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Posts posted by fiveelementtao

  1. I actually recall now whil ebeing stoned people speakin garound me (not to me)'s conversation directly turning in the direction of my thoughts, often and powerfully so - such that theyll not only finish my thoughts but sometimes say the words I was thinking of or finish my thought sentences. But that also sometimes happens sober, much more rarely though.

    When I asked him why he did what he did, he said "motivation"


    When I did speak to him (the only one time was before I made this thread) he seemed perfectly fine and regular of a person to speak to - not insane.


    After speaking ot him, I got a powreful feeling inmy chest, which was again repeated today (i was just walking in my area I don't think he was there)


    I feel positive energy coming from him, could I be wrong?


    I also have tested this theory. I try and force thoughts to him, but it does not work. Only when my thoughts are involuntary or reactionary and genuine. The more powerful they are, the more of a reaction.


    If there are spirits this powerful around him, and their nature is such that makes me feel as good as it does, is it not worth exploring?


    Also want to add that he walks sort of weirdly.

    There is alot here. The more you share about this, the more it feels unhealthy. The word "powerful" and involuntary comes up numerous times. What you and this homeless man have in common is powerful and involuntary. enlightenment is not part of this combination. I understand that the power that you feel around him may be intoxicating. But a true teacher, helps you feel your own power. Based on what I hear, there may a be a spirit lurking around who is enticing you through this powerful feeling. But, true enlightenment comes from within. If you are looking to explore a power outside of you, you are not following the true power from within. If this man or the spirits in the area are enticing you with powerful feelings that are not your own, this is a dangerous thing.. Look into it...

    If I feel positive energy coming from him, could I be wrong?

    Yes, it is very possible. Feelings are not facts... feelings must be reconciled with the actual situation. Look at this man and this situation beyond just your feelings....

    If there are spirits this powerful around him, and their nature is such that makes me feel as good as it does, is it not worth exploring?

    First not all spirits are helpful. And many unhelpful spirits are very powerful and quite capable of giving you "good" feelings. The heart center is one area they like to invade. What is worth exploring is your desire to give yourself to this situation and escape yourself...

    I suggest, meditating and asking for giudance from your higher self, before diving into experiences or powerful feelings....

  2. There is this homeless man who walks around my area and he is enlightened - or very far along the path - a true Tao Bum.


    I can feel his energy whenever I see him wandering around, and when I have thoughts, and he is around, he makes sporradic movements akin to my thoughts (i.e. I have a thought, he'll do a backwards round house kick, then I'll have another thought, he'll do it again or some other clear physical action - tit for tat)


    Thank you.

    Awake, I respectfully disagree with your assessment of the homeless man. From what you describe it sounds to me as though his aura is badly damaged. Many homeless people are mentally ill and may have alcohol/drug problems. The reason why you feel so much energy around him is because his energy is literally "frying" him. A truly enlightened person is not going to mimic your thoughts. What you are witnessing is someone whose aura is so badly damaged, he is not able to filter out any psychic energy whatsoever, that is why he is mimicing your thoughts, it's as if your thoughts are being directly recieved by his energy and interpreted as commands. I understand that you are not trying to harm him, but your experiments are harmful to him. He can't help himself. It is also possible that the energy you are feeling is coming from spirits that are following and harrassing him. This would also explain why after a small pause, he is mimicking your thoughts. The spirits are reading your thoughts and making the man act your thoughts out like a circus animal. They are having a bit of a laugh at both of you.

    My humble suggestion is instead of making him do tricks, that instead you pray for him or wish him well. he is probably in alot of misery.

  3. JF9N1BWnT4o

    I am currently editing this and it should be finished in July. I won't be on here checking responses because of the crazy politics and the haters. So, if anyone is interested, email me at [email protected] and let me know if you want to be notified when it is ready for purchase.

    Many questions about the art can be answered on the website
    Tien Di Sun

  4. Yes. I have been taking it for a month now.

    see my post on

    My suggestion is don't waste your time with the "Free trial" supplements. They are not processed properly and are not bioactive or absorbable. Resveratrol is destroyed by Oxygen. Unless the resveratrol is extracted and processed in an oxygen free environment, it is dead. Ever since the 20/20 segment and other TV stuff, every fly-by night company is trying to cash in on the buzz. But the resveratrol is useless if it is degraded or not digestable....

    I have only found one company that sells bio-active and absorbable resveratrol.

    100% money back guarantee


    Anyone here been taking Resveritrol? Sounds too good to be true. I have just received my free 30 day supply. According to some reports you feel benefits as little as 2 weeks.


    Just wondered if any bums can give an educated non biased opinion.

  5. Hi craig,

    yes very busy... Thanks for enquiring... Let me know when you want a seminar...



    Good luck in expanding your art to whoever comes with a sincere heart.


    M.D. aka 5Element Tao - Things have been chaotic and I hope we can still get together over a weekend this summer. I hope your lack of participation here on TTB reflects your busy-ness with teaching.


    Craig (the other one, not PortCraig :-)

  6. I never take over the counter vitamins! Mostly garbage and even unhealthy just makes the liver and kidneys work harder to excrete them! As a rule, I rarely take any food supplement as I have found that lots of juicing of raw, organic vegetables, fruits along with copious amounts of organic nuts, and green leafys gives me the nutrition I used to get from supplements,...

    However, I recently was suggested to take a resveratrol supplement by a wholistic doctor. He was the one who taught me that most supplements aren't necessary if you eat good food. after 10 days, I started dropping unwanted pounds. I also noticed I was needing less sleep and seemed to have more mental and creative stamina. My skin even started feeling "younger". Very weird as I am not usually paying attention to my skin. I did some research on resveratrol and was very impressed with its reported health benefits. Based on my research on it and my continuing success with it, I decided to become a distributor.

    It is important to find a source that extracts pure organic resveratrol and processes it in an oxygen free environment to keep it bio-active and readily absorbable. The vast majority of resveratrol being sold now is not bio active or easily absorbable and hence is worthless... For us taoists, it is being touted as a "longevity" supplement....

  7. Topflight, good idea... maybe 5ET can offer a Kunlun finishing video course for struggling Kunloonies or something along those lines.

    Well, I heard from my teacher. He does not want me to videotape the mudra. He is happy to teach anyone in person after they have trained with him or me in person for some time. It is a very sacred mudra and he wants to make sure it goes to people who are serious about learning the art...

    Sorry for getting your hopes up.


  8. Topflight, good idea... maybe 5ET can offer a Kunlun finishing video course for struggling Kunloonies or something along those lines.


    Good idea. I have introduced the idea to sifu and am waiting to hear what he says. When I have an answer, I will post a new thread and let all those interested contact me..


  9. I have been getting alot of PM's regarding people wanting to learn the Spirit Fighting salute/protection mudra. My Sifu has already heard of the interest from this forum. If anyone is interested, you can log on to my sifu's website and send an email or join the forum there. Sifu will respond to any questions people have about the art. In terms of teaching it, I will have to talk with Sifu to see how he wants to do that.


    If anyone is in Los Angeles area, they can meet Sifu for free at his weekly class. If anyone is near to me, Boise, Id We can arrange something.


    If enough people from out of town are interested, we may be able to arrange a special seminar...



    Los Angeles area...

    Boise, ID area...

  10. Yoda this is great... the vision is widening, here. thankyou.


    Why does Shiva prefer demons a bit?


    This is only what I was taught in my yogic training. others may have different opinions which are welcome...


    It's not that Shiva prefers demons, that can be a little misleading. The picture of Shiva hanging out with demons represents that Shiva (as pure consciousness) has no judgements. The demons that Shiva is seen hanging out with represents the negative destructive passions within US. In yogic mythology demons always represent our negative unconsciousness, our destructive passions.. So, the idea is that we can go to Shiva (pure consciousness) with all our imperfections and he doesn't judge us or send us away. Shiva (in many forms, not all forms) is a very easy hindu god to worship because he has very little preconditions. It also represents that those "demons" in reference to Shiva are seeking to evolve at their own pace. Shiva is also a master demon fighter and there are many stories of him destroying demons. His wife, (Kali), is his feminine side ans she all about demon slaying....

  11. For anyone interested in this topic, there's a great book out there: "Aghora at the left hand of God" is full of high yogis sparring with demons where they win some and lose some, where one mistake can mean the end of one's path for quite some time.


    Most Esteemed Master Yoda,

    I also have that book and I really enjoy it. On the Shang Ch'ing Path of which you are a part as a kuloonie, it is possible to avoid the entity circus. There is a special protection mudra which is part of our lineage. I was always taught to use it before and after practice. It cleans the area and sends a message to the immortals in our tradition to come and protect and guide our practice. I have personally seen this mudra send ghosts literally running out the door. I have taught it to a couple of taobums here for similar reasons. If they are reading this they can respond or PM you and let you know if it has helped. Max was not taught the spirit fighting so that may be the reason he did not teach this mudra to kunloonies. it is my personal opinion that if you incorporated this mudra into your routine, you would not have to go through the crazy entity circus... I sent you a PM about it a while ago and my message tracker says that you haven't read it. Let me know if I can help.


  12. Hello: I'm a little new to the internal arts, but am enjoying the health benefits a lot! Traditionally, one is supposed to practice Chikung/Tai Chi/Bagua in the early morning and evenings, from everything I've read about them. Minor problem is, that I work second shift, so the AM practice is in the middle of my sleep cycle, and the evening practice is about the middle of my shift. I definitely want to make the practice part of the daily routine. Any harm in doing it as your schedule permits versus not at all? Any advice is much appreciated! -ZT


    The worst time to do energy work is in the early afternoon. That is when energy is coarse and hot. If you can avoid doing it at that time, it is best..

  13. I have heard that it was Krishna that Jesus was the incarnation of... these combo-myths are just piling up!


    Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu. Vishnu is the 2nd in the Hindu trinity. Brahma Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu is the preservation principle of the hindu supreme deity. So, Yes, (according to some hindus) Jesus and Krishna would be the same principle incarnated in human form. The Christian trinity of Father Son Holy Spirit has similarites to Hindu trinity.


    according to hindu theology, Vishnu incarnates whenever humans lose their way in order to remind them of their true nature.

    Vishnu has 10 major incarnations Rama and Krishna are the most well known. Buddha and Jesus are also thought by some hindus to be incarnations of Vishnu.

  14. I was a Christian Minister for a short while before formally leaving the Church. I left because I didn't see formal christianity following the teachings of Jesus...

    There is some pretty good evidence that the man Jesus spent many years in the Indian subcontinent and that he trained in Hindu or buddhist tantric yoga (not the sexual kind). His manifesto of "the kingdom of God is within you" sounds very Indian/Buddhist to me. The tibetans have a sacred scripture that they claim is about the life of Jesus.


    Many hindus believe that jesus is simply another incarnation of Vishnu. And in terms of "the son of God and Saviour of the world, dying for sins etc..." it follows the hindu idea of Vishnu.

    So, my Vote is that the man Jesus was a Jew who converted to Hinduism or buddhism...

    • Thanks 1

  15. How much experience have you had with people who train Mopai?


    I haven't had any in Mo pai. But the way I have heard described "filling the dan tien until it overflows and moves up the spine" is a very common earth to heaven practice. The energy, like kundalini, moves up. Kunlun and Shang Ch'ing move the energy down. I am not making any value judgements. They both have the same utlimate goal. They are different methods, that's all. I have had experience in Shang Ch'ing practices and I have trained in Kunlun and it's "cousin" extensively. Kunlun is mostly Shang Ch'ing Tao. The Shang Ch'ing alchemy, postures and mindset is very different and in some cases completely backwards to many other alchemy traditions. (Again not better or worse, just different.) I personally tried to mix the two and it was disastrous for me energetically. I was told not to mix the two and I did anyway... Live and learn...


    And yet isn't that the basic premise of Kan & Li alchemy? Uniting Heavenly Yang with Earthly Yin?


    Yet in one case it's a primordial fusion, but the other a traffic jam?


    Not that I suggest doing it...just questioning the logic here?

    Vortex are you a kunloonie?

    No Kan and Li (from my understanding) is still different. After mixing the two (Kan and Li) at the lower dan tien the energy rises up the spine. That is not what kunlun does.. I'm not an expert in Kan and Li so I may be missing some parts of it. But that is my understanding.


    In Shang Ch'ing we are not seeking to unite heaven and Earth. We are dissolving earth with descending heaven... It is not a path for everyone. It can feel like it is killing you. (your earthly self).


    The way I was taught is: earth to heaven paths are going from something to nothing to something again. (kundalini from root to crown to root again) and Heaven to earth paths go from Nothing to Something to Nothing Crown to root to crown again. There is no way to explain it in words further. it has to be experienced.. and again it is not for everyone...

  16. I was wondering WHAT if someone like Kosta decided to practice kunlun as well?

    Since he already practicing Mo Pai, would kunlun cause anything?

    What would happen if u mix mo pai and kunlun together?


    I like to hear waht ya have to say about this?


    It would cause major energy sickness. Mo Pai is a "Earth to heaven" energy. Kunlun is "heaven to Earth" This refers to how the energy flows. If you tried to mix the two, it would result in an energy "traffic jam"

  17. Hmmmm...well by chance I googled "spontaneous qigong" and one of the results was:



    I've never heard of "Tea House 2.0" before or this Liu I-Ming who posted the topic. The discussion by Liu I-Ming makes some very concerning reading. It appears to be clearly sincere. I think we can guess the identity of "Second Vignettee: Practice Y".


    It is unfortunate the the moderators of that forum shut the topic down. While I can understand they wished to avoid chaos, I do think that the nature of the claims and the sincerity and ostensible authority that they were made, it would have been ideal to have obtained a lengthy, on topic, response from a suitably qualified practitioner who disagreed with the claims so that we can hear both sides of the story.


    It would have also have been good to have asked Liu I-Ming for his or her credentials.


    That said the discussion sounds rather concerning. Would be interested if anyone can provide a qualified response/rebuttal.

    The "report" is completely biased and totally unreliable...

    One of the main if not THE main contributor to this "report" is someone from Taobums with ZERO personal experience a very serious personal agenda based on other very serious personal and emotional issues. The "report" is a classic attempt to only search out and distort "evidence" to promote their agenda. If you want a real report on spontaneous qigong, there are many people here on taobums who can give you opinions based on their personal experiences.


    Don't get me wrong: I love crazy stories... but many of these crazy stories didn't seem very life supporting or compassion enhancing to me. If that's the case then I'd rather that my family, friends, and I didn't associate with this sort of thing.


    I came to the conclusion that this practice has problems that are beyond tweaking or inner smiling at least as far as I am concerned.



    I strongly support your decision to stop KL. It comes down to what is best for each of us. I have never bought into the idea that Kunlun or ANY practice or religion is a path to enlightenment. I think the whole concept of enlightenment is BS. Life is a journey. It is about progressing on the path to maturity throughout many lifetimes (IMO).