
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by rain

  1. Spiraling Martial Energy

  2. Spiraling Martial Energy

  3. Your views about DAN TIAN!

    thinking breathing feeling breathing moving breathing digesting
  4. Your views about DAN TIAN!

  5. A new explorer

  6. The Secret of Harmonia

    de profundis
  7. History of KunLun?

  8. me too you know his poems are online? I read them from time to time. Sometimes I wonder like: what would fatherpaul have thought of this.. waahh! sniff sniff
  9. Spiraling Martial Energy

  10. Medical Qigong - exercises directly related to aid body, mind and soul. Here you will find dynamic qigong - soft movements that initiate energyflow and static qigong - different static poses. Also quiet qigong-meditation with mudras.
  11. The dream thread

    ive been told that the subconscious does NOT relate to NOT if true worth considering when deciding what (not) to dream about.