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Posts posted by fiveelementtao

  1. Scotty knows he isn't speaking on Max's behalf. That's a misunderstanding.

    It's NOT a misunderstanding. He knows he is NOT speaking for Max as you say. He did accuse me of theft. period. what is the mystery here?


    He knows he is NOT speaking for Max. Yet, when I confronted him about speaking for Max without authorization about Sifu Matsuo, Scotty said... "Regardless of what Max or others may say" and then continued to spout his opinion as fact... what is the mystery here? The nebulous world of the internet with it's intellectual arbitraryness is the devil. I am convinced it will be our undoing.


    The logic or lack thereof here is really baffling to me. There really is something about internet based thinking that is so contrary to what happens face to face. There is a sense of isolated narcissism that breeds on the net that never gets challenged from behind a computer screen.


    None of these events would have occured in organic face to face contact. We all know it. Yet we try so hard to protect this alternate universe with it's arbitrary laws of personal conduct and hold on to our right to spew our uncensored thoughts that in real life we would censor because of the immediate consequences that would energetically happen from being face to face.


    Things do matter. Words do matter. It is an illusion that our words and action have no consequences ONLY ON THE NET.


    The knowledge of how to do qigong kung fu and anything, can be learned by yourself without anyone's help.

    This is a perfect example. No one and I mean NO ONE who has trained in Kung Fu and had to use it in real life situations would EVER dare to say that someone can learn self defense by themselves. The difference between training solo and training with a teacher whether it be qigong or kung fu or building a house (assuming the teacher is legit) is that the teacher HAS BEEN THERE and knows the difference between self referential fantasy and the real world.


    We need to get out of our heads... It's cramped in there...



    Nothing left for me to say then...

    Scotty called me a liar and a thief and it's OK. It's just his opinion. Witch saw max in a dream and said he stole her soul and therefore it really happened.


    Anyone who wants to reach me can email me... I need a looong break from this place...

    • Like 3

  2. I have spoken with Max. He actually contacted me wanting to talk about this most recent rash of the rumors that are currently being spread about him. I shared with him my recent problems also.


    First I would like to address Scotty's recent "opinions". Max has authorized me to relay the following message concerning Scotty's remarks about me, Sifu Matsuo and Max:


    " I (Max Christensen) did not authorize his (Scotty) speaking on my (Max's ) behalf... Tell the Taobums that I (Max) said that you did not take any method from me."


    (based on my communications with Max, I take this to mean that this includes any all statements concerning any "opinions" about myself (Mike), Max and any other teacher, including any unverified opinions about the history and sources of any practices of said teachers.)


    Max expressed his deep sadness over the negativity that still continues to follow him on this board. Concerning some of the rumors about him, he said, "These people never met me...People still bend my words calling me and Kan frauds. It is sad when we try to pass on knowledge and people say things like my powers are demonic and such... Tell them I am sad about all this negativity."


    I am speaking only for myself now. I don't presume to speak for Max, but I suspect he may feel similarly...

    I know that many of you may think that we are being egotistical about protecting our reputations as teachers. But speaking for myself, when someone creates a new tradition, even if it has roots in other traditions, it becomes like your newborn child.


    When someone accuses you of stealing from another tradition or accuses you of lying about your tradition, it feels like someone is calling your child a bastard. It not only hurts you, but you feel protective of your child and their reputation and their feelings. Perhaps that is just my human ego limitation, but it is also important to remember that most teachers feel very deeply about what they are sharing. It is very, very easy to make idle statements about something one has never experienced. So, to those who think I may have overreacted, I understand. But for those of you who are parents...imagine if a gang of people were sitting around calling your child a bastard and you a whore. Even though it is just words, it still hurts and it hurts even more when you know that your innocent child cannot defend themselves. Maybe I am over melodramatic, but that is how it feels to me.


    I am not saying that one should just accept anything that they hear. You all know me better than that. But, if anyone has an honest question about a teacher or their teaching, IME, if approached with civility, most teachers will be happy to answer any questions...


    So, that is one reason I overreact when people not only attack my integrity but also my "products." I put myself into my practices, especially the ones that I create myself. And I see them as my children. As a warrior, I get very angry when someone insults a child. More so when it is my child.


    So, I strongly urge all those here who share their opinions about the practices of their teachers, please be sure not to make any statements about your teachers or their teachings without sufficient knowledge. Please get verifications from an authorized source before sharing it online. Once it is on this forum it becomes a permanent record that people all over the world can read. Opining without verification can be very dangerous to their tradition and can be more hurtful to them as people than you know...It also puts this forum in jeopardy because this forum can be held liable for slander if unverified rumors are not removed upon request. The lawyers wouldn't come after you but after the forum management. And if this forum got shut down because somebody wanted to get their gossip fix on, that would be very sad for the rest of us. So, many of you may be unwittingly be putting the owners of this site in legal hot water by speaking without verification. In my case, Scotty's inaccurate "opinions" about me are permanently on record even though I have asked them to be removed. There is nothing preventing someone from reading them out of context even though things were resolved in my favor. Those words are still there for anyone to read. People do search archives and may find them without finding this thread. So, be careful before hitting the "send" button.


    It is also important to remember that many teachers depend on their reputation to make a living. (i.e. put food on their table and support their families). Speaking for me, that is not my primary motivation, but it is still a very real necessity. Many of the younger crowd here seem to have an idealistic viewpoint that spiritual teachers do not need money to survive. So, hurt feelings and bruised egos aside...When someone spreads idle unverified rumors on a forum like this it can have devastating effects on their business and their means of providing for their families. Please remember that before sharing unverified negative "opinions."


    Those who have firsthand experience of a teacher have something to share. It is only natural that not all people will have positive experiences of a teacher or a practice. But, alot of you are sharing unverified negative opinions about teachers you have never even met and practices you have never even experienced.... And in my case, "products" you may have never even purchased.


    Max and I both have had to weather some really bad negative publicity from some of the same people over the past few years. (seemingly at the same time). I know Max has suffered from these rumors and I have as well. It is embarassing for me to admit it because spiritual teachers are often held to unrealistic standards. But, we are human and if you can imagine what you are saying would be hurtful to you. It is just as hurtful to us. In my case, it is very easy to hurt and anger me. But I am still a teacher. I am just a very human one. I feel confident that Max may feel similarly...


    OK, now I am returning back to my TTB's vacation.


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  3. Something I should have addressed earlier...

    Just my opinion.

    Max has authorized me to relay the following message concerning Scotty's remarks in this thread:


    " I (Max Christensen) did not authorize his (Scotty) speaking on my (Max's ) behalf... Tell the Taobums that I (Max) said that you did not take any method from me."


    (based on my communications with Max, I take this to mean that this includes any all statements concerning any "opinions" about myself (Mike), Max and any other teacher, including any unverified opinions about the history and sources of any practices of said teachers.)

  4. I have spoken with Max. Max has authorized me to relay the following message concerning any remarks about me, Sifu Matsuo and Max:


    " I (Max Christensen) did not authorize his (Scotty) speaking on my (Max's ) behalf... Tell the Taobums that I (Max) said that you did not take any method from me."


    (based on my communications with Max, I take this to mean that this includes any and all statements concerning any unverified "opinions" about myself (Mike), Max and any other teacher, including any unverified opinions about the history and sources of any practices of said teachers.)


    Now we can all be 100% sure.


    Educated "opinions" are not authorizations to make claims about anything or anyone.

  5. **** Moderation Message ****


    Please read posts in blue above by me in conjunction with this message.


    We have five active reports in this thread alone and one from the previous thread. Not all the reports are from the two protagonists. We think this whole issue has detracted from the previous discussion and in effect hijacked the forum from legitimate topics. We think there is a degree to which this has been on the one hand a deliberate attack but also that the responses have not been helpful. We would like to think that people come on here to have genuine informed discussion and not to attack each other.


    In the end our decision is that Scotty is suspended from posting for 30 days. If he repeats his previous action of creating new accounts this is will result in a permanent ban - which will be enforced.


    **** Mod Message ends ****


    My response moved here to avoid further distraction

  6. You're Right K. Certification is merely a stamp of approval from the instructor that they "approve" of the certificate holder. It doesn't necessarily mean anything. It could mean everything. It just depends on the people involved and does not in any way mean that those without certificates won't make amazing teachers.


    I myself do not certify anyone as I feel no need for it. I encourage my students to take what I teach them and expand upon it and be better than I am. In such a case any certification I would give would only be a limitation...

  7. Mods, please in all seriousness put a muzzle on Scotty already... He clearly doesn't get that he is out of control and a loose cannon and clearly does not understand the difference between insult and slander. Insult is bad enough but Slander is far far worse and he keeps doing it.


    My request now is this:

    Remove ALL of Scotty's posts since this started in regards to ANY mention he makes of me. The cumulative disinformation is starting to pile up and now I am becoming legitimately concerned. If you choose not to discipline him, at the very least, monitor him until such time that he proves himself capable of acting with some sanity.


    The overall combination of his continued slander and repeated statement of assumptions, conjecture concerning me, what he thinks I have said, my motives, my teachers, my history is becoming injurious to my reputation. And now I reluctantly feel the need to correct his disinformation about me. This should have been squelched as soon as I asked for help...


    He has essentially admitted in the past that his celestial neigong is very watered down

    False. I have stated that the Celestial Qigong is derived from my Spirit Fighting training. It is not "watered down." Many techniques are derived directly from the spirit fighting techniques. Some is modified for qigong and meditation purposes but that does not reduce it's effectiveness. Those who have actually obtained the DVDs and spent time practicing it can speak for their own experiences. I have not posted the many testimonials I have received from people's experiences of it. Some techniques are my own creation but they are a result of years of dedicated practice of the original forms and are therefore authentic to the tradition...

    and that his teutonic stuff is made up and not authentic.

    False again. I have never said that it was "Made up" It is a modern interpretation on an Ancient spiritual path. I have documented my research and shared that all along.

    He has also essentially admitted that he teaches without permission.

    False. The only thing I have alluded to (which is well known) is that my former MA teacher and I are estranged. I was certified by him almost 20 years ago. and for many years I was the only instructor he fact, I was his senior instructor for many years before moving away... and to my knowledge, that certification has not been removed. Up until my teacher and I parted ways, I was the senior instructor second only to him in his class...

    by lifting the essentials from the basic version of red phoenix 2. He was trying to create something.

    False. Pure conjecture. Whatever similarities are coincidental. If I wanted to teach RP, I would have gotten certified by Max and taught it. As Scotty can attest it is not that hard to get a facilitator's certificate (at least when I met Max). I have great respect for Max's art and I have no need to compete with it. Scotty's inexperience is showing through with his assumption that anything that even remotely resembles what he is familiar with means it has been "lifted" or stolen from his art. I'm sure as he gets older and more experienced in other tradtions he will discover that many different traditions have shared similarities. This is just common sense. Anyone who has learned RP can easily see that there is only ONE general aspect that is remotely similar, the rest is completely different...


    A poster said that 5elementtao was very honest, and I disagreed based on that evidence I presented.

    The only evidence is his opinion which is pure conjecture, twisting of facts to fit his agenda or outright misunderstanding on his part that he has made no effort to corroborate directly from me.

    So a liar and a cheat? No, I didn't call him those things.

    He did. The words are there in black and white.


    Listen mods, this is getting silly. I should not have had to come in here and defend myself against these things that have been repeated numerous times after asking for help... After my first request for help, Scotty should not have been allowed to continue and even expanding on his original slander.


    Even with all this I do not hold Scotty responsible. Scotty is the way he is and we all are familiar with him when he gets this way. The mods should have stepped in stopped him...

    and Scotty's continued elaboration on his slander even in the midst of my previous silence to all the different points shows that whatever process is involved in moderation is not working. He needed to be leashed as soon as it became evident that he was resolute in continuing his slander.


    If nothing is done to edit these things, for my own emotional and NOW professional well being I have no choice but to leave...


    Time to take responsibility for our beloved forum...



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  8. This discussion has surprisingly become very interesting and I think it has value for the forum. For me, I want to be clear... I am not trying to save my professional reputation. This is a personal issue that I think directly relates to the overall health of the forum.


    So, this isn't about my professional reputation....Seriously people, I make almost no money whatsoever on my "products" as Scotty so derisively calls them. If my online reputation as a teacher were completely discredited and no one ever bought another "product" again, it would have little impact on my business. My total income last year was $20,000. Almost all of that was made from local students. If I tried to live on the money I make on my "products," I would be in a cardboard box. If I put the same amount of time, energy and effort into selling cell phones or timeshares or something, I would make a hell of alot more money... I prefer to teach to local students in order to preserve the integrity of the teachings. I charge an average of $12 per student per class because that is what most people here in Boise are willing to afford. I am lucky if I get a private student or someone coming in from out of town for private lessons. The current economy has just about killed that part of my business. I cannot afford health insurance. I only pay enough auto insurance to legally drive on the road. If it weren't for the fact that my wife has a decent job, I would not have time to teach or write or maintain a FREE website with online teaching materials. I would have to be out there doing the 9-5 thing. So, I am lucky to be able to teach AT ALL. I consider it an honor and a privilege. I do so because I love it and because I feel the need to share what I know to whomever is disciplined enough to learn. So, for those of you (mostly younger folks) who think I am riding high on the hog with all the money I make on my "products." I am willing to bet you have more money than I do... (I personally don't see what is wrong with products. Everyone reading this is using a "product" to do so. I just ate some nice lunch made from products purchased at the store.) When the younger folks on here grow up and have to actually work for a living in order to survive, you will understand the value (nay, the necessity) of charging money for one's time, experience and services ( which are all products by the way.) And if I chose to, I could easily exploit my knowledge and get alot more attention and students, but the karmic price is too high. I have lost students who felt I was holding out on them. And they were right. They weren't ready or mature enough to handle the higher level teachings. Don't get me wrong, if I had a large enough student base to be able to travel around the world to large auditoriums full of people and making good money, I would be happy to do so. But that is not why I teach... But I digress...


    This isn't about my professional reputation. Only my local students who have trained with me in person for at least a few months IMO, are the only ones who have any real experience to judge my professional reputation as a teacher. It would be unrealistic for me to expect anyone who has never trained with me in person to have a knowledgable experience of me. So, I am not trying to salvage that reputation here. This is my online community. You are my online Taoist family. That is my point here.


    My experience here is simply one person on this forum who wanted to feel safe among friends. I wanted to portray and exemplify what I consider to be a healthy balance of speaking your feelings and observations freely BUT with consciousness and intelligence. I do not think some on this forum know the difference between a healthy expression of anger and an all out personal attack. I understand this is inevitable on a forum, but I believe we as a community could decide to change that. In this particular instance, I wanted to show that on a personal level for someone to accuse me of theft, plagiarism and deceit was just too below the belt for me on a personal level in an environment that I wanted to consider as a community of friends. I have never expected that on an internet forum that there wouldn't be crazy destructive people. But, if this is to be the community that I want it to be, there has to be some agreement on civility. This is the responsibility of the mods.


    I honestly expected that the mods would see that accusing someone of theft, plagiarism and deceit without proof other than conjecture based on similarity was by definition a personal insult and worthy of action. What I did not understand was that apparently calling someone "stupid" is an insult and is worthy of mod action. But directly implying that someone is a liar, thief and charlatan is just being critical and is OK. IMO, it is a very serious personal insult. I did not realize that it was actionable by law... I have no desire to sue anybody so, Sean don't worry...


    I have been considering this move away from TTB's for some time because as I stated earlier, my quality of mind has suffered from allowing myself to become influenced by the negative aspect of the online environment. That is only my fault. I am responsible for how I choose to feel. However, I do also need to be humble enough to know when I need to acknowledge my humanity and take appropriate action to protect my own health.


    When the mods wrote back that they saw Scotty's actions as merely being harsh criticism of a teacher rather than a personal insult toward a member of the community, I resolved that it was time for me to leave. But before I left, I wanted to hopefully spark a good discussion about the importance of community and our collective responsibility to protect that community. I find this forum to be unique in the online world. It has been sad for me to watch it continue to devolve into just another flame war forum. I am sad to see the quality of information also devolve. I understand that is natural as more and more old timers leave and more and more younger internet generation solo practitioners arrive. And even though I am fully prepared to leave for my own personal reasons, I just didn't feel like I could just walk away without trying to do something to leave this place better than when I found it...


    In any case, I haven't heard back from the mods yet. In their defense, I have put them in a rather untenable position by giving them an ultimatum and I don't expect them to cowtao to me. If nothing changes, I will ask them to close my account tomorrow.



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  9. Thanks for the nice PMs and responses on this thread. You guys are right. I admit it. My ego and feelings are hurt. It is a sign of how limited and human I am. And while all that is true, it has me thinking about how does this online environment help me personally and how does it help me serve others? Am I really helping people by being on this forum or are there other ways to be more helpful. Sometimes it is good to power through the pain and other times, pain is an indicator to change course.


    In terms of the forum etiquette, it IS possible to control that... IF we choose to. We as a community are not victims. We have a collective choice about the kind of atmosphere we choose create and tolerate. TTB's is not a force of Nature that we are forced to survive. Any member's repeated insultive behavior is indicative to me of a growing trend that is just not acceptable to me any longer. If they were held accountable for their choices of words, they would be forced to monitor themselves. If not, there is no shame in banning someone who has repeatedly proven themself to be destructive and uncooperative... It IS possible to have free dialogue, debate etc... without tolerating childish destructiveness. I have decided I won't tolerate it anymore in my life where possible. If my choice is to either come on this forum and accept the inevitable possibility that I will be personally attacked, or not. I choose not.... I see that as a sign of strength not weakness. However, I am only one person. Everyone is different. If the majority of the Forum decides that these kind of vindictive personal attacks are acceptable in their collective environment, then I support that for them. It does not mean I have to tolerate it if I don't wish to. So, I am trying to do something to change that. I'm OK if the answer is "no." At least I know I tried to do something before I left.


    This incident is really just the tip of the iceberg for me in regards to online interaction. The real question is... "Does the time and energy I spend here on TTBs really contribute to spiritual growth for myself and others? My students don't talk to me like that. In fact, No one has ever insulted me in person the way people do over the internet. So, why not focus on teaching those who appreciate it? Am I really helping others by coming on here and spouting my opinions to a mixed audience? I'm not sure.


    In terms of just sticking it out... Teachers are human. Many will notice that most of the teachers that used to frequent this forum have left or are rarely heard from any more. A couple of them have told me that they have left for the same reasons as I. They just couldn't take the personal abuse any longer or the lack of respect. Call me unspiritual or thin skinned or egotistical, but the attacks are taking a cumulative toll on me and I just don't want to experience them anymore.


    It's one thing for us to come online and trash someone who is not an active member of the community. It's another thing to do so when they are standing right there.This would not happen in organic, face to face human contact. The only way to change this online dynamic is through deliberate choice.


    Let me add that IMO Scotty did not mean to be rude to you. He was stating his opinion,


    Scotty was not simply miscommunicating as he would like to portray himself.

    It was in another thread where the slander occurred. Here is a couple quotes...


    He has posted fraudulent history here regarding ancient symbols and this tradition.

    "incorrect" would be an opinion or critcism. "fraudulent" implies deliberate deceit on my part and is outright slander.


    The HUUL breath mantra is just red phoenix level 2 stolen and modified a bit.


    Here he is outright accusing me of stealing Max's techniques. If he had said "I wonder if Mike was influenced by Max"... That would be a valid question. But accusing me of outright theft is very different. And the worst thing is that he admits that he has no verification of his opinions. He goes on to seek to embarass me by bringing up my former teacher. He knows that this is a very sore personal hurt for me but he has no problem bringing this up if it serves his purposes...Then he calls my teaching "Crap". Opinion? perhaps. Insulting? definitely... Scotty was trying to hurt me. Plain and simple. The guy just has no conscience and cannot control himself. I can accept that people like that are here, but the mods won't do anything to stop it. And on a personal level, I just don't want to support that kind of community anymore.


    So alot of this has to do with my personal code of conduct. I appreciated Stig's idea that this is a community and we need to hold each other accountable for the way we treat each other. I know that many just consider this another internet forum and who gives a crap, let's see how much fun we can have etc... I have been trying to actively help create the kind of atmosphere that I want to participate in. I have vigorously defended those whom I felt were being targeted and I have vigorously challenged those whom I think were being irresponsible. But I have never consciously insulted anyone. But, there are others for whatever reason just cannot restrain themselves when emotionally stimulated. And if one is tolerated, others will follow.


    So, bottom line is... I just have to accept that this place is changing and devolving. (or perhaps I am changing or both) and there really isn't anything I can do about it.


    @ Seth, you're right, I have given the forum an ultimatum. I was very conscious about that. It was not a passive plea for attention. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't leaving this forum without at least making an effort to effect a positive change. It looks as though I have my answer. Scotty's (and those like him) unmoderated destructive presence in this forum is unacceptable to me. If moderated, they can be very constructive members most of the time, but if unmoderated and they get in an emotional funk..., they spiral out of control and cannot restrain their venom.


    So, Seth, you can call it blackmail if you want. I see it as a way to determine if this is someplace I belong. If the forum decides to do nothing about Scotty, then I know what I can expect in the Future and I have a very clear choice and course of action for how I can best serve myself and others...


    @Shen and those that feel I have something of value to teach. Thanks for the kind comments. I have a big internet presence and can be easily found. It is not necessary for me to come on here to be helpful. For those who really want to learn from me, they can easily find me and my teachings. Much more to come...


    @OldGreen, Thanks for the kind words.



    To those who feel I should be defending myself against Scotty's insults... I find no point in that. He is only doing so to hurt me. as you can see anyone who steps in to defend me only provokes Scotty to invent more insults to share. He can't even "Reconcile" (as he calls it)... without then turning around in the same breath to heap more personal insults. There is no appeasing a wounded infant without spoiling him further. If anyone had an honest question about my background or process they could simply ask and I would be happy to answer. I have no problem whatsoever with honest scrutiny. Scotty himself knows that he does not mean what he is saying. He has said very kind things about me in the past when he didn't have an axe to grind against me.


    Besides, defending my integrity will not prove anything to those who have decided they dislike me for whatever reason. Any attempt on my part to address every slander point by point will only provoke further ridicule and attacks. I learned that a long time ago.


    So, I will give it another day. I assume nothing will be done and I am OK with that. It just means I am making room for other ways to serve...


    Thanks to all for the show if support,


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  10. Hello Bums,

    I'm writing to let you know I am leaving the discussion forum and this will be my last post. The atmosphere of the forum has deteriorated for me to the point where I no longer wish to stay here.


    There is certainly a place for arguments, disagreements and even harsh challenges of opinions and positions. But when those disagreements become personal attacks and slander, it is an entirely different matter.


    As you may undoubtedly know, I am no stranger to conflict and disagreement on this forum. But, to my knowledge, I have never personally attacked anyone or their character. Any criticsm I have made has always had circumstance and context and I have never knowingly sought to hurt anyone's feelings or get revenge. I have never leveled any accusations without evidence and I have always been willing to be proven otherwise and take full responsibility for any mistakes I have made. Whenever I have been shown to be mistaken, I always admit my fault and whenever possible, remove any inaccurate or inappropriate posts or statements.


    I may have commented on someone's behavior and said some pretty harsh things. But, I have made an effort to be sure that I did not deliberately insult or malign anyone even in the face of hurtful personal attacks against me. And if I had something to say to someone, I said it to their face. I don't believe I ever went on other threads and maligned anyone behind their backs in a passive aggressive way. I have been aggressive, but never consciously passive aggressive.


    I understand that emotions can run very high and sometimes people go a little overboard but usually within a certain context and I can forgive that. But when the attacks become inflammatory, vindictive, personal and out of context, then it is just childish cruelty and I see no place for that and want no part of it.


    Recently I was challenging someone on this forum for their willful and deliberate characterization of their own teacher as being deceitful. I found that to be disgraceful behavior for a student and I said as much after giving this individual opportunity to retract their statement in order not to unwittingly spread disinformation about their own teacher and another respected teacher. This person deliberately chose to continue with their slander. I was direct with my extreme disapproval. This person then found it necessary to go onto another unrelated thread and accuse me of theft, plagiarism and deliberate deceit in creating my spiritual path.


    It was a vindictive and personal attack on my character. I contacted mods to ask that the offending post be removed and the person responsible be either temporarily or permanently banned. The mods decided that it warranted neither because they saw it merely as "harsh criticism." Criticism in one thing. Personal slander without evidence is entirely different.


    I have never pretended to be anything other than student and seeker. I am not a master. I have never claimed any kind of enlightenment and I have never tried to hide behind false modesty. I'm just a person. As such, personal insults and attacks do hurt my feelings. To pretend otherwise for me is deceitful. In my world, the worst, most hurtful thing someone can do is accuse someone of deliberate deceit in regards to their spirituality. I have made similar accusations but not without researching those claims first.


    Attacks on this forum are unavoidable, but I expect the mods to be there to protect the atmosphere so that when someone does cross the line that they be held accountable. In my case, I don't feel this was done and I am not willing to be in an atmosphere where someone can maliciously attack my character whenever they wish without consequence.


    But really this is just the last straw for me. When I first came onto this forum, there were more energetic practitioners sharing their practices. Many had actual teachers and experience, so they could share their ideas with some knowledge and weight. Most of those people have left the forum. As a result, the overall tone of the forum has begun moving toward solo practitioners, many of whom are only interested in learning from books and videos and are hostile to the idea of learning the practices in a traditional way. The result is that the quality of the discussions has deteriorated. For me, I am finding it harder and harder to come on this forum without having alot of judgement and as a result, my posts have also become more and more hostile and I don't like seeing that in myself. As a result, more and more of the younger crowd are reacting toward me with hostility as the angry old patriarchal grouch. The result is me wanting to "put those youngsters in their place and tell them to get off my lawn." I don't like that either. Whether I like it or not, I have become that angry old fart I used to hate as a kid. I am not this way in person or with my local students.


    So, I have to leave for my own emotional well being.


    I have let mods know that if they change their minds in a couple of days and take appropriate action, I am willing to stay. If not, I will take that as a sign that the Universe wants me focusing my efforts on other things.


    Good luck to all,


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  11. Yup. I am critical of you as a teacher, and even more critical of your PRODUCTS...if this is deserving of any moderator action, then so be it! I can handle that and will not fight against it.


    But if it is, then I will feel obligated to point out where others are critical of teachers/products as well!


    And I will also point out how you have "consciously, deliberately and maliciously attacked my character" here:




    Now, put me on ignore like you said you were going to do, so we can let this go. Such a waste of time.

    Too late. This is over the line when you made it personal. You just don't know when to stop, Scotty or own up when you screw up. Had you kept it in context, that would have been fine. But, these kinds of personal attacks are not cool and you clearly don't know the difference. I'm on a mission to get you banned. You don't know the difference between honest disagreement and personal attacks. IMO, you need to go.

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  12. Something I should have addressed earlier...




    His Teutonic stuff is almost entirely made up...the rest of it is connecting the dots when there really is no connection. He claims that his ancestor spirits guided him, but anyone with a discerning eye can tell otherwise.


    He has posted fraudulent history here regarding ancient symbols and this tradition.


    The HUUL breath mantra is just red phoenix level 2 stolen and modified a bit. Where is the acknowledgement? Where is his certification to teach and modify Kunlun methods?


    Moreover, where is his certification from his maoshan teacher? From what I understand, the teacher disowned him and told him not to teach!


    This isn't even touching the "Celestial Neigong" stuff, which is absolute crap.


    Just my opinion. I wanted to share it earlier, but felt a kind streak run through me despite this man's bitterness towards me in the past. Now that he has felt the need to freak out on me again, I feel totally fine with stating my mind about his PRODUCTS.


    Not willing to discuss this further. :) My apologies for addressing an amateur system in the midst of discussion regarding a couple of real teachers.

    Scotty I have formally reported you to the mods for this post and have requested that you be temporarily or permanently banned for what I consider to be conscious, deliberate and malicious attack on my integrity and character... I am not the only person who has "freaked out on you" recently. Perhaps you have contributed to mine and others' reactions to you lately. You really need to take a look at yourself.

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  13. despite Max and whoever else stating that it is. I think that would be close to impossible, especially seeing as how Christopher Matsuo was a student of Max's.


    more like 95% sure of my view..


    Kunlun and KYMQG...they are definitely separate methods which will produce different results. So we agree on that. :)


    95% sure? So, Max lied to me? Is that what you are saying?


    Dude, you really need to check yourself. You admit that you don't know. Your uneducated unresearched opinion is worthless in comparison to the opinion of the two people involved here who are Sifu Matsuo and Max. You THINK you know but you haven't bothered to check with the teachers involved here?

    I had the same suspicion as you but I personally asked Max before saying anything publicly.


    What you are doing is calling me an idiot, and your teacher and Sifu Matsuo liars...


    For you to publicly differ with Max's stated opinion is nothing short of disrespect. And you are clearly doing it to somehow make yourself look superior to Sifu Matsuo. Disgraceful.


    If you were my student and you did something like this, I would stop teaching you and I would tell other teachers to not teach you either...


    If you want to make progress on your path, Scotty, I strongly suggest you get some serious lessons in humility and pull your head out of your rear end.


    I was right to put you on ignore. So back you go.


    I find your actions to be extremely offensive to the lineage...

  14. fiveelementtao....


    Before we go any further, in your own words, may I hear from you that how the Taoist religion was found to begin with. What did they teach you before while you were in China...??? Thanks....:)



    Can you tell me why the Taoist religion was formed...???


    Chi Dragon, My main point was that you could share your understandings with more flexibility and allow for other interpretations. But, I will answer your questions as I have been taught by my teachers and have confirmed for myself through personal practice and through written sources. No doubt you may have a different understanding and wish to fight about it. I will not do that. But, others may be interested in the discussion.


    I didn't study in China. But as I said, there are many in China today who do not know about the different sects of Taoism that existed before WWII because the Chinese Gov't has done a very good job of rewriting history to fit their political agendas... As you may well know the Taoism that is practiced on the famous Taoist mountains in China today are new versions placed there by the Chinese Communist Gov't. The priests on those mountains are educated by the communist Gov't. They do not represent the original priesthoods that were there before WWII. Many of the priest are trying to reconstruct their sects through old manuscripts. So, While there are Taoists in China , many of them do not have any direct connection to he original practices that were taught in those monasteries.


    The first organized Taoist religion as I understand it has it's roots in Chinese Shamanism which goes back thousands of years. The first organized Taoist sect was the Sect of the Celestial Masters which was founded in 142 C.E. One of the Initiates of the Celestial Masters was a woman named Lady Wei who died and became a Taoist Immortal. After she died, she appeared to her descendents, one of whom was named Yang Xi in the 4th century A.D. to whom she gave some revelations for achieving immortality. These revelations became known as the Shang Ch'ing scriptures. eventually these scriptures were collated by Tao Hong Jing on Mao Shan.


    These descendents of Lady Wei went to Mao Shan Mountain to practice their Family Style Which was called "Shang Ch'ing Tao. or "Way of Highest Purity". This was only meant to be a Family lineage. But, some of the practitioners let their scriptures get out and non-initiates got their hands on them and tried to practice the what was in those scriptures. When word got out about the Shang Ch'ing scriptures many people tried to enter the Mao Shan monastery.


    After many years, because the Shang Ch'ing scriptures had been forged and many people had heard of the reputation, eventually, the Mao Shan monastery had to officially become a Religious Monastery. That is the second phase of the organized version of "Taoism." Almost every recongnized sect of Taoism can trace it's knowledge back to Mao Shan and the Shang Ch'ing sect. If it were not for the Shang Ch'ing there may not have ever been an official Taoist religion. Instead it would be a bunch of loosely connected family and village traditions. That is also one of my main points. There are many secret Family and Village styles of taoist Shamanism. Some of these family traditions are so powerful that they are still secret. These are the true sources of the Original Mystical Taoist practices that are the forerunners of organized Taoist religious sects... Many of the official religious sects are just watered down versions of the family and village traditions. One of the reasons for the organized sects of Taoism is to keep the family styles hidden and undiluted...


    As to why the Taoist religion was formed. In the case of the Shang Ch'ing sect it was because the scriptures had been stolen and forged and so many people were trying to practice them that eventually the true practitioners decided that it was better that the knowledge be officially consolidated into one religion so that they could disseminate the practices accurately. This is where we get the Layman style teachings found in many official taoist monasteries and the hidden inner door teachings that are kept private from the public. Much of what is in the public temples and monasteries are outer door layman style teachings. That is what is in most history books.


    If it weren't for the fact that the Shang Ch'ing scriptures had been stolen and forged, it is very possible that the information would have been kept secretly in the Family tradition. If it weren't for that reason there many not even BE a Taoist religion.


    I was taught from a family tradition that can trace it's origin to one of the Five Taoist Mountains. This knowledge was taken out of China before WWII. I am not an initiate and I do not have authority to speak for this tradition, so I only share what little info I do have in this general way. Take it for what that is worth to you...

  15. KYMQG is just mixing them together and is not an original practice.


    Do you know this for a fact or are you making supposition? Max and Sifu Matsuo say differently.


    You are making an uneducated supposition here, Scotty. I suggest you retract it to avoid spreading disinformation about another Sifu's tradition... If you edit your post and take out your reference to KYMG, I will delete this post.


    KWMG IS an original practice from Sifu Matsuo's Wudang tradition. It is different from yours perhaps, but It is NOT simply mixing them together.


    You need to be careful when speaking about things you are not sure of.


    You are free to prefer one teaching over another but I suggest caution when criticizing another tradition's practices without sufficient knowledge...

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  16. To a Chinese Taoist...

    From which sect at which time in history?


    This is what I mean. I would prefer you cite specifics when you make these very broad generalized statements. Chinese Taoists are just as vulnerable to making mistakes based on limited understanding as anyone else. I do completely agree with you that Western Taoists are vulnerable to making mistakes, but as I said, what is ironic to me is that your mistakes are from doing the same thing from a Chinese perspective. i.e. Making broad, generalized authoritative statements that are not always true in every sect of taoism. It may be true according to your sources or your experience, but there are other authentic viewpoints besides yours. I have experience in a tradition that can be traced all the way back to the inception of Taoism as a religion. My tradition left China before the communist takeover and according to my teachers. Taoism in China today is very different than before WWII. So, if someone makes generalizations based on post WWII Taoism, there will be big differences.


    In traditional taoism, there is the outer door teachings and the inner door teachings. Outer door teahings are for the layman and inner door teachings are for the initiate. Many times what is taught to the laymen is sometimes very different than for the initiate. What is found in books (both in China and the West) is mostly laymen teachings. So, I am saying that one cannot make generalizations about what is "Taoist" by simply repeating one of the version of a teaching.


    Chi dragon, I think you would get better responses if you said things like, "from what I've read Taoism says XXX" Instead of speaking authoritatively for all Taoism when you say, "Taoism says XXX"


    I think you would get less argument if you allowed room for other versions...

  17. I would very much like to hear a compare and contrast between Red Phoenix and Magnetic Qigong from someone who has studied both.


    Trunk mentioned that RP is a part of Magnetic Qigong.


    But is it exactly the same or just similar? Does Magnetic Qigong contain RP1 and RP2 or just RP1?


    And now, this thread makes me wonder, is it actually the reverse that is taught in Magnetic Qigong, or is it done both ways?


    Anyone with experience, please chime in!


    I assume that people are referring to the practice where Sifu Matsuo teaches what he calls the "Kwan Yin" mudra ( which is very similar to the Golden Flower mudra in the Shang Ch'ing tradition) where the energy is brought in the same arc but backwards from RP?


    According to Max, (I asked him) Magnetic Qigong is from a different tradition that Sifu Matsuo studied. But, yes it is very similar and very powerful stuff. I understand that it is from Sifu Matsuo's Wudang Sifu.


    My only reason for chiming in here is to correct any possible assumption that RP, Magnetic Qigong and Celestial Qigong are fragments of the same tradition. They can be compatible practices if done with a teacher's supervision ( which is something I do not say easily) Normally one should not mix traditions but in this case these practices could be integrated if done wisely and sparingly.


    RP is a direct teaching from the Shang Ching Tradition. Celestial Qigong is derived from the Shang Ch'ing spirit fighting which is the same general tradition that RP is from but has a slightly different focus and application.


    You also see hints of what fiveelementtao teaches in his celestial qi gong in the motions of the hands. It makes sense because they are all based on the same tradition


    I assume you are referring to the "Yin Yang" hands. Any similarity is coincidental. Of course energy physics is the same in all traditions so it is likely different traditions will discover similar principles, so I guess they could be found in multiple places.


    what we are seeing here is different traditions interpreting universal energy principles.


    In terms of combining RP and Magnetic Qigong... Please remember that they are from different traditions so, I strongly urge caution. My suggestion is if people are going to practice both of these that you do so with large breaks of time in between. Magnetic Qigong is very powerful stuff. The energy is being directed in the opposite direction as RP, so it will have a different effect which might not be understood until after a long time of committed practice. trying to practice them both at the same time may result in a confusion of the energy with unknown, possibly dangerous, consequences. I can also share from experience that the power from these kinds of practices are cumulative and combining these kinds of practices ( if done right) will increase energy exponentially and can have disastrous results if combined willy nilly. I also want to caution that RP is extremely powerful and should not be underestimated or experimented with without guidance from a teacher. So, I strongly urge anyone to first talk to Max directly before attempting to mix it with something like magnetic qigong which is powerfully opening the same energy channels.


    I myself learned RP after 15 years of Spirit fighting and I am very sparing with RP because the combined power of the two practices is very intense. If I had found RP earlier in my Spirit Fighting training, I probably would not have felt the power as intensely because the Spirit Fighting power increases exponentially over time. So, I am saying that same is true with any of these very powerful inner door practices. Please be careful and respectful with them. We have seen what happens with people who overdo them or do not respect their power...


    Anyway, I'm not trying to compete with either Max or Sifu Matsuo, Out of respect for both of them, I want to make sure that I am not mistakenly connected to them where it is not accurate. I have great respect for both of them as elder brothers.


    Sorry for the interruption in the thread...

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  18. In any of the Chinese sources, there was not a word mentioned about karma.

    That does not mean that it isn't taught in Taoist teachings.

    karma literally means "actions" or "deeds"

    I feel very confident that most Taoist teachings say something about the consequences of ones actions and deeds in their life.



    There are also many different sects of Taoism. So, when it comes to some things, one cannot simply make broad generalized statements about what is "Taoist." This is the problem with written information. There is also the personal transmission of teachings which cannot be found easily. What you say may be true for some sects and lineages but not true for others.


    There is a big difference between what one reads about Taoism or sees in public rituals or public temples and what one experiences in some of the more esoteric mystical lineage practices. (which is where Tao "ism" has it's roots.


    I want to point out the fact that ancestor worshiping was a traditional Chinese custom but not a Taoist ritual.

    According to whom?

    In many Taoist mystical sects if one wants to gain real mystical power, it is essential that one get transmissions directly from the ancestors. Without it, one cannot make significant progress. This kind of ritual won't be written down in books or found in most temples.


    What many people call "folk" Taoism is extremely powerful stuff. What is seen in most public temples (according to my teachers) is very watered down stuff and does not represent the most ancient of Taoist traditions.


    I would counter that the more widespread "Taoism" that replaced the Folk shamanic practices got much of it's influence from the integration of Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism. The trend to "evolve" beyond the the "primitive" folk taoism is a result of later Chinese Taoism trying to become more mainstream and compete with Buddhism.


    So, trying to distance Taoism from Buddhism is Ironic, because the same factors that you are stating to separate Taoism from Buddhism in this instance are coming from later Buddhist influence on Imperial taoist sects...


    Much of what you say is true in much of Taoism, So I am not trying to say you are 100% wrong. But my problem with some of what I read in your posts is that sometimes your statements are very broad and generalized and while they may be true in some instances. They are also not true in others.... Traditional Taoism is a very diverse path with many different streams...

  19. Chi Dragon,

    I am going to challenge you on your understanding of Taoism. You have regularly stated some of your generalized assumptions in various threads concerning your belief of taoism. But, much of what you say is in sharp contrast to traditional religious taoism which is very different from western philosophical Taoism and Western "energy" taoism.


    I think that most westerners and even most people on this forum who think they know what "taoism" is would be very shocked to find out that Traditional Religious Taoism is very similar to most other traditional indigenous polytheist religions. One feature of all indigenous polytheist religions is the worship of ancestors, the belief in reincarnation and the effect of ones actions in life. Just becuase Taoists do not use the sanskrit word "karma," does not mean that they do not believe in it.

    The Westernized philosophical Taoism that is most prevalent in books and on the web ( and on this forum) are not representative of traditional Taoism and is a relatively new Western phenomenon...



    if you have experience in a traditional religious Taoist sect or lineage, please state some references for your beliefs.


    I do have some experience in a very old and traditional Religious Taoist Sect and I can tell you that they are very deeply involved in ancestor worship and with the belief of Karma (although they may use different words for it), destiny and rebirth.


    Taoism is the evolution of indigenous Chinese Folk religion and shamanism. What people read in books concerning the philosophical aspects of Tao Te Ching will not teach anyone about the older folk religion aspects that are very powerfully represented in traditional Folk taoism, mystical taoism and religious taoism.


    It is important to remember that the Taoist monasteries and Temples that are responsible for our modern understanding of Taoism came directly from earlier Folk versions of Shamanic practices.


    The Shang Ch'ing Monastery on Mao Shan mountain was probably the most influential monastery in terms of the early spread of Taoism as a religion. The founders of the Shang Ch'ing sect received their revelations from a deceased immortal ancestor. So, the whole idea of modern Taosim would not even exist were it nor for ancestor Worship.


    Taoist believes to be an immortal was, mainly, not to be concerned with the present life and after death.

    If you study more about this concept of immortality according to traditional religious Taoism, then you will find that the only way someone can become an immortal is because they have earned that right through many lifetimes of spiritual practices. In other words, according to traditional religious Taoism, one cannot become an immortal unless the gods have decreed that it is that person's destiny to become an immortal. In other words, Karma is responsible for anyone becoming a Taoist immortal...



    I believe that you had been confused with the Buddhist philosophy and mixed in with Taoist. The Taoist belief was emphasized to be an immortal before anything else. The part of ritual was mainly performed by Buddhists to remove the sins of the deceased, so the deceased will have a clean life to start with after reincarnation. That was all done with a recognizable fee. Some place along the line, some greedy Taoist priests designed to follow this footstep.


    BTW A Taoist believes to be an immortal was, mainly, not to be concerned with the present life and after death. If one study about the Taoist religion, then the key word "immortal" cannot be ignored. Otherwise, one was studying something else other than the Taoist religion.



    @ Marblehead...:P:):D

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  20. *******


    Hi Taoneo,


    I saw that you are a member of Jing's Forum on his website. I don't know your connection to Master Wolf or Jing. If he is your friend, I can understand your desire to protect your friend from someone who is exposing his teacher as a fraud. However, slinging clever insults at me won't change the objective facts... If you have knowledge that will explain these discrepencies and clear Wolf's name, I will be the first to apologize to any and all concerned and retract my statements. I have no need to falsely accuse anyone or mistakenly malign anyone's reputation.


    I hold Taoism in very high regard and I do feel it is sad when someone like Wolf abuses the trust of others. It's bad enough that Wolf wants to falsely portray himself as something he is not. It is another thing altogether when he lies to sincere seekers like Jing who don't know any better... Better Jing know this now, then portray himself as Wolf's Protege to knowledgeable practitioners and suffer even worse humiliation when he meets traditional Taoist martial artists or teachers... Claiming to be a Taoist martial artist or teacher is fairly safe if done humbly. But claiming to be an "Ordained Taoist Warrior Monk" in certain traditional Taoist Martial Arts circles is like walking into South Central Los Angeles and claiming to be the new sheriff in town. I do not think Jing is aware of the ramifications of his claim...


    I can tell you that if he or anyone walked into my teacher's Kung Fu class claiming to be an "Ordained Taoist Warrior Monk" he would have to prove it with some very serious skill. If Wolf or any of his students went to my Sigung's (my teacher's teacher's) class and claimed he was an ordained Taoist Warrior monk, he would leave on a stretcher just for making the claim. Wolf does not understand that when he falsely ordains his students as Taoist Warrior Monks, that he may be putting them into very serious physical danger if they go around tossing that label around especially while simultaneously sporting shaved heads and dressing in all black. So, you may think I am being unkind by exposing a fraud, but if Jing listens to the facts, he may very well prevent himself some serious physical injury, not to mention emotional humiliation. As I see it, I am his best friend in this instance because at least I am letting him know what he is implying with his statements...


    I've been studying and teaching Taoist internal martial arts for 20 years and there are Traditional Taoist Martial Arts circles and classes (within my own sect) that I would never even think of claiming to be a Taoist Martial Arts student not to mention "Warrior Monk" because I know I would have to fight my way out of there. Claiming to be an "Ordained Warrior Monk" is seen in the traditional circles I trained in as an outright challenge to "take on all comers." I do not think Jing understands this..


    TaoNeo, If you really want to help Jing out, then perhaps ask whether it is kinder to Jing to Co-sign his belief in Master Wolf or to take an honest look at the objective evidence...


    Jing and any others who might wish to study with Master Wolf deserve to know the Truth about his claims. I would want to know the Truth if I were in his position... In any case, if Jing is traveling around the UK and trying to gain support for a monastery in Wolf's lineage, JIng and his teacher will undoubtedly be scrutinized by many other knowledgeable practitioners who will see the very obvious holes in Wolf's claims. I certainly will not be the first to point them out to him...

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  21. BTW Xing Yi Quan(形意拳) and Ba Gua Quan(八卦掌) are the derivatives from Tai Ji Quan.


    Where did you hear that? Please provide references. I think you are mistaken. Xing Yi is universally considered to be the oldest of the Three. So Xing Yi could not have been derived from Tai Chi.

    I think you are mistaken here....

  22. The Shaolin monk warriors trained with martial arts were utilized to protect the temple. The original intent was not to be warriors.


    The original intention of martial arts for Taoists was for health. It happens to be enabling them for self defense. Again, their original intent was not to become a warrior.


    I am going to disagree with you here ChiDragon. This sounds like stuff from books. Tai Chi was originally designed to be a killing art. This is true of Xing Yi and Ba Gua also. Tai Chi only became associated with health benefits only in last century when it was taught to laymen. Taoist internal martial arts were first designed for warfare and killing. The health benefits were secondary side effects. Buddhists have always recognized Taoist internal martial arts as being superior and more efficient in battle.

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  23. Jing,

    This isn't idle suspicion. Your teacher's claims do not make sense. Something is fishy with him...


    No one here is attacking your "realness" here. I, for one, am convinced you are sincere and truthful. I think you have done everything you say you have. I think you are exactly what you say you are. However, I think you have been duped by your teacher. I think he is a fraud in that he is not a traditionally ordained Taoist. He may be great martial artist and a very spiritual guy. His monastery may be a wonderful spiritual place and whatever he teaches may be incredible. Master Wolf has the right to call himself a Taoist Monk if he chooses. He has the right to call himself whatever he wants as do we all. The mistake he made was in trying to pass himself off as a traditionally "ordained Taoist." Had he just been honest and stated that he had created his own style of spirituality that he chose to call Taoist, he would escape scrutiny. But you and he should know that to claim to be a traditionally ordained Taoist is no small claim and can be very easily verified or disproved.


    Here is an example of a Western person ordained in a traditional Taoist lineage. Your teacher should have similar traceable verifications to his claims


    The way in which Master Wolf makes claims of Taoist ordination shows a complete misunderstanding of traditional Taoism. Anyone with even a small amount of knowledge of traditional taoism would have not made the glaring mistakes master Wolf has done in his bio. And as his student, you should know these things, because as you meet more Taoists with real connections to traditional lineages, I can guarantee that you will be continually challenged on the many mistakes your teacher has made in his claims and it will reflect on you poorly. It is better that you hear it here on a forum than in public.


    With all earnestness, I have no personal agenda to badmouth or malign anyone's reputation. If your teacher's claims did not scream of fraud, I would say nothing. I believe you are sincere and have accepted your teacher's claims in good faith. But, you should know that his bio is very suspicious. If you are serious about this path, you should ask him about these questions and research what traditional Taoist ordination entails to determine for yourself his authenticity.


    Here are some things you should ask Master Wolf about:


    What sect of Taoism did he study?

    Who is the founder of the sect he studied in?

    What are the names of his teachers?

    What taoist lineage is he from?

    Did he recieve a Lu "register" when he was ordained?

    Why does he use the term "monk" instead of "priest."

    Why does he shave his head like a buddhist?

    If he did not study in China, what Taoist mountain or temple did his sect originally come from?


    Taoism is Chinese in origin. It did not originate in Tibet or Thailand. Any officially recongnized Taoist monastery outside of China would very prominently proclaim it's connection the original sect and temple in China that is connected to.


    No traditionally ordained Taoist would ever claim to be so without proudly and publicly listing the names of their sect, the names of their teachers, the name of their lineage, the taoist mountain or temple their sect is originally from. Master Wolf shares none of these. This is very suspcious. The names of these things would be recongizable among traditional taoists and could be verified. The fact that someone would omit these when claiming to be ordained is very suspicious.


    Ordained Taoists do not go by the title of "monk." They go by the title of priest. As priests they have been given a register to authenticate their status as ordained by their lineage. A register "Lu" shows the rank the priest holds, the types of rituals that the priest has authority to perform and lists the spirits that the priest has been given power over. Master Wolf is silent here too.


    IT seems that the shaved head is an indication of being ordained in your monastery. But you should know that it has nothing to do with Taoism. Shaving of the head is a buddhist ritual not taoist.


    If he is really ordained in an authentic traditional taoist lineage, he would be able to immediately and proudly answer these questions. I suggest you ask him about these things. If he is unable or unwilling or hesitant in any way to answer any of these questions, it is a good sign that he is making up his credentials and if you want to be taken seriously as a teacher, I would drop the ordained taoist monk title. Call yourself whatever you want. I am sure your knowledge is very powerful and able to help many. But the "ordained Taoist Monk" title will end up reflecting very poorly on you and you will appear to be a fraud also by those with any understanding of traditional taoism.


    I wish you the best of luck in creating your monastery,






    Hello to the group


    What a mess, what a mess.


    How can suspicion keep your belly satisfied ?


    Rolling in the Tao,

    Confusion abound within their heads,

    Where to find the remedy ?

    Where to find the relief ?


    Would you like to know how real I am ?


    Lets meet !


    hope this settles some confusion :P



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