
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by 9th

  1. Perfect Choice

    My response?
  2. Perfect Choice

  3. Perfect Choice

    Talking about not-doing is not doing not-doing...
  4. Yin and yang and philosophical Taoism

    Plowing into the fertile Earth
  5. Yin and yang and philosophical Taoism

    Rising and Falling Stars and Suns and Moons Giving birth 2 Endless death
  6. Why Follow Tao?

    This is why im broke Spinning wheel of deals Red snapper.... Very tasty... D:<
  7. Why Follow Tao?

    Ordering of dis City of needle point Remains in stitches
  8. Why Follow Tao?

    Why follow gravity?
  9. Naw man... Just the new number of the beast Its like a dual bladed waltz.. the timeless jazz of eternal magnetism Some kinda shit like that or whatevs
  10. inner voice, thought, monolog,

  11. Zoroastrianism

    My man...
  12. Zoroastrianism

    Too late now
  13. Zoroastrianism

    Those naughty Magi... Something something Babylonian money magic, amirite?
  14. simplify

    Judas Priest
  15. Haiku Chain

    almost but not quite so spring fall host too fit tight by jet stream slipped byte