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Everything posted by rain

  1. Taoist Levitation

  2. Taoist Levitation

  3. Seven Decreases and Eight Increases:

    se link under thread "what are the right Questions?".
  4. Taoist Levitation

  5. What are the right questions?

    correct me if wrong but I hear som kind of hierarchical thinking best, better, important, most important.... -right question versus wrong....hmmm, could get really neurotic depends on the people involved and the situation & includes some kind of judgement wouldnt you say? dont forget; -should -ought to -must, are UGLY words fatherpaul i dig you i dig all your poetricks and questions
  6. Hi there...

    hello lost monk have you read Velikovsky`s "Oedipus and Ankhnaton"? or the gnostics?
  7. is a shadow less than nothing?

    Love your poem iznot .."just poetry" and stating that light must be "The Infinite" opposed to the realblackmatter. Hoho! Time for celebration!
  8. Taoist Levitation

    I have told you (look up earlier in this thread) that I have always had this dream. You waste my time.
  9. is a shadow less than nothing?

    for your bare feet sensation dusk
  10. is a shadow less than nothing?

    edit; "what is rain?" "who is light?" father paul
  11. is a shadow less than nothing?

    fatherpaul what is light?
  12. Taoist Levitation

  13. Different kind of polarities

    Maybe all human beings are, like the universe, shaped as "an egg with energy that turns inwards in it self", in a neverending cyclic movement. What if, this point of stillness in meditation is the very middle of this "egg", and our experience of stillness can be resembled to what you`d find in the middle of a tornado? Balance... When we are not in this blissed middle stillpoint, our impression will be influenced by the angle to whatever we focus on at the moment. CON means "with", "CEPT" means ;"take,get, go, receive", is a process outside what I earlier described as "the quiet place" And furthermore, the angle matters, the meridians govern emotions too... So I gather it is not enough to sit on the ass in bliss...there are so many concepts rooted in the body system that need to be adressed/blockages that needs release/muscular balance improved etcetc. Medical qigong is said to be a tool for this. I sure hope so. I am still a little confused about the "who am I" questioning in deep meditation. Seems not necessary to ask, when you actually finally know. Better to practise dilligently until you carry the ultimate sense of self into the daily life. Or Use it as a point of reference, when your mind fights with polarities and paradoxes to decide who you are in relation to other aspects of life. As to who was first, yin, yang or "it"..... Who said it was "a first" In contast to "last"? You people believe a "BANG" was the beginning?. Like in math "the point", "the line", "the square" and "volume" (or what you call it in english?) Recall the egg. No beginning, no end. I liked the one about black being a privative to white (when it comes to light). But what about black holes and dark matter? Don`t scientists detect any form of waves coming from them? Are they just "taking" contra "giving"? In that case their blackness cannot be a privative??
  14. and then some

  15. and then some

  16. and then some

    I guess you are not 47
  17. Short Intro

    hi thank you and welcome!
  18. If you ever have the chance to see them ..live go see the Moon Water Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan "Taoist philosophy and Tai Chi movement blend in this critically acclaimed dance work". visit this page for information http://www.tpecc.org/Events/MoonWater.htm you can also purchase a dvd at Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cloud-Gate-Dance-T...N/dp/B0000TSRBK
  19. How do you self- soothe?

  20. Mantak Chia

  21. How do you self- soothe?
