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Everything posted by rain

  1. .

    I just got and read the book.. ...............
  2. Enlightenment

  3. Kechari Mudra

  4. Enlightenment

  5. Nice Music, Nice Teaching

    thanks rex. I have the "natural great peace" but had lost the title..was left with "track 04", now I recall and even have another beautiful piece. great sound great voice!
  6. Full-Lotus

  7. Haiku Chain

    here and now I am staring at the telephone did you say something?
  8. Full-Lotus

  9. Full-Lotus

  10. Full-Lotus

    No arms, no cake?
  11. Full-Lotus

  12. Enlightenment

  13. Enlightenment

  14. Enlightenment

  15. Enlightenment

  16. Enlightenment

  17. Working with the Three Cauldrons

  18. Bushman Healer Speaks
