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Everything posted by rain

  1. Real Little Siddhis

    definitely fertile child
  2. Real Little Siddhis

    now I seriously felt like waking up with the inbetween. thanks thelerner. you are such a jewell.
  3. Kunlun Europe

  4. Do you make your bed?

    I do soo agree. What is shared and between. Is what is in the bed and everywhere else? no? dogs and whores, campers, saints and martyrs alike.
  5. What are you listening to?

    concert in Oslo with THE MAN!! Nick Cave; THE SHIP SONG & tonight in Oslo ..Robert Plant.. ..and Alison Krauss Stick With Me Baby - Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Fortune Teller - Krauss and Plant
  6. Angry Daoists

    oh oh.. *squat* thunderdome! - ome - ome... Dangaroou.. (looks like medicine man is back the guy I thought was sinister) footwork footwork gee I long for the old days when the red ball thing was enough.
  7. Do you make your bed?

    bed spread. spread over the bed. bed makeup. no need to overdo things, to cover them up. right.
  8. Best TV shows ever

    oo yoda. dressed to kill!
  9. Kunlun Europe

    Mantra honey please give the man a private lecture. he is so able he would probably teach you something in return. Did you get my memo on the laughter technique btw?
  10. yes. patrick. people play. "Playing simple games like a child brings people closer. Playing complex games like a grown-up forces people apart." This is very interesting. I was wondering..childeren do play to develop, do you think it is different for all adults? you seem a little uneased. something pushed your button? ideas. and the eyes of the beholder....
  11. question for Max

    Hundun thanks for answering about dr glenn morris i am aware of his death. the information i have been receiving speak of him in present terms though. i kinda like that. i really hope someone has had direct contact with some of these people. ambidexerity you say..wow thats most insteresting.. I just asked Chris and Max if my intuitive reaction to the snake bagua in the park as to "walking it mirrored" was ok or to be avoided. "In the mathematical field of knot theory, an amphichiral knot, also called an achiral knot or amphicheiral knot, is an oriented knot equivalent to its mirror image." Also I very much want to know why there was a sensation of something stirring turning causing a slight pain in my lower dan tien like that of an early pregnancy when I first stepped in with my left foot doing the snake bagua. sigh
  12. male multiple orgasms

    nice site drew, thanks.
  13. dr glenn morris

    Drew -
  14. question for Max

    "Ambidexterity" the state of being equally adept in the use of both right and left "external" body parts..(arms..legs... ) "Ambidexterity is often encouraged in activities requiring a great deal of skill in both hands, such as juggling, swimming, percussion or keyboard music, word processing, surgery, body boxing, and combat." thats all.
  15. Angry Daoists

    clapping hands..verry happy Sheng zhen! you noticed! but what did you hear? Ahaa. Tadaa aadaaT? THAT is the question. mr. Sjang popped up? from behind mr. R. Aind Eer... (after he had hidden there and like big wolf blown down the piglets cardhouse?) mm?........ it is not good to say what is real or not when people are filming.. darn nice. all.
  16. question for Max

    thanks Chris. "But you always start the same." Thats exactly IT. my whole nervous and energy system starts giving off impulses that are translated by brain as "Dance Into The Opposite".. I have the same "challenge" with the daily joint-roll routine, grandmaster specifically pointed out starting with right foot...so every now and then I breake rules. so I guess that got me back to point 0
  17. question for Max

    ahhh...thats a relief. thank you.
  18. Angry Daoists

  19. WOW! fresh report. so much work. thanks smile. and yoda...yea I wondered about that black necklace..
  20. dr glenn morris

    Hundun thanks for answering i am aware of his death. the information i have been receiving speak of him in present terms though. i kinda like that. i really hope someone has had direct contact with some of these people. ambidexerity you say..wow thats most insteresting.. I just asked Chris and Max if my intuitive reaction to the snake bagua in the park as to "walking it mirrored" was ok or to be avoided. "In the mathematical field of knot theory, an amphichiral knot, also called an achiral knot or amphicheiral knot, is an oriented knot equivalent to its mirror image." Also I very much want to know why there was a sensation of something stirring turning causing a slight pain in my lower dan tien like that of an early pregnancy when I first stepped in with my left foot doing the snake bagua. sigh