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Everything posted by rain

  1. "1) A chaotic state is not random and the same frequency, even though at a different phase or period time, ALWAYS synchronizes (as per math professor Steve Strogatz' research)." quote drew well THANK YOU for answering the question I didnt write: I hope you are always honest. btw drew I cannot seem to be able to make a review of G.Morris Martial arts like I promised I would..later.
  2. Ajna chakra

    wow. nice thread. thanks guys.
  3. any ken wilber fans here?

    yes. quote hundun "but his brilliance in the areas that matter to my personal development is no less beautiful. " yes doesnt it make you grateful that some minds make tools for everyone? after reading, it is like standing on the shoulders of...your parents...if your lucky. it is awesome they actually help you to have a mind to loose. do so agree about A.H. Almaas. read his book twice. then lost my mind. must reread. dead solid.
  4. Enlightenment by Seeing (a series of images)

    yes it is the love story.
  5. Enlightenment by Seeing (a series of images)

    well..they certainly speak to me. and I am not enlightened. much love.
  6. Anyone tried Colonblow?

    Acc to teachers at tao garden M Chia made a "movie" many yeaars ago for instructional use..havent seen it myself. seems the man was a frontliner in many ways. reading some of his books really is a kick for a designer, (you pick up some great 70ties vibes). mee to heard that it shouldnt be done often, you can mess up the peristaltics/natural bowelmovements. i dunno
  7. Why Taoism is different

    why are all of your links "not found"?
  8. this I find interesting can you tell me what circumstances influence whether fate or will dictates?
  9. ""

    no sweat cat. but since your thanking me I want to make sure you get it all right. The red text was ment as a hommage to you since you love red and you mentioned practising NLP. As to the color of the material in the tubes, I will not have said anything, but the content conducted I imagine contain the whole spectre, even yellow, violet, orange, blue, indigo and green. + some our eyes cannot see. As I've said to some of my students "Even if you love yellow, thats no excuse for making an ad look like an easter greetings card. Unless of course you are making a personal ad." thank you
  10. ""

    I LOVE tubes and cylinders and twowaystransmittors and all the colors of the spectrum.
  11. ""

    ah yes yes, as I understand it, these superconductors in contrast to others are made of tubes and they conduct/manage/send via MAGNETISM do you get it now? tell me if you still cunt understand it.
  12. intro

    hi SeriesOfTubes. what a special name youve got, how did you find it? I remember years ago with judo. fun, but I broke some bodyparts welcome to the forum. where is your area?
  13. Introducing myself

  14. ""

    The use of the Bi-2223 superconducting tubes Plechacek, V.; Hejtmanek, J.; Sima, V. Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on Volume 7, Issue 2, Jun 1997 Page(s):703 - 706 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/77.614601 Summary:The work is mainly devoted to the possibility of the use of the BPSCCO tubes as permanent superconducting magnets, i.e. to the increase of the critical current density Jc and the trapped magnetic flux density Btr. The obtained results are also applied for the superconducting current leads and fault current limiters. The Bi-2223 tubes were prepared by the isostatic pressing using a pressing mandrel and they were thermomechanically processed several times. It was shown that the texture formed during the process and favorably influencing Jc is more pronounced in tubes with thinner walls. With regard to this fact, a superconducting magnet composed of many thinner tubes was prepared. The trapped magnetic flux density in the hole of the magnet reached up to 0.5 T at 20 K and, after cooling the magnet at 15 K, the Btr value of 0.5 T was maintained seemingly without relaxation for five days. This multi tubes magnet was also compared with one composed of two tubes of thicker walls. The Jc of about 1000 A/cm2 (at 77 K and under self field of about 20 mT) achieved for the single tubes indicates an advantage of the use of relatively thin Bi-2223 tubes for the superconducting current leads and fault current limiters
  15. The vagus nerve and the female orgasm

    yes I read that first part before, he looks like my dad! "Prana and apana meet at the navel chakra producing white fire which then travels down to root chakra." and then goes up.. say, did it really feel like it went up your spine? Like your back? To me it felt like it went up in centre of body but a little in front of the spine, it did not go up at my back, like the spine I can touch with my hands. It was an very straightening experience that was VERY strong you are at mercy of a much stronger Willpower than you ever encountered in your life. rriiide and let GO. all those emotions he talks about..were just a part of it IMHO. you. tube
  16. The vagus nerve and the female orgasm

    How vagus nerve stimulation works The vagus nerve serves as a primary communication pathway between your brain and such major organs as your heart, lungs and intestines. There's one vagus nerve on each side of your body. The nerve runs from your brainstem through your neck and down to your chest and abdomen. Information travels through this nerve to and from your central nervous system. Vagus nerve stimulation uses electrical impulses to affect mood centers in the brain by stimulating the vagus nerve. The treatment is sometimes called vagal nerve stimulation. With vagus nerve stimulation, a device called a pulse generator is surgically implanted in the upper left side of your chest. The device is about the size of a stopwatch. A lead wire is connected to the pulse generator. The lead wire is guided under your skin from your chest up to your neck, where it's attached to the left vagus nerve. Electrical signals travel from the pulse generator, through the lead wire and to the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve delivers those signals to the brain. But precisely how stimulation of the vagus nerve may improve depression remains unknown. Research indicates that vagus nerve stimulation alters the functioning of brain areas involved in mood regulation and depression. The pulse generator can be programmed to deliver electrical impulses to the nerve at various durations, frequencies and currents. Stimulation typically lasts for 30 seconds and occurs every five minutes. The device is meant to be a permanent implant. It runs on battery power. The stimulation doesn't typically cause any sensations in your body. In vagus nerve stimulation, an implanted pulse generator and lead wire stimulate parts of your brain that affect mood. Who may benefit from vagus nerve stimulation Vagus nerve stimulation may not be appropriate for all cases of depression. In fact, the FDA approved use of vagus nerve stimulation in depression only for these specific situations: * For treatment of long-term, chronic depression that lasts two or more years, in conjunction with standard treatments * Recurrent or severe depression * Depression that hasn't improved after the use of at least four other treatments, such as four different antidepressants The approval of vagus nerve stimulation for depression didn't come without controversy, though. In fact, some FDA scientists repeatedly recommended against its approval. Not all scientific studies have shown that vagus nerve stimulation is an effective treatment for depression. In fact, some studies have suggested it's no more effective than a placebo. Additional research will help determine its long-term effectiveness and safety. quote Patrick Brown "OK so in kundalini yoga people try to get the energy to go up their spine into the head..." really? peek experience alters your perception of your self and the world and if you do not deal with it soberly you will never really reap reward. you will forever stay in the illusion. illusion can be fun. illusion can squeeze the juice out of you. everydaylife becomes unbeareable. you have to go "higher and higher", it eats you up, sobering up is horrible. but getting sober beats everything. all regular users are liars. I smoke because, I get rage fits because, I fall in love because, I gorge myself because... because NOTHING. D Sire is a nuisance. but dont bite the hand that feeds.
  17. K?

    pinetrees http://www.thetaobums.com/uploads/12030107...13_62_39969.jpg it so bugs me that I cannot yet upload directly from my computer into the post, someone? please
  18. Some of you may get this.

  19. K?

    quote taomeow; Rain, your holographic thought-patterns never cease to amaze me. I have seldom encountered a "train of thought" that is capable of chasing its own tail like a playful kitten. biggrin.gif ----------- ohh yeah? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2152/207716...68d0350.jpg?v=0
  20. K?

    Very interesting train of thought Taomeow. Shulgin has been named "the stepfather of ecstasy" MDMA (3,4 metylendioksimetamfetamin) closely related to MDA (3,4.metylendioksiamfetamin) and MDEA (3,4-metylendioksietylamfetamin), was originally produced by MERCK in Germany....(in 1912), who also "gave the world" morphine and cocaine btw. All three M's have both sentral stimulating and hallusinogenic properties. There are hundreds of chemically related drugs. Of which Shulgin are responsible for many. After worldwar II the American government showed great interest in this drug that had been almost forgotten until then. In the 50-ties the american army testbase in Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland started to experiment with it on animals to see if could be used as a chemical weapon (remember agent orange.) The army allegedly codenamed MDMA Agent 1475. There are no evidence of them using it on soldiers.... Shulgin was in the anerican (wow nice slip of the tounge there) MARINE during second world war...(sharks).. Studied biochemistry and worked at Dole Chemicals. But got fired for being too enthusiastic, perhaps, using himself as a guinypig. Yes and there we go...we all know the history of psychiatry, the merry sixties, going east etc rrr ammm dass etc you can say ANYTHING (famous last words) but boring this world aint. I do so second Only K you need is KUNDALINI..... forget about drugs the high will come & Go. Kundalini is permanent & better.quote Vajra