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Everything posted by fiveelementtao

  1. The soft overcomes the hard -- or does it?

    or is it that the female mate always attracts the bigger, stronger male... My yoga teacher used to say that attraction always starts with the female. The male pursues and only THINKS it's his idea. I know this is a broad generalization and will sound sexist to some, but my point is perception can change everything. I have found in internal martial arts that the most explosive power is the feminine. The easiest opponent to defeat is the big muscular MMA guy with huge biceps and rock hard chest. Just tap him with feminine chi and he will crumble. I believe that the reason why so many cultures have tried to keep women down is because that men have an unconscious knowing that if women were allowed to fully tap into their natural feminine power, that men would be helpless...
  2. Is this Chi?

    This would be one manifestation of Chi....
  3. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    I am in Idaho.
  4. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    I do have one special power which I will use. I can make you disappear. Ok lets see, I click on "my controls" and now click on "manage ignored users" then I enter Child Monkey oh, I mean "Spirit Ape" then click "update ignored users" and Presto! Spirit Ape has now disappeared. No more throwing feces on the cage walls. Smells better now.
  5. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    If you asked me with sincerity or even honest skepticism, I would answer you to the best of my knowledge. But I am not going to continue to knowingly give you ammunition when your main goal is to launch cheap shots from behind the safety of your computer screen. If you are so interested, come and meet us in person and decide for yourself. But be sure to have your parents' permission first. We can't demonstrate on minors.
  6. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    Just out of curiosity, Ape. How old are you?
  7. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    I am no longer associated with SSTT...
  8. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    (edit) I can no longer represent SSTT in good conscience. Dr. Hata has brought too much negative attention to the Lum Lineage. He has been acting without authorization from his teachers.
  9. Oh My God! Next thing you know the gov't will have access to all my credit history and my tax history and my fingerprint and home address, my car license plate, my social security number... Oh,... right... they already do.
  10. Jerry Alan Johnson

  11. Am I Crazy or Possessed?

    One thing you can do is take responsiblity for all of your feelings and your actions. As I have said, I believe possession is a real phenomenon. But, you are NOT a victim. You created this scenario when you prayed for it. You also can stop it. It may take some time and a good old fashioned exorcism, but you have the power to change this. First thing to do is stop feeding the drama within. Make a firm resolution within yourself that you will seek help and be honest with others. Not necessarily rehashing all the craziness that the demon causes you, but be honest that you started this ball rolling when you sought to escape your pain. Accept your pain and accept God's love. God has not abandoned you, He is waiting for you to ask His help in taking responsibility for your internal issues. Resolve (without drama) to take the necessary steps to find the Truth within and be your true Divine self. If you are determined and have faith you will find someone to perform this exorcism for you and you will find a therapist who can help you work through your issues. It all started with you and it can all end with you. It may take a little patience on your part. Remember, you have been feeding this crazy drama for a few years now. It may take a little while to defuse it. When the demon acts up, just tell yourself (calmly) "This drama I have created for myself isn't serving me anymore. I am willing to let it go." The Demon is actually your servant. Let him go. You don't need him anymore. You are strong enough to face your pain with God's help and the help of professionals.
  12. Am I Crazy or Possessed?

    Please re-read my previous posts. You were seeing results when you went to your priest. GO BACK AND TELL HIM THAT YOU INVITED THIS DEMON INTO YOU. ASK FOR AN EXORCISM. Confess and be honest. After the exorcism, continue with therapy, spiritual work and continue to be honest with yourself and work through your childhood/early adult issues in therapy. Your denial is the main problem. But the only way through it is through spiritual help and therapy. YOU CAN'T DO IT ALONE. I can't be any clearer than this...
  13. Am I Crazy or Possessed?

    This is when it occurred. I know you say you didn't mean it. But in order to overcome this, you need to be honest. You did mean it at the time. It is not enough to simply say, You cannot make excuses for yourself this way. In order to be free you need to admit that you asked for this. Every time you make excuses, you strengthen the denial which makes the situation harder to overcome. You say you are a devout catholic. I strongly reccommend that you go back to your priest and admit to the priest what you wrote here, Ask for an exorcism and follow his instructions. exorcisms work if you are serious about being honest with yourself and committing yourself to live your highest divinity. The demon is a representation of your own desire to deny your internal issues. Do not make any more excuses for denying your pain. Take it to God as you understand God. Continue with any therapy that helps you heal and follow whatever spiritual path works for you. But stop avoiding your pain. Take responsibility for your feelings and seek God's help and the demon will flee.
  14. Am I Crazy or Possessed?

    I would suggest continuing with psychotherapy and also continuing to seek help from a priest if you feel it can help. However, I have performed a few exorcisms and it sounds very similar to what I have seen in demonic possession/oppression. In my experience, there is always a starting point. In my experience there is always a symbiotic relationship with the victim and the demonic entity. If you are possessed, there is something you can do about it. But it is important to understand the symbiotic relationship. When you can understand your unconscious cooperation, you will better be able to change the situation. Were you physically, emotionally, sexually abused? Did you grow up in a dysfunctional home, i.e... alcoholism, mental illness etc... These are very often contributing factors. At some point in your past, If you truly are possessed, you consciously or unconsciously invited this entity in to divert you from other more painful emotional issues. I know this sounds like a judgement but it is not. No demon can harm you without your permission. So, this means there is hope. The demon signifies your desire to "run away" from your own divinity. If you are able to be fearless and seek to face the painful/frightening underlying feelings, the demon will leave. This is very often done through rituals like exorcisms, because it signifies that the victim is willing to "repent" or devote themselves to God etc.. This signifies that the victim wishes to stop hiding from their inner truth and work to strengthen themselves spiritually. Afterwards, It is also necessary to have a regular spiritual practice and continue with psychotherapy to avoid denial. There is never demonic oppression without denial. If you are serious about overcoming this, you will, but you will need help. Whether it is psychological or spiritual in nature, You cannot do it alone...
  15. Mass healing

    Excellent Idea! Let's pick a topic and work on it for 40 days! Count me in!
  16. Kundalini & Lucifer &:...

    The information in the teaching you cite is "channelled". I know that "channelled information is popular, but let's face it. Anyone can claim to be a channel and say any outrageous nonsense they want. It is my experience that our guides have absolutely NO desire to jump in our bodies and speak through us. I have investigated a few of the most popular channelers and have found considerable evidence that they are frauds looking to feast on the desperation and ignorance of desperate seekers. I would not believe anything that comes from a "channeled" source.
  17. Your own videos

  18. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    I haven't seen Master Cheng's version except for the trailer... I know that Winn has made a couple minor alterations to the set, and after scrutinizing Sifu Cheng's version, I can see some of what appears to be the original version. Cheng's form looks better and I think is more of what was traditionally taught. So, I would be interested in seeing it. Well, first let me say that not I nor anyone else knows ALL of sifu lum's system. But what I have learned is mostly martial energy and some of the nei kung. Wuji gong has a very light, blissful energy that really opens up my middle dan tien. It is a very peaceful, healing energy. I can feel it opening a "space" in my central channel. It's great for meditation...
  19. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong;hl=wuji+gong;hl=wuji+gong The Wuji Gong form that is also called "Tai Chi for Enlightenment" is very different from the Hun Yuan primordial... I LOVE the "Tai Chi for Enlightenment" and do it 2wice a day. I use it before morning meditation and after Internal martial arts practice. I have Winn's DVD. The production quality isn't that great, but it teaches everything you need. When I have some extra money I plan on getting master Cheng's version, because M. Winn makes some of his own minor changes to the form. It is a wonderful form if you are looking for a purely meditative form. It is NOT a martial form. Many people who have tried it expecting a Tai Chi type feel are very disappointed.
  20. How does hinduism and taoism relate?

    (My limited understanding based on my limited experience) I encourage study of these terms in both traditions and compare... Yin/Yang - Shakti/Shiva Lower Dan Tien, Chi - Brahma (creative principle) procreation and creativity Middle Dan Tien, Hsi - Vishnu (preservation Principle) emotional seat/Seat of the Soul Upper Dan Tien, Shen - Shiva (Evolutionary Principle) Merging of Yin/Yang in my experience, Hinduism is more focused on psychological transformation. In my experience with tantric (not sexual) mysticism and Shang Ch'ing Taoist energy practices, there is a huge energy difference and at higher levels, (IMHO) one should not mix taoist with hindu energy practices.
  21. Spiritual Adventure Tales
  22. Joint Popping

    under normal circumstances, the sound of joint popping is just releasing trapped gasses in the joints. It is perfectly fine and in some cases desirable...
  23. Vibration creates form - Clip

    Om sound makes the Shri Yantra
  24. Kunlun/Yogani

    This long winded response wasn't only for you jedi. It was a culmination of this whole thread. Peace
  25. Kunlun/Yogani

    Now for the term Shakti. Shakti means Feminine power. All female deities are Shakti. There is no such thing as male shakti. Indian tantric energetic traditions focus highly on the power of Shakti. Why? Becuase they are focused on burning through Karma. Shakti is seen as the All powerful force because she is Karma, she is weight, gravity. She is seen as the power of creation. Since Shakti is the force which defines creation, it is the power of limitation. The person who can master this power can master creation itself. But Shakti has a Master. That master is Shiva. Shiva is the heavenly force. The force that guides the power of creation. Shakti worshippers seek to unify their limitation with limitless Shiva. But there is a state beyond Shakti and Shiva. There is what we call Wuji. Unified potential of the Infinite. I could go on and on and on, but this is Taoist forum, not a hindu forum. My point is that Kundalini can be the Ultimate power. But if it is, then that is because it is limitation and karma that you worship. It is a valid path and will lead to ultimate liberation. But it is also important to understand what these terms mean. and for me, Hindu paths do not correspond with goals and methods of taoism. For me, the Universe is a multifaceted hologram. You can look through one facet in the diamond and see everything else through it and believe you understand all. But, if pull the diamond away from your eye and look through another facet, you will see everything again but through a different view point. Kundalini is one facet, one gate to the Infinite. But there are other facets to look through. For me, Kundalini and Karma are one facet. Tao is another. They have similarities, sure. but they go about the process of unification with the divine in a different way. OK, Sorry for the three page diatribe. I am done now... (let's hope)