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Everything posted by rain

  1. Sexual Energy

    i highly recommend googling. just make sure you picture the whole thing you long for as vivid as possible (if you are visual or consentrate on your concept and then let go, and then search google. thats how i found my qigongteacher, as soon as i realized time was right for self-medicine. there are several in the country but not that qualified and right by my home!! (5 min. by car. just as i wished). good luck!
  2. Lama Dorje Student

  3. Sexual Energy

  4. Sexual Energy

  5. Sexual Energy

  6. Slackline Instructions

    hehe sal to mort ale hehe
  7. LaoZi Academy

  8. Yan Xin's Free Energy Secret

  9. Slackline Instructions

    this summers craze in the parks.
  10. Sexual Energy

  11. Clogged up!

  12. Sexual Energy

  13. Clogged up!

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you can stand entering it with your consciousness and breath without doing anything....
  14. Sexual Energy

  15. Sexual Energy

  16. Sexual Energy

    female ??? male????? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa
  17. "About"

    I see genuine, generous, brave and decent. what's wrong with that?
  18. Sexual Energy

  19. Uncontroled body movements during meditation

    Do you have a teacher? Are you sure the qigong exercises you do are ment to calm you down? Sometimes the contrast between energizing exercise and going straight to sit down meditation can be too forceful. Remember you are a very fine instrument. (This contrasting can be used as a tool; fex spinning and the sudden stopping, but I believe it would just bring discomfort done out of context.) I would think the qigong should be enough, just use the standing meditative pose to secure the ditribution of energy throughout your body and meridians in the end. Swaying, jumping, twitching, mumbling, ...supposedly all normal responses. "Plumbing was stuck"
  20. Sexual Energy

  21. Lama Dorje lecture

    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, what's up witch? (armed to the teeth...)
  22. Silent Meditation Hikes
