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Everything posted by rain

  1. Haiku Chain

    A hoard of nothing BuffaLow buff a high ho Where did Santa go?
  2. Look at this sucker DANCE!

    creative. surprising moves. fun to watch thanks.
  3. "No Guru, no method, no teacher."
  4. AND... quote: "drew hempel Posted Yesterday, 06:12 PM "started out ass" was supposed to be "started out as" in case no one noticed. Unless maybe I missed something?! HAHAHA Darin -- can you post a photo of your full-lotus position so we can compare it with Santiago? Thanks." ----------- thank YOU. donkey gong btw the teachers i trust have adviced me never intent to press or direct....chiiiiii.
  5. Dragon Breathing

    You are right. Make a really relaxed in breath hunn vibrate your adamsapple . The tiger exhales with a deep growl..lovely sounds. Another level. But simple and natural nonetheless. We did it with chia in darkness retreat in febr.
  6. Left in the Dark

    yes hello ring ring weird, I was talking to my family yesterday about how rythm has become for me the most importand guiding signal..and when I say this I refer to rythm of my own body breathing and how it interacts with the different rythms around me.. They could not quite understand. I wonder if this is something that developes in people who do qigong, or if it happens to dancers too. In my experience it is (as I think you said) more fruitful to focus on gung than qi. One sifu pointed out how we everytime we encounter "stress" or tense breathing (that is breathing that start anywhere but down in the belly area) should send this down through the legs and into the ground. We did walking meditation, interesting to use the floating sensation from qigong to move throung the room, shifting weight almost invisibly from one foot to the next. the memory from moving around and practising qigong and tkd for 10 days in darkness helped a lot. Sink. breathe aand out. relax. ready. alert. play. aand smile. Playing basket and frisbee today.
  7. xeno I dont undertand this his or her way. why the golden flower seems to be "the method" for me. right now. And the sleeping pill is kunlun for my friend .. only max knows. ???? my heart inexploded. but I think it still can convulse expand and implode again.. there is so much sadnesss, beauty, empathy, intensness and co-listening.. hit me with the ball thing. boiingg. "I declare I am an empty Ring. Even Scientists in their dustjackets stare blindly in to the atom. I am the rings of old sound." I am really fed up. I am past tired , joy, bliss, chaos spectrum, and angry, disappointed, bystanding witness. snore. do or donut. not even. you must be joking hudun. praising the oscillator, this praise of extremes.. the juxtaposition of paradoxes is as outofdate as einsteins theory of relativity. yes is the answer I guess. everytime. pulsing. sustaining.
  8. The Oxherding Pictures

    thank spectrum not me
  9. The Oxherding Pictures

  10. Kunlun Norway

    I appreciate your generous efforts to guide us further along qingong. The group energy is very beautiful and transformative.
  11. Art..and its definition. The holding on to views about art.and its definition. this is and thats not. Art. Borgeois. Boarderlines. No difference. Dropping Views. Bake bread. Clean a mirror. Art. Dog nudging Thy Hand. Players pray and Prayers Play. Does the artist create for the sake of his/her audience?. yes. no. Just like Thought. Perspective perspective perspective.
  12. Haiku Chain

    Mater realize I cannot spell reborn like a tender babe
  13. What is the Kunlun Energy

    you lucky bitches. my thigh is still hurtin after the miscarriage. ups and downs. thats life. keep on smiling!
  14. exactly! but from where did it come? "give me a reason..." gimmegimmegimme.give. hehe barf
  15. Shuigong

    this distinction af boarder between waking and dreamstate... think about walking on the boarderline between wake and dream state. would you like that ? enjoy that? what do you think? sigh..
  16. Secrets of the Golden Flower

    he teaches an exercise called "The Golden Flower" yes. secrets you will have to ask him about though.
  17. KunLun and Dan Tian

  18. KunLun and Dan Tian

  19. Happy Birthday Yoda and Mantra68!

    wow!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY & lotsoflove to you two wonderful crazybeans.
  20. KunLun and Dan Tian