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Everything posted by rain

  1. Horrible Posture

    move on
  2. assemblage point

    Thanks for responding. So, all familiar terms then. I was just not too fan of the egg manouvre idea. thats all. If you do not have a lineage at the time you want to align to gather the force, you may as well focus on intention built on rock steady faith in omnipresent love genious beoynd timespace. pooh
  3. 3rd eye opening

    I would love to listen if you want to share details
  4. What are you listening to?

    kokoo ;-) BLI LYS! "God Shuffled His Feet" After seven days He was quite tired so God said: "Let there be a day Just for picnics, with wine and bread" He gathered up some people he had made Created blankets and laid back in the shade The people sipped their wine And what with God there, they asked him questions Like: do you have to eat Or get your hair cut in heaven? And if your eye got poked out in this life Would it be waiting up in heaven with your wife? God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them; The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him So he said:"Once there was a boy Who woke up with blue hair To him it was a joy Until he ran out into the warm air He thought of how his friends would come to see; And would they laugh, or had he got some strange disease? God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them; The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him The people sat waiting Out on their blankets in the garden But God said nothing So someone asked him: "I beg your pardon: I'm not quite clear about what you just spoke Was that a parable, or a very subtle joke?" God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them; The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him
  5. assemblage point

    I find your posts intruiging, and ahh .. not sure if I understand half of it. Like "light egg" and,..ehrm the "Lineage" ref in this., though egg and light and lineage are familiar terms.. but, wow I feel awkward saying this..I've always felt puzzled about this middle dantien, not quite able to adress it as a fixed point like the lower and upper dantien. it seems I can only feel it come to life when concentrationg on intention as mentioned. I beam it with intention. I am also able to move it. Moving it downwards and slightly angular backwards I get things done so to speak.. or to put it another way, I get in accordance with the universe.. and thats quite powerful. haha.
  6. Horrible Posture

    interesting vortex..I've been watching videos of me doing standing spontaneous qigong and the pinky's are definitely only appearing when the body is searching for straightning alignment of spine. It happens pointing down, but also when I point in horisontal line at shoulderheight. Most of the time the indexfinger points simultaneously with the pinky and when done standing with arms raised in shoulderheight it guides the rest of the body and tunes in, serious concentration on lower dantien.
  7. Seven cervical (neck) vertebrae

    - Wundanquan. quote; "He taught me the xin yu (heart/mind language) yesterday and I had the most balls out experience I've ever had in years of training." Could you tell us more about this, it sounds very interesting. I would love to see your video if you decide to share on youtube. rain
  8. An Odd Question But A Sincere One

    funny u should ask that question. I was boxing sunday and reflecting on th same question.. came to think about the "sink down lift guard" ...you sink down & keep centered stepping in and out.. circling..I also practise qigong daily. the sinking down is..very similar to the wuji position reached through horsestance or zanshuan as others call it. I bet you would love doing taiji/shadowboxing and recognizing in yourself the weighttransitions slowmotion. Then you can add some more consciousness simultaneously, to breathing technique, - and there you go that is if you havent already?
  9. Virtue is...

    Hi Stigweard I just started really reflecting on your report in your personal thread... and I have questions, would like to understand details better, want to learn. just saw a movie, it gave me a very welcomed opportuninty to reflect upon the difference btw forgiveness and tolerance. Te latter meakes me breathe. Reflect upon it. I literally opened up a whole new dimension and now I look forward to my first communion. I so agree with what has been said about finding precious things in threads by surprise find a clue in a movie, and a post at TB, a headline in the newspaper, a quick flashback to a certain situation earlier in life..suddenly your life is back on track again.
  10. Haiku Chain

    is weeping in shame send it away to clean or decay give me silk
  11. US history is made...

    "he tapped in"...? where is this all gonna end?
  12. Shoes - Sneakers

    ecco dr.martens
  13. balalaika vi kan jo ikke se grensen under vann!! dorg not oter
  14. US history is made...

    so happy for ya, for us, for everybody
  15. It's time I said hello!

    ......... TrunK! how could Ya?
  16. How This Universe Works?

    it is a question of control and choice isn't it? and Michael seeing you in a broader perspective just COULD be hilarious... "Tommy caan you heaar mee?" come plaaayyyy... dang sorry didnt see that "enlighened wanted thang until too late".
  17. Gum disease

    yes. good advice! do not brush teeth right after drinking orange juice. wait, drink and flush mouth with water first.
  18. yes and not really, I am cruising in yodas...... without actually reading EVERYthing he reads, just mildly curious, since he experiments in a span from egypt to the vikings... what can I say?I LIKE the mind.! & I can't possibly read everything at TB but he's like a signpost, - a torch flashing on and off..saying this way...perhaps?
  19. Ayuhasca?

    yepp that pretty much sums it up doesn't it. (says the one of the ones who voluntered to hang on to a foot.)
  20. Etymology

    freeform! pretty please share something else than wiki...like favourite book talking about nagal belly and heart archetypes. mm?
  21. sore throat and weak feeling

    If GSE i grapefruit seed extract my brother shares your enthusiasm. Me I have a little warning, go for the drops like Xienkula advises, do not buy it in capsules and swallow with food before you go to sleep. Like I did..The capsules ended afloat on top in the stomac and I ended up at the emergency with a bad stomach ulcer. Incredibly frightening and painful. Did heal very fast though.
  22. sore throat and weak feeling

    make yourself a spicy chickenstock soup with garlic, chili, ginger, pepper & onion & cellery root. put some coco milk in it to make it more enjoyable, it makes it soft to swallow. Drink as hot as you can. hot bath in the evening after eating the soup. starve a fever drown a cold. drink a lot. it works. Go to bed early. And yes, don't worry. It will be better tomorrow. take triple dose of vitmain C in the morning. ahh. I forgot the lemongrass..and koriiander (that is if u like it thai'ish.)
  23. Don't get me started..

    ahh.. thanks
  24. Starman returns

    Yes I know your and others stamina and originality and daily practise. I was childishly generalising. I disagree that practising everyday is so strenouous though. It is about implementing routines too. It is not hard to ride the bike or brush teeth anymore right? We guide ourselves and seek answers from those more experienced.