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Everything posted by rain

  1. Microcosmic circuation

  2. Secret of Sexual Energy

  3. Secret of Sexual Energy

  4. Secret of Sexual Energy

  5. Secret of Sexual Energy

  6. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    God! Thanks. This is by far the best I've heard in years! I am gonna read evvvwrything about it. put them together. the crazy taobums. synthesize these ideas. and its all music. ................ok. (calm down rain)
  7. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    yes. i know. turning to the force. will miss you all like mad. as i am a master "at attchments" love whip'em fellow feline.
  8. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    hey sweet taofellows so many many words! thanks for your thoughts on "Taoist Yoga" Taomeow, any info that helps me not wasting time, is gold. what happened to the suggestions "Clear Light of Bliss: The Practice of Mahamudra in Vajrayana Buddhism" by Kelsang Gyatso or the "To Be Human by Jiddu Krishnamurti? I'm leaving for darkness. will be gone a month. hopefully you will have made a choice by then, and I'll be able tor tune in. I just bought "Ancient Philosophy Mystery and Magic" by Peter Kingsley, but my suggest is to go for a book that also describes details of cultivation.
  9. Haiku Chain

    Sitting in the Wind Floating supremely on Air Preparing for Space
  10. Qi transmission Video

  11. Happiness is....

  12. Haiku Chain

  13. Happiness is....

    no, nature's way.
  14. Haiku Chain

    I wait in silence to these depths i trust my hope listening to my heart
  15. Happiness is....

  16. Happiness is....

  17. Haiku Chain

    witness earth and sky exploring worlds together searching low and high
  18. Qi transmission Video

  19. Eyes

  20. Full lotus

  21. Baguazhang

    yes the last one was beautiful but the consciousness in the hands on this one were truly amazing.(Zhang Zhaodong Baguazhang 8 Palms - Xiong Shounan)