once you do, the laws of nature and physics, as are commonly understood, no longer apply. Many strange things have occurred there, as a matter of fact, strange things happen around me all the time, I usually don't pay them much mind. For instance, a couple of weeks ago I took a Zippo lighter that I use to light incense and candles out of a drawer, filled it with lighter fluid and put it on my bathroom counter. It was in perfect condition. The next morning, the outer casing of the lighter was crushed beyond repair, as if it had been hit with a powerful blow from a hammer. This might have scared some people into thinking about Paranormal Activity, I thought it was really funny(luckily I had a spare case for the lighter). I also spend some time everyday, working with my collection of crystal balls. Wonderful, wonderful tools. I bought most of them about 20 years ago when you could still find fine quality quartz balls.

    I spend 1/2 the year in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, which have a very a strong magic of their own. You have an unobstructed view of Mt. Washington(the highest mountain on the entire east side of the USA) from my driveway and there is a beautiful wide river 50 yards behind our house(Dian loves hiking and kyacking.)



    Hi! This is Dian -- I was asking Eric to tell all of you how accomplished he is in Sexual Kung Fu. He actually blushed (and he's not a blushing sort of guy!) and told me if I wanted to, to tell you myself.


    I'm so lucky to be Eric's wife. My husband is amazing. He really walks his talk. Eric's life is a true testament to the lifestyle his books enable us to lead. He works on himself every day. He's also taking me through his brilliant "100 Days" program. It's already changed me for the better, especially my breathing, which was long a problem for me. As a matter of fact, I saw my Dr. last week and as she examined me she actually said "you finally learned how to breathe." I love it -- and we're only up to Week Four.


    Eric is my inspiration in all matters, including, if I may be so bold as to state it, sexually. At age 63 he provides us with a sex life beyond my wildest dreams! I haven't advanced far enough in the work to know how his books help the average person's sex life -- but I do definitely know that Eric is incredibly hot, and very, very vital. We have really wonderful sex almost daily and sometimes more often than that -- a sex life that most 23 year old men would envy -- seriously.


    So read on, enjoy, and take the exercises seriously!





    ***** This is Eric again. I'm still blushing, but I do have to say, Dian is gorgeous and way hot herself. She brings out the best in me. I absolutely love and adore her. I never knew that women came in that flavor until I met her.

    I just wanted to tell whoever reads this a little bit about who I am and where I'm at, without violating the sorceror's code: To know, to dare and to be silent.


    May the Chi be with you,

    Eric Yudelove

  2. I dont think you have to asnswer me or defend yourself, but I am curious as to what the truth of the matter is. I am just taking the opportunity to ask you what really happened. I am sure others are curious too.


    Why not set the record straight? You have already answered halfway anyway.. And if you dont care what we think, why talk to us?


    I am genuinely curious, btw. I read your introuduction in the lobby and you made it sound as if you had passed through some kind of "dark night of the soul". It would be interesting to the people on this forum to hear more of what you went through, and hear your perspective for once instead of the dark rumors we hear about you.


    dont care? not interested in sharing? ok, no problem, have a good one..

  3. ok thanks for the clarification. The article said you had become enamored of some stripper and got in a confrontation with the strip club bouncer/owner.


    hey look, sorry for shooting my mouth off about your mental state, your'e right, i dont know you, but word gets around about you carrying on about dragons, pulling swords on people, etc, and you start to wonder. and of course, you are right, Michael Winn has made some comments about your sanity, or lack thereof as well. So excuse me for connecting the dots in the rumor mill..


    Perhaps you would like to set the record straight about your relationship with dragons, why the article had you in a strip club, and why M. Winn is saying you have some issues?


    for instance:

    if you werent in a strip club, where were you?

    Why did some guy pull a gun on you anyway?

    Who was he?

    Why has M. WInn indicated that evil fortune has befallen you for dabbling with sorcery?


    and btw, can you keep the thinly veiled sorcery threats to yourself?

    Maybe i overstepped by repeating rumors about your mental health, but you arent helping your reputation by carrying on like that..

  4. Eric, hi. Glad to hear all is wonderful with Sparkle. I can imagine you dont have a much of a need or feeling to post here. I'm sorry about it - because it would be great for us if you posted here - but I understand it.


    I'm hoping you might tell us more about Jezebel.


    I regard your books as key texts. Written with heart as well as wisdom and clarity.


    Happy New Year. :)


    Dear Cat:

    Jezebel is a golden brown spotted Bengal Cat. She's about 8 1/2 months old now. I got her from a breeder who has long been involved with breeding and experimental breeding programs for Bengals.

    The Bengal cat is actually a domesticated Asian Leopard Cat. It isn't a pussy cat at all.

    Jezebel isn't my 1st Bengal. My 1st Bengal looked much more like a pussy cat with spots and stripes. Jezebel looks and walks like a jungle cat. The breed has been greatly improved since I bought my 1st Bengal. She has an incredibly sweet and funny disposition. She is very smart and loves to play. When she was just about 13 weeks old I was in my bedroom and she jumped up on the bed and started meowing at me. When I went over to her, she ran to the other side of the bed. I walked away and she started meowing at me again, when I finally walked over to her again, she ran to the other side of the bed. After about 4 rounds of this, I realized that she had made up her own game and was playing with me. I was really impressed with her intelligence. She is also incredibly beautiful, graceful, and photogenic.

    She also absolutely adores our dog Tarot. They play all the time. Tarot is a Kishu, a very rare breed from the southernmost island in Japan, Kyushu. They were named a national treasure in Japan in 1934 and are extremely difficult to get out of the country. There are only 2 breeders in the world outside of Japan. Tarot is a wonderful dog. You can see him Click on purebreeds at the top of the page. When the next page comes up, scroll down then press K. Next,scroll down to Kishu Ken(dog)and press it and Tarot's pictures and profile come up.

    Tarot looks like an all white medium size Akita. He is a very handsome dog. Kishu's are strong willed dogs but love to be trained. Hunting dogs by nature, they were trained to hunt wild boar, bear and deer. He has AKC titles in Novice and Advanced Rally, a 2nd place Obedience win and needs 3 more points from the American Rare Breed Assoc. for his Championship.

    My wife Sparkle is simply the finest woman I ever knew. What more can I say. If I could figure out how to do it, I'd post photos here. She's been a runway model, a ballerina, an attorney, a writer and my loving Sorceress.

    Currently we are collaborating on a children's book with the working title " The Dragon Master and the Pussy Cat Dragon".

    I'm glad that you found my books helpful on your Way.



  5. Oh yeah? you're a Taoist Sorcerer eh? Well I'm a Fugitive Adept from an Evil Hermetic Order,

    and I'm going to report you for making threats, because that is most certainly what you just

    did: "You should always say nice things about a living sorceror."


    Why is it that anytime people start to think they have powers that cannot be reigned in by law,

    they automatically lose any sense of morality? It's like they automatically think they can and

    will get away with anything, so lose all moral compass completely. I used to see it all the time:

    "Oh yes three times three....anything you do will come back on you three times stronger," and they

    do it anyway.


    What does it matter to you if somebody you don't even know says something like that on a forum?

    It's not grand to be sure, but there are far better ways to handle it than to make threats.

    And imo the people I knew in the Evil hermetic Order were not exactly totally sane, so I think

    it's not unreasonable to think Sorcery could have a bad effect on a person's mind.


    I do hope I'm not transgressing any forum rules. I'm a cult survivor, and this kind of thing

    gets me riled.


    Thank you Mr. Yudelove, now I know not to read any of your books.

  6. did you not pull a samurai sword on the owner of a strip club on long island?


    i saw the news article, it didn't exactly make you look sane.


    is that the kind of thing a taoist "master" does?


    and all of this boasting and posturing doesnt make you look very well balanced either.


    I am well aware you are one of Chia's senior students, and I know your books as well, but in my opinion, a "master" is in control of themselves, their emotions, and their ego. you appear to have none of that going on. sorry to see that, Master Yudelove,


    I meant what I said, I hope you feel better

  7. Hello Fellow Taoists:

    I stop in occasionally to see what is happening on this site and once in a while post a message. One of the reasons I don't come here that often is that it appears to me that most practitioners on this site are involved with the philosophical side of Taoism(Tao Te Ching,Cleary,etc) with some Chi Kung exercises thrown in and the rich world of Taoist practices are ignored. I do Taoist practices with my wife, everyday, we don't sit around talking about our inability to talk about the real Tao, we leave that to take care of itself.

    I could understand what I'm seeing on Tao Bums if this were, say 1985, but so much has been revealed about what the Taoists did with their time other than discussing the finer points of Taoism since then.

    Other than a handful of books on Taoist philosophy and "The Secret of the Golden Flower" by Wilhelm in 1941, until approximately 1980, the actual practices of the Taoists were basically unknown in the East and the West.

    In 1965 the estimated population of Taoists in China was 2,000,000. In 1975 it was 50,000. In the intervening years came The Cultural Revolution, and like a dragon eating its own tail, China wiped out it's Taoist heritage. They now are sorry for this and have just acknowledged the Taoists and China's cultural loss and recently had a Taoist "Convention" in Beijing.

    As a result of the Cultural Revolution, those Taoists who could, fled China. They settled in countries and island nations in the Far East. To support themselves, they taught the long time secret Taoist practices.

    By 1980, authentic teachers migrated from the Far East to other parts of the world. Most of what they teach can be found in the "Taoist Canon". This is a 6000 page collection of Taoist practices dating back possibly thousands of years. There is no index and except for a few minor translations of specific topics, it's all in Chinese and would be highly inscrutable even if it were in English. The higher practices of inner alchemy were always an oral tradition, it being impossible to pass this knowledge on through the written word. A Master's energy was always necessary for this.

    I've studied a lot of Taoist books over the years, don't get me wrong, but for 20 years I studied Taoist practices with a Tao Master. I wrote 3 books on the subject including 2 fourteen week courses on Taoist practices and finally was named a Master by my teacher more than 10 years ago. I now spend a good deal of my time in the White Mountains of New Hampshire in the shadow of Mt. Washington.

    I'm not trying beep my own horn here. It's just that I'm curious if there is simply little interest in Taoist practices here or some suspicion about the subject, or that it is merely just a misconception on my part. I'm not looking to sell anybody anything or teach anybody anything. The only person I teach these days is my wife, and she's really something!


    May the Chi be With You,

    Master Eric Yudelove

  8. Well somehow I landed back on Earth & I guess I'll have to stay for a while. Things have been very good lately. I'm very deeply back to the practice of Taoist Alchemy & magick, with fantastic results.

    I'm also finally getting remarried after being a widower for 10 years, her name is Dian but I call her Sparkle. She is a lawyer and was a ballerina & a runway & longerie model. Absolute perfection,Don't ask.

    I am definitely not worthy of this, the bum that I am, but what's a guy supposed to do? Huh? Especially when she starts begging me to let her keep hanging around. Compassion was always my strongest virtue.

    Also have a new friend from the Upper World, Jezebel, the Pussycat Dragon, sweet and savage. I would post pictures of her on this site if I could.


    Eric Yudelove

    The Dragon Master

  9. You do realise that isn't true. I don't meant it's not true right now or that you are not actually felling that right now. You know what you are feeling and I can't possible know that. It sounds like you are in a really bad place at the moment.


    But life IS change. You will recover from this. If you don't think you can help yourself right now, get help from others. If one person can't help you just try someone else.


    You don't have to do it alone unless you want to.


    Listen kid, I've been a magician since 1971, in 1999 Master Mantak Chia made me the 1st American Tao Master.

    I've written 3 books on magick and Taoism.

    If I tell you entities are dangerous, believe it. If you are really happy with your entity then you're probably possessed. It will continually trick you into believing that she knows what's best for you.

    Your Soul is on the line here. Wake up and smell the roses.


    Bye the way, how do I post a new message or blogs. I still can't figure out how to use this site and I'm looking for some interesting Taoists to schmuzz with.



  10. :rolleyes:




    Oddly enough ... these words you've expressed reminded me almost impeccably of the infamous SheepishLord of Chaos (Plato). Have these events you speak of perhaps brought you closer to the same mindframe? That'd be most intruiging, indeedy.

    Hmmmm ... things that make a continual appearance and never ceases to amaze me how much it changes one.

    A life of service ... this offers a most fantastic peek through the veil.


    I have no idea what Plato's mind frame is these days. But hello Plato.

    I hope it's infamously impeccable, you old daredevil. But you never know with these matters. I only met Plato twice.

    The SheepishLord of Chaos. Sounds like a video game. But what do I know?

    Would someone leave me a message telling me what this website is about and how to make the best use of it?. It seems like an interesting place.




  11. How do we know you're really Eric Yudelove? I think you should take a picture of yourself with a sign saying ;)


    How about a DNA sample? I'd be glad to send you some.


    Eric ;)

  12. Very interesting and welcome!


    Soooo, was whatever you had to give up essentially your personal power in this world?


    I don't expect you to answer that, but you just got the shrink in me irresistably curious...


    Anyhow, glad to hear you're doing ok now, cheers! :)


    I don't know what "personal power in this world" means. Let's just say I was confronted with situations I didn't think I could overcome and I did. Here's something for your shrink; my ego was crushed, demolished and disintegrated.

    So was it worth it? Well it was all in keeping with the path I chose to follow. I just had no idea how difficult it would become. But as they say, no pain no gain. Do I care what others think? Not really. I never sought addulation.I simply wanted to explore the mystery of this world and universe.

    It is very mysterious. :unsure:


    Eric Yudelove

  13. Rumors of my poor ending have been somewhat exaggerated. I've just been working on my education. These things take time.

    I wrote a couple of books on Taoist practices and one on Taoism and Magick.

    The road to immortality can take many unexpected twists and turns. The teachings I followed told me that in order to reach my higher goals I would have to give up everything. How could I comprehend beforehand what this could possibly mean? I found out. It was beyond my wildest dreams or nightmares. But I don't want to discuss it. Leave it to say that I'm still here; healthy, wealthy and reasonably well adjusted for a TaoBum.


    Hello Friends,

    Eric Yudelove B)