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Everything posted by fiveelementtao

  1. Reverse breathing dangerious?

    I'm sorry but I can't think of worse reason to do something. 1, It came from a book 2. The guy who wrote the book says he doesn't know but "it makes sense."... Why would you want to follow that kind of advice?... Dr. Yang's books are informative but he has alot of his history wrong. He also admits that he is not taoist. he sees everything from a shaolin buddhist perspective. He also tends to paint everything with a black and white "Taoist or buddhist" brush. His books are fun to read but I would not take any advice from him on Taoist stuff...
  2. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    I'm not sure this not entirely accurate. I know this is what Chris says, but he is taking what Max said which was that Max believes that his Maoshan and his spontaneous chi kung originally came from the same discipline and lineage but that they became separated over time. That is Max's opinion, not a verifiable fact. I'm not saying it's true or untrue what I'm saying is that Max is not saying this as a historical fact. He mentioned this theory to his Maoshan teacher who told him that it is possible. Max also says that the stuff he knows originally came from aliens. It is a theory, not an actual verifiable fact. The same is true with the assertion that all of Max's kunlun is from Maoshan. The spontaneous qigong of Sifu jenny is (at least now) from a completely different lineage. So Max's Kunlun is a combination of his Maoshan and his spontaneous qigong. and a few other things from different sources. That's my understanding at least.... Someone should ask Sifu Jenny if her spontaneous qigong is from maoshan. I bet you will get a completely different answer.
  3. Do not mix up these 2 "tao"

    I strongly suggest that everyone go onto Mak's website and read his bio especially how he was ordained a taoist priest.
  4. Do not mix up these 2 "tao"

    Sounds COOL! Where do I sign up?
  5. TO ALL - attention! something to discuss!

    I agree. ban him! he has no respect for anyone.
  6. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    I'll PM you.
  7. Do You Train Martial Arts?

  8. Do You Train Martial Arts?

  9. Do You Train Martial Arts?

  10. Do You Train Martial Arts?

  11. Do You Train Martial Arts?

  12. Do You Train Martial Arts?

  13. Do You Train Martial Arts?

  14. What's up with those pictures?

    sheng zhen, I don't know if you are kidding or not... The problem with Moxite's test is that the posture of "hold your palms toward the screen, have an open mind and believe in absolutely nothing" whether sitting or standing is ALREADY a Qigong posture. If you hold that posture with a still mind for three minutes and 40 seconds (the length of the 'test'), anyone will feel Qi move through their body and fill their hands. If this starts to happen, the participant begins to think, "Oh, my God! It's working." and then the imagination kicks in and starts a snowball effect. After the "test" he states that "if you had any form of sensations... like tingling, warmth etc... you have experienced 'Xi". Well, yeah, you just sat or stood in a qigong posture for 3 1/2 minutes. of course you felt something! Try doing the exact same posture and mindset away from the computer and you will have an identical experience. I am not saying whether this guy has healing powers or not, I don't know. But his test is (at the very least) flawed...
  15. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    For more info, please contact me through my website
  16. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    For more info, you can contact me through my website
  17. Correlations Element Systems

    I have done alot of kundalini yoga and tantric mantra meditation. In my experience, the hindu elements and the taoist elements are very different. I think there can be a superficial correlation like this. T=Taoist H=Hindu T wood - expands - H ether T wood is liver, H ether is throat. T metal - contracts - H air T Metal is lungs - H air is lungs/heart T Fire - Rises - H Fire T Fire is heart/ Shen - H Fire is digestive Fire of Navel T water - descends - H water - sexual center T water is kidneys - H water is sexual fluids T earth - centers - H earth T stomach spleen - H root chakra There is some obvious correlation, but the two systems cannot be transposed on top of one another easily. There are also inconsistencies in the Hindu system that don't work in the Taoist system. In my experience, the Hindu system is more mental and psychological. Taoist is more... I can't put it into words... but very different...
  18. Unintentional leeching by laymen?

    Yes this is a very real phenomenon. There are very powerful exercises and mudras for this in our lineage.
  19. sore loser

    Doing any meditations or energy work on the five elements can help. Frustration and anger can be transformed by knowing how to using the five elements to release/balance negative emotions that are stored and generated by the internal organs. Mantak Chia teaches a nice method of transforming negative emotions through the five elements...
  20. Chi kung and insanity

    Kwan Yin is a man who through his meditations on Yin power transformed himself into a woman. Many who claim to have heard Kwan Yin's voice say it is the voice of a man. Few people know this but, Kwan Yin is also a fierce warrior. No man can stand up to her ferocity in battle. She fights against evil and injustice. Kwan Kung (the general) was a freedom fighter who also fought against tyranny and injustice.
  21. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    We do not have an instructor in Europe yet... Thanks for your interest, Mike
  22. The soft overcomes the hard -- or does it?

    Yes. it does look that. and certainly we can use points, but with Spirit fighting energy, it really doesn't matter where you touch someone. We can't show most stuff we do on video 'cause it doesn't look real. I picked the stuff that looked the most like other stuff so people could have a frame of reference when watching it. Otherwise it just looks wierd.
  23. The soft overcomes the hard -- or does it?

    If you mean on youtube, I'm not sure if Sifu has enabled comments, but feel free. If you mean here, I hope you will be kind...
  24. The soft overcomes the hard -- or does it?

    In this video I demonstrate on my student who has spent his life in both external and internal martial arts. He is much bigger than I and is a very strong guy. He has spent a long time learning how to "take a punch". This video is done in controlled situations, but in my experience, the Spirit Fighting energy (which is powered by yin (feminine) chi) and is done with zero muscle strength, is worst on muscly guys. because muscles are full of nerves and it takes alot of Chi to power muscles. Spirit fighting Chi acts like a taser gun and overloads the muscles and they cant function. My student in this video, had been training with me for some time so he was more able to withstand the energy. But the first time I tapped him on the chest, he literally ran away from me screaming like a girl. In the Los Angeles class, my sifu tried to market his class to MMA types and they all washed out because they couldn't stand the hits. One guy asked my sifu, "Are there alot of people with this kind of energy?" My sifu said he knew of a handful of people. When the MMA guy heard that, he said, "Well, then I quit class, since there is little chance I will have to fight someone like you." Muscly guys don't like the idea of giving up their "guns". When I first came to Sifu Hata's class, I was a bodybuilder. I was 2.5 inches taller than him and at least 40 lbs heavier. When he tapped me on my big pecs, it felt like a bomb went off inside me and I knew that if he wanted to attack me, there would have been nothing I could do to stop him. ccN6pZumFOQ
  25. Marijuana, strength training, nei kung

    You may be experiencing some short term enhanced chi sensations as a result of MJ use. But i would be very interested to see if after 1 or 2 years of "experimentation" if you still are performing better and feeling better and if in fact you can really "shut it down" at will.