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Everything posted by rain

  1. .

    trunk you helped my meditation practise, thank you
  2. i think that stopped in kindergarten and ohhh..5 min later after cruising some other thread..i see what the fuss is about. l have no time for it. hugs to all
  3. Video of African Shaman Levitating

  4. Mabu stance

  5. Video of African Shaman Levitating

    point of reference. ja. did you click the link or are you spinning around your own leg?
  6. Video of African Shaman Levitating

  7. Video of African Shaman Levitating

  8. Video of African Shaman Levitating

    defining the laws of gravity true meditation is antigravity practise. it is about neutralizing through fusing of polarities or paradoxes and refining energy into higher vibration. it is about intentionally using desire as a compass towards light. it is physical, like Buddy says. physics is magic. go look at how the scientists present a collision between the andromeda galaxy an the milky way. such grace. it is spiritual for those who see and hear with their inner eyes and ears, for those who think abstract and work their way constntly trusting and questioning the inner landscape. do not forget that a bigger more dense object attracts a smaller one. sucks it down, pulls it "in place". a very material person litterally sucks down a spiritual person and challenges in every possible way. (but..) straightening by fire.............. (smiles)
  9. Unconditional Love

  10. Unconditional Love

    there is something awkward about looking at compassion as "the right mode", if you get my drift. watching in meditation is about honesty. don't judge just watch while staying with (can you stand it? maybe next time around?) listen while the ripples fade. the merging of polarities, the trancendence through intimate encounter with paradoxes.... is the life, sends you to your core and timeless silence, dissolving, expanding so you can assimilate even further energy..maybe... i wonder if this unconditional love thus becomes consequence. sometimes you are left with amen.
  11. Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson and Taoist Magic.

    ok..so here we go again with the usual irrational response so typical for me.. his image instantly provoces my throat. i cough. (probably instant healing). oops..he's a supermagician...
  12. Ayahuasca Medicine

    one thing can be said about you guys; you do know your advertising.
  13. 2008 Resolutions!

  14. Pan's Labyrinth

  15. Walking The Invisible Path

  16. 5 years to the next cycle?

    as above yes merry christmas taomeow
  17. Chi Nei Tsang

    i know someone where are you?
  18. 5 years to the next cycle?

    mindfulness > < full mind mess
  19. Mabu stance

    the pose has been described various places in the forum
  20. 5 years to the next cycle?

  21. 5 years to the next cycle?

  22. Walking The Invisible Path

  23. Cam's Pointless Thread

    hug i won't vote