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Everything posted by rain

  1. i Peace

    http://www.youtube.com/user/fiercelightfilms A Feature Documentary By Velcrow Ripper www.fiercelight.org possibly a little "heavy" on the emotions but I suscribed.
  2. Sexual Energy

    Care to explain how you came to this conclusion Scotty?
  3. old bum, new bum

    hello living mountain welcome lovely name, - lovely avatar, lot's of great people share here.
  4. New Tao Bum

  5. Campbell seems like a multi genious, have you read "the masks of god"? seems like a must read. well here it is the four towered squared building in Jungs "Dreams" that I mentioned. It has in addition an outer rectangular courtyard, also with towers in four corners, (doubled up it seems). "The symbolic city as a centre of the earth, it's four protecting walls laid out in a square: a typical tmenos. Maier, Viatorium(1651)" I noticed reading about the other church buiilding above..- the word "aryan/arian". that is not like the arian race it means something different. check it out. I feel it has something to do with geometry.. trinity verus ..something else. well.. if there is something there you'll figure it out.
  6. Top Ten Taobums of All Time

    1.father paul 2.spectrum 3.drew hempel 4. vortex 5. taomeow 6.ya mu 7.sean 8.lin an wei 9.and everyone 10.else not sealed yet..
  7. it is not your building but searching around I came across this Basilica and according to Jung are several of the old building with four towers in th corners -churches, and it fascinates being in Milano and not Rome and it's connection to the silk road. Several of these churces naturally had fountains in their centrers... http://images.google.no/imgres?imgurl=http...DN%26start%3D20
  8. Yes will try and do so or upload some pics from the book.. It isn't easy read because he follows the evoulution of the dreams of one man but Vortex please buy the book I'm referring too, I've been reading it the last days and I'm like bombed in the brain from all the information, .I just cannot begin to sum it up..to think that I've read it before..what happened? but rereading it now it flashes it's light on the kunlun it speaks about the left hand path..fex. and ..tibetan, egyptian greek, christian symbolism..it is so much it just keeps slipping away..from my mental grasp.. it's a hydrogen bomb coctail for the brrain. very good! I really think it is good to read it as he ment it..as a whole.. I am and have always been madly infatuated with Carl Gustaf.
  9. rereading CG Jungs beautiful book "Dreams" I find a picture of your drawing which lacks the greek pointed roof in the middle... He gives a reference to the four cornered castle as a symbol of the centre of the earth, or the soul as our centre cornered and protected by the 4 elements. I also find the word "Temenos" from greec that means to "cut", "Temenos (τέμενος,[1] from the Greek verb τέμνω "to cut"; plural: temene) is a piece of land cut off and assigned as an official domain, especially to kings and chiefs, or a piece of land marked off from common uses and dedicated to a god, a sanctuary, holy grove or holy precinct: The Pythian race-course is called a temenos, the sacred valley of the Nile is the Νείλοιο πῖον τέμενος Κρονίδα, the Acropolis is the ἱερὸν τέ The concept of temenos arose in classical Mediterranean cultures as an area reserved for worship of the gods. cut. A large example of a Bronze Age Minoan temenos is at the Juktas Sanctuary of the palace of Knossos on ancient Crete.." ancient but then as so many other things revived in Europe during the medieval, found in Scotland, England Slovakia..etc
  10. the hidden meaning of relationships

    So what happens when such one tries to enter into a relationship with the master? Here's what happens. The thought occurs, "I am not as smart as the master. I will venerate the master and learn everything I can." While this SEEMS good on the surface, the hidden meaning of this is, "I am only with the master because I am stupid. If I wasn't as stupid as I am now, I wouldn't be with this guy at all." That's not very pleasant, is it? It's very very dirty. Stinky. Filthy. ahhh
  11. hey I need help. I have invited a guest who is a vegetarien and does not eat milk or egg either and I myself do not eat wheat flour. Any suggestions about something delicious to serve?
  12. A new model of solar dynamics

    Velikovskij. ?
  13. the only challenge here is the definition of "good"
  14. Kunlun follow up poll

    I thought it was more taoish to think in terms of "power is to control no thing" but I feel lost in terms of endearment right now. too bad that aint a video YMWong.
  15. Thank you I really needed to hear this tonight.
  16. Spontaneous Qigong; A Report.

    quote mgd; "And there will always be more questions than answers on this path." Agree. Seems so right now. Thanks for asking questions.
  17. new scientific find

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/gallery/...cture=347579933 http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%...al.pone.0005723 but some say its no big deal..
  18. Spontaneous Qigong; A Report.

    yeah I noticed that one about mr. Hsue too. but who am I to say how much Oscar needs to clear out. Why don't you ask your Mary Lamb teacher mgd? or if you already have, why dont share or shut up and just practise to see what the results are? I am so totally not impressed or interested in this fixation on moves, its like fixating on peoples farts IMHO. Same goes for those demos on level equals moving other people. I've got my eyes fixed on totally different things.
  19. Spontaneous Qigong; A Report.

    why? insanity. madness. the world is insane. get used to it. kids are born into this madness. my heart aches.
  20. Spontaneous Qigong; A Report.

    Thank you 11:33 (Could please all these paranoid ghost-diggers just chill?) THe spontaneous moves that develop into natural spontaneous moves are according to my grandmaster exactly what you have learned from your Master Wong Kit; I can only second your exact words. "When I do spontaneous movements - I feel cosmic energy flowing through me, sort of like a waterfall. It feels good, like being alive, but more fresh, and more vital. My body feels light and strong. I can feel energy moving within me. I can feel my heart open. I feel at peace. I have a small detail to add though ..it is not so much as if energy is running inside of me..it is more as if weightlessness plays. As Master Wong Kiew Kit, teacher of Shaolin Cosmos Qigong, explains it, the vigorous movements occur when the quickly moving qi runs into blockages in the chi channels. The movements are your body's natural way of opening up the blockages. As you advance in the training usually movements become much less large and flamboyant. A more advanced student might barely move at all. This is because the qi is flowing smoothly and doesn't run into any "speed bumps." " Actually this was so well put that I'm going to copy paste into my own practise thread. It echoes what I've said all along.