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Everything posted by 9th

  1. Favorite Quotes from Buddha.

    I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was wandering among the Mallans, together with a large community of monks, and came to a brahman village of the Mallans named Thūna. The brahman householders of Thūna heard that "Gotama the Sakyan contemplative, gone forth from the Sakyan clan, is wandering among the Mallans together with a large community of monks, and has arrived at Thūna." So they filled the well all the way to the brim with grass & chaff, [thinking], "Don't let these shaven-headed contemplatives draw drinking water." Then the Blessed One, going down from the road, went to a certain tree, and on arrival sat down on a seat laid out. Seated, he said to Ven. Ānanda: "Please, Ānanda, fetch me some drinking water from that well." When this was said, Ven. Ānanda replied, "Just now, lord, the brahman householders of Thūna filled that well all the way to the brim with grass & chaff, [thinking], 'Don't let these shaven-headed contemplatives draw drinking water.'" A second time, the Blessed One said to Ven. Ānanda: "Please, Ānanda, fetch me some drinking water from that well." A second time, Ven. Ānanda replied, "Just now, lord, the brahman householders of Thūna filled that well all the way to the brim with grass & chaff, [thinking], 'Don't let these shaven-headed contemplatives draw drinking water.'" A third time, the Blessed One said to Ven. Ānanda: "Please, Ānanda, fetch me some drinking water from that well." Responding, "As you say, lord," to the Blessed One, Ven. Ānanda — taking a bowl — went to the well. As he was approaching the well, it expelled all the grass & chaff from its mouth and stood filled to the brim — streaming, as it were — with pristine water, undisturbed & clear. The thought occurred to him, "How amazing! How astounding! — the great power & great might of the Tathāgata! — in that, while I was approaching the well, it expelled all the grass & chaff from its mouth and stood filled to the brim — streaming, as it were — with pristine water, undisturbed & clear." Taking drinking water in his bowl, he went to the Blessed One and on arrival said, "How amazing, lord! How astounding! — the great power & great might of the Tathāgata! — in that, while I was approaching the well, it expelled all the grass & chaff from its mouth and stood filled to the brim — streaming, as it were — with pristine water, undisturbed & clear. Drink the water, O Blessed One! Drink the water, O One-Well-Gone!" Then, on realizing the significance of that, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed: What need for a well if there were waters always? Having cut craving by the root, one would go about searching for what?
  2. Haiku Chain

    and a valid point is never wasted because, duh... validity!
  3. I understand that all of this classical terminology is very important to you, but imho, it is beyond obsessive. The constant fixation on terminology tends to make one unable to see the forest for the trees, and is a hindrance to genuine communication. I dont really have the time to wait around for you to come alive, at this point in your game. We can both talk about what other people have said, endlessly - and not much will come of that either. But the time has come today. Its all about the agenda. The agency of the present. What's next?
  4. http://www.tricycle.com/buddhist-traditions/vajrayana/mahamudra-modern-world Mahamudra for the Modern World, a dharma talk by Vajrayana teacher Reggie Ray, introduces the Mahamudra ("The Great Awakening") tradition. According to the Mahamudra tradition, every human life is sacred and unique, and an expression of the glory of the universe. Its teachings lead one into direct and unmediated contact with reality itself. Once taught only to elite students in secluded monasteries, the Mahamudra practices show us how every state of mind and every circumstance can shatter our illusions and lay bare the natural state of awakening within. In this talk, Ray explains these ancient teachings for the modern-day practitioner. All week, he will be available to answer questions, so post a comment below and he will get back to you.
  5. Golden Immortal

    Yes, well it should have been easy to find since I posted the link (as well as the content) in my original response above, as well as the author, which was me. Do you see where it says "9th, on 28 Sept 2008 - 16:10, said:" here below? Or are you emitting so much golden light that its blinding you to everything else? The reason I ask is because it seems so incredibly obvious, that I have a difficult time understanding how you would have missed it.
  6. What are you listening to?

    looking for "legends"? how about these guys? (btw id go so far as saying the lyrics to this one are a legitimate masterpiece.. of course, thats just imho)
  7. Golden Immortal

  8. Golden Immortal

    So would you say that you were "literally" wrong? In the original post? Or not?
  9. Golden Immortal

    Id have the same response. There have been many, many threads about this throughout the history of this place... here's one from 7 years ago (...it was in relation to a discussion on the Kunlun system): http://thedaobums.com/topic/6967-golden-energy/?p=80595 9th, on 28 Sept 2008 - 16:10, said: Golden energy For the guy or gal Whose had a hard, hard day (at the office) Golden energy When you're expected to meet the demands Of an energetic mate before a red hot date Golden energy dripping down on you Golden energy Natural aphrodisiac Golden energy Working hard to keep you on full Golden energy Pumping iron all the way Keep you, you, you from being too too too tired, keep you laxed up and wired Rootin bootin sure fired Golden energy meets all requirements Posts no bills Poots no guff Needs no prescription Golden energy handle if you care If you dare Help yourself to another share... - DEVO, 1974
  10. Golden Immortal

    really? you've never heard that before? perhaps you need to get out more
  11. What are you listening to?

    hehe, well then this should lighten the mood in chez garage
  12. "To believe that jnana and bhakti, knowledge and devotion, are different from each other... is ignorance" - S. Radhakrishnan (audio of quote at 8:23)
  13. Full Lotus is a state of being.

    It is definitely a significant key to internal power in a martial arts context... but also contributes to good bodily health in general.
  14. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things that exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the structure of the web. — Marcus Aurelius Wrætlic is þes wealstan, Wyrde gebræcon; Burgstede burston, Brosnaþ enta geweorc. Hrofas sind gehrorene, Hreorge torras [Well wrought this wall: Wyrd broke it. The stronghold burst . . . Snapped rooftrees, towers fallen.]
  15. This is a good point, because I am certainly not positing that the peculiar behavior of the cynics and other antinomian groups is the key to a utopian society. Its more like an immune response to the current situation. And as I have indicated many, many, many times and will continue to do so - individual people have individual paths, like snowflakes... and also groups of people have group paths - but they are of widely diverse varieties. There is no universal solution or prescription that should be mandated for everyone, except at the highest level where such diversity and individuality ceases to have any relevance - and at that point there is no need for any discussion anyways. I also wanted to point out the differences between a personal nature (essential qualities you are born with, rather than that which is acquired as you age and are trained by society), and the universal nature, which provides things like light, motion, gravity, stars, planets, etc. etc. - in other words, the laws that govern physical existence. Of course they are just different points on the same vast scale - but it is a distinction worth making as human beings. This is important because you must first be in complete harmony with your own personal nature or essence, before you can even attempt to live in harmony with universal nature in an active, conscious way. Now this gets a bit complicated because in reality, there is no way for anyone to live outside the dictates of universal nature - as that is by definition, the way of things. So, there is an alignment which happens when body, mind and spirit are aligned in themselves, and then the greater alignment occurs as this personal unity works in tandem with the fundamental objectives of universal nature - which is all things and none of them. Here is where the crux of the matter lies, because authority figures from the beginning of history have taken it upon themselves to proclaim the objectives of universal nature, and the goals to which all life is striving towards. It directly informs the basis of religious and secular morality. And this, of course, has been a matter of great debate throughout history - the cause of great wars and so forth. Here is where I remind you that I consider our global society to be "incredibly fucked up and broken", and as such, not based on any accurate view of the objectives of universal nature. Rather it is based on greed, and other inherently dysfunctional self-serving impulses. It is a necessary stepping stone, as this is our path of evolution - but it is so, so very far from being "ideal". This is my perspective. I have theories on how we have got here.. such as the remaining human reliance of tribal thought, boundaries and property rights.. hoarding food and shelter and so forth... the propensity of group think by way of identification with a concept which is "bigger than life" and so forth. I could write a dissertation on this and I have done so in other places, in the past - but here and now, I am shaking it all out in a different way. Stay tuned.
  16. this has been out for a while now... its quite hilarious i must say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7G53lsJI2E
  17. 45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 47 Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias. 48 And straightway one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. 49 The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him. 50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 2 And the Venerable Ananda approached the Blessed One, and respectfully greeting him, sat down at one side. Then he spoke to the Blessed One, saying: "Marvelous it is indeed, and most wonderful! The earth shakes mightily, tremendously! Dreadful and astonishing it is how the thunders roll across the heavens! What could be the reason, what the cause, that so mighty an earthquake should arise?" 13 Then the Blessed One said: "There are eight reasons, Ananda, eight causes for a mighty earthquake to arise. What are those eight? 14 "This great earth, Ananda, is established upon liquid, the liquid upon the atmosphere, and the atmosphere upon space. And when, Ananda, mighty atmospheric disturbances take place, the liquid is agitated. And with the agitation of the liquid, tremors of the earth arise. This is the first reason, the first cause for the arising of mighty earthquakes. ... 16-21 "... and when the Tathagata becomes fully enlightened in unsurpassed, supreme Enlightenment; when the Tathagata sets rolling the excellent Wheel of the Dhamma; when the Tathagata renounces his will to live on; and when the Tathagata comes to pass away into the state of Nibbana in which no element of clinging remains — then, too, Ananda, this great earth trembles, quivers, and shakes.