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Everything posted by rain

  1. Cobra Breath

    yes, why don't you. I have a feeling the wigglin' may be important..throw in a bonfire and vibrating palms there and hmm..maybe not instant enlightenment, but surely extacy? the tiger and dragons breat is surely very effective. sounds sweet to me. I'm sure it won't be so hard to smile either. life's good.
  2. A Question For The Ladies

    If what I so passionately am seeking has a name, I hope I will hear this name in my dreams tonight. Dream it up.
  3. A Question For The Ladies

    the arrow flies the target moves. its you. This makes sense to me.
  4. Thanks Trunk just loved the passage about those two little boys who got turned on by challenge not aware of the term failure at all. A wonderful quote from the book; "You know I was hoping it would be informative."
  5. Wow!

    WOW! !! YUP
  6. Spontaneous qigong

    more like flowing light version of the electric boogie.. undulations really slooooooooooooooooow......... started standing qigong with natural spontaneous reactions way before kunlun was introduced on this board. never any ticks or abrupt moves, just sometimes high speed turns, swaying, loops and circles, mostly done balanced left and right. sometimes steep stance with weightshifts between legs, the most important for me is the weightless feel, like riding on air. without it my knees wouldnt be able to take the challenge of the moves, the counter balance-challenge, I believe this is were my body tends to reach for new experience. kunlun spontaneous?..no never had it. But the kunlun systems goldenflower worked for me big time.
  7. self-centered thread

    see that where your wrong its not about the beginning at all. its about how you do it. dot.com. its the same as with having an ego and knowing it.
  8. self-centered thread

    hey guys im an old romantic beyond repair and just want to share some things. wathced that old movie serendipity about faith and synchronisity yesterday and cried my heart out its such a girliemovie. im such a girl. whatever. today I was lucky enough to share a conversation and listen to a guy telling how he wanted to leave his wife but decided he did not want to until she really understood why, ..-they ended up getting together again... "we are totally different he says" then the other couple present said, "we were married but split up, now we are good friends".. a pua looking for a recepy is just fighting boredome/fear/(that said, fighting boredome is a chivalrous task I think, and fighting fear is sweet just admit it its all familiar, and in addition if one finds a pattern it is finallly possible to communicate, if all was random, *shuddersandshivers* it would be incomprehensible).
  9. Spiritual practice during sleep

    thanks for useful methods, obviously useful experience, not just ideas.
  10. Spontaneous qigong

    Thanks for answering I just briefly visited your site and will read more of whats recommended. I'm already enrolled in a whole system of medical qigong in Scandinavia. But as I said, you made me curious as to learn more. thanks.
  11. The Tao of Tai Chi

    yes, I enjoyed every bit terribly sorry if I was rude to any of the guys in the video... why do I suddenly feel this rush of love sweeping through me? lol
  12. The Tao of Tai Chi

    I went back and changed my post because the tone was joking and too fresh and I did answer my initial post that u found so incredibly important to post. u are still missing the whole point just being agressive and condescending. the pjama is royal blue, to me he looks like he eats meat, and the punch that came at him was camerafriendly. "Ultimately I think the biggest battle we have in life is within ourselves and how we deal with whatever we experience. "quote mjjbecker. i am not dicussing his record, status, name, lineage, championships, merits, the only one who is truly focused on these matters (why?) criticising anyone here is you, because in your mind you accuse me for wanting to demean him. I tell you something you should take to heart, it takes more than u ever will have to be able to make it real in front of a camera. the pyjamaman does, but the punch that came AT him..suffered from conscious knowledge about the block that was about to come. thats my opinion. I dont care who any of u are.
  13. Spontaneous qigong

    Hi Ya Mu Running qigong; with qi pushing and swiftness sounds like something I would love to study. may I ask your advice about where to find a teacher? in europe or thailand?
  14. The Tao of Tai Chi

    no i am not i didnt say he was no master, i said he looks like he eats meat. i also said that that particular punch thrown AT him was a camerafriendly punch. his wrist would snap hitting anything in that angle. you are so wrong as to say ANYthing about WHAT i said. i advice you strongly to deflate. embarrassed who? you?
  15. Spontaneous qigong

    riding the ostrich..doing the the "hippie hippie shake", & "the ethiopean hip and shoulder dance" .. start with qigong and the spontaneous qigong appears by it self. its in the nature of qigong.
  16. can you do yoga in shoes?

    - (housework apron nude man yoga ..hmm...)
  17. Bruce Lee

    Here's another excellant Lee quote: "Absorb what is useful.. Add what is essentially your own." Reject what is useless
  18. The Tao of Tai Chi

    hello what a nice *royal* blue pyjama
  19. Spontaneous qigong

    I really appreciate your post WuXingQi! (better late than never)
  20. self-centered thread

    lovs yah friendo. really.
  21. self-centered thread

    makes me wonder what kind of relationship you have with your moms...
  22. Starman returns

    oj. these pctures actually make hair stand on my arms. so fresh!!