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Everything posted by rain

  1. Cold hands during practice

    My turn to say thanks for sharing. I appreciate the info. I'm reading your book now and I'm tossed btw thinking this is genious and this is mad rambling. It may very well be due to my intellectual shortcomings. Malapropos & then maybe not, I just had an interesting encounter with a freemason muscle therapist and he gave me a lecture on King Solomon and Tyr, and I told him about the rock churches of Lalibela, which he'd never heard about...can you recommend some books on the subject? About smoking and how long it takes before the body is clean; an athletic sportif guy told me, 10 yrs after he quit smoking he woke up with a tar-tounge. Another question, your laughter, the HAHA's..does your heart get over-exited? If so what do you do to harmonize and balance your heart energy?
  2. Cold hands during practice

    Hello buscon I have a hunch. From now on leave the window open while asleep and shut the window when you get out of bed. Make sure the room is eavenly temperately balanced before you start your qigong exercise. never ever practise with window open or with draft. How long have you practised? the shoulder blockage is probably giving you a hard time, may I ask what kind of qigong exercises you are doing? Personallly qigong has improved my over all circulation and I no longer have cold arms. I have had serious injury in collar bone and frozen shoulder but specific exercises practised every day and others formerly done for longer spans of time have and do keep the circulation of qi flowing. I have som great exercises for you if you want. And not to be boring, but alignment alignment is the sentral message here. You have to work with your root chakcra as well. and I know no better way than Zhan Zhuang. also remember to close. ps the cold can be a symptom. cold release so that warmth can replace it. cold from an earlier acute infection..
  3. great. thanks. he says somthing about the higher the order the higher the efficiency the less noise..the clearer the message..
  4. Off to China :) See y'all back soon !

    dedicated. impressive. bon voyage.
  5. Spontaneous Kundalini Experience

    He said so? honey if you see Drew tellhim he'll have to loose the socks
  6. Spontaneous Kundalini Experience

    With all due respect Ya Mu it seems as if Drew is already doing his fair share of aid for humanity recycling and refining energy in an unsefishish manner. Drew, personally I cannot grasp how you stand these vast numbers of internal climaxes, but then again I am not superhuman and such repetition would probably drive me insane. But maybe it all evolves into habitual, nonvoluntary uncoscious reflexes? or is that counter.? wow, confusing it is.. Spectrum..prenatal breath..is it the same as the breath triggered by the autonomous nervous system during spontaneous qigong? the one that opens the acupoints?
  7. Spontaneous Kundalini Experience

    Hi CraigP I truly have a hunch that he is onto something..I don't know if science yet has documented that "Electromagnetic pulsations of the energy points REPLACE the breathing of the lungs". But I personally believe this to be a fact. But I am perhaps a little mad. I would not go as far as him and say replace, but rather complement. True, breathing cycle rate slows down but the body's total engagement/participation in the breathwork seems to increase? And it seems also crucial that one reprograms oneself, that is - either dedicates ample time to meditation or qigong. Also there is the usual problem, whenever something works better..you feel much worse when you dont do it. Soak up and percolate is great recepy. Thanks Vajrasattva. Thats just IT standing. ))
  8. Buddhist cats

    RAW Smile "It's amazing how the cats have managed to train the monks to feed them every time they jump through a hoop" . I like cats small and big this one is friends with the water element
  9. Spontaneous Kundalini Experience

    there is something here ..but I am still not convinced that Lotus is a must
  10. heart never drains thats just a feeling when greedy becomes disappointed through reaching for someone who is not truly there its called disappointment like stage diving without supporters Iv'e had good times stopping outwards orgasm. alone and with partner. a partner can very well share an inwards orgasm with you. a particularly paranoid partner would perhaps dream you stealing from him, while draeing inwards, but then again, who would have such a partner.
  11. Child Birth Orgasms

    ahh..nooo. not nassim haramein again this time with a luvly tantra hairdo really nauseating. puts me right off here I guess most women come different. I know women who enjoyed giving birth without pain. who kissed and held hands with the their lovers during labour and others who hissed like dragons in raging pain whwnever their moron man tried to help and agaih those who were ever so satified with their patners snoring on the big cushions while trying to get comfortable with the rhytmic spasms This is a great video because once again we get to see how women are experts at multitasking. Some women entered bliss while holding and bonding their baby some when breastfeeding due to the amount of oxytocine released. breastfeeding is also highlu recommnded because the release of hormones directly influence the vagina so it contracts.
  12. I Ching Digest

  13. For Neophytes: Qi Sickness

    Hi Eternal Student and no I havent read your comment Marblehead.. I think you described someone immature I wouldn't want to spend too much time with but I cannot see what this has to do with qi sickness.
  14. Yes? hey M I wasn't aware you were here. is this the manifest? I'm hardly here lol
  15. I highlighted something I found worth pondering I too have made this assumption but through experience the "I" shedding its facets thus beoming more and more both exact and relative through holding and releasing until these paradoxes seem to melt or become redundant be cause the shift of energycentre changes and refocuses on the reflection of the mirror reflection of this EYE "I"s ever present momentual prayer for contextual meaning of th-usness. falling down to earth is not necessarily about becoming absolute but about learning how to deal with th-usness. like many tmes before when Ive felt like responding to an issue Im on thin ice but there is for me something profound here because I was taught a story about being close to the physical that may be very close to a lie being physical is for me being without mental angle and deep meditation is not the same but ..somehow similar
  16. Edward M Im sorry I cannot answer your initial questions. But I want to tell you that pressing tounge against upper part of palate on permanent basis may be a symptom of your perceived cervical instability, but the force in your tounge muscle may spread tension to surrounding tissue and muscles. I doubt your neck is broken, Is the movement annoying? a smooth neck sounds nice.
  17. Why do you believe in qi?

    as always. when the hands are "full" there is potential exchange. such is love. No?
  18. Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    my exact reflection! but with the memory & depth of mass communication what are the odds?
  19. The collected works of Blissmusic

    I don't know about enlightenment but entering beyond concept is healthy
  20. Great. No. It was a hint to the essence of the above statement of yours.
  21. 1. Yes! does it show ? 2. raincheck? 3. I finally like you make me smile.
  22. hm I was talking about holosync and fear of jing loss I dont know many men with sexual problems and I am able to say fuck without being emotional. just giving some advice since I am totally convinced that chattering chattering chatttering here is tickling you somewhere so your engine keeps running, but I wonder wonder what would happen to your jing if you dcided to shut up for three weeks. not being mean. just thinking.
  23. you obviously never met an emotional lady Little 1. unless u think fed up equals emotion
  24. it means shut the fuck up and sit down or put on the holosync
  25. Hi Hagar I found holosync some yrs ago and still havent moved past the demo these simple cd tracks are capable of putting me into a very clear, calm and centered state already , and I use it to wire down when confronting the canvases. Thus for me it seems to clear away the mind from chatter that causes stress and so ables me to ground... still curious about the other levels where you combine the wave patterns with personal affirmations. but, since I already have a good thing going here after several years I'm in no hurry.