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Everything posted by 9th

  1. What if it was simple

    Mahamudra cannot be taught. But most intelligent Naropa, Since you have undergone rigorous austerity, With forbearance in suffering and with devotion to your Guru, Blessed One, take this secret instruction to heart. Is space anywhere supported? Upon what does it rest? Like space, Mahamudra is dependent upon nothing; Relax and settle in the continuum of unalloyed purity, And, your bonds loosening, release is certain. Gazing intently into the empty sky, vision ceases; Likewise, when mind gazes into mind itself, The train of discursive and conceptual thought ends And supreme enlightenment is gained. Like the morning mist that dissolves into thin air, Going nowhere but ceasing to be, Waves of conceptualization, all the mind's creation, dissolve, When you behold your mind's true nature. Pure space has neither colour nor shape And it cannot be stained either black or white; So also, mind's essence is beyond both colour and shape And it cannot be sullied by black or white deeds. The darkness of a thousand aeons is powerless To dim the crystal clarity of the sun's heart; And likewise, aeons of samsara have no power To veil the clear light of the mind's essence. Although space has been designated "empty", In reality it is inexpressible; Although the nature of mind is called "clear light", Its every ascription is baseless verbal fiction. The mind's original nature is like space; It pervades and embraces all things under the sun. Be still and stay relaxed in genuine ease, Be quiet and let sound reverberate as an echo, Keep your mind silent and watch the ending of all worlds. The body is essentially empty like the stem of a reed, And the mind, like pure space, utterly transcends the world of thought: Relax into your intrinsic nature with neither abandon nor control - Mind with no objective is Mahamudra - And, with practice perfected, supreme enlightenment is gained. The clear light of Mahamudra cannot be revealed By the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises Of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka; The clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals. By harbouring rigid precepts the true samaya is impaired, But with cessation of mental activity all fixed notions subside; When the swell of the ocean is at one with its peaceful depths, When mind never strays from indeterminate, non-conceptual truth, The unbroken samaya is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness. Free of intellectual conceits, disavowing dogmatic principles, The truth of every school and scripture is revealed. Absorbed in Mahamudra, you are free from the prison of samsara; Poised in Mahamudra, guilt and negativity are consumed; And as master of Mahamudra you are the light of the Doctrine. - Tilopa
  2. Yes, you are quite observant.
  3. Morality is not absolute. It is a man-made construct, according to a particular place and a particular time period. Many things that were considered "morally right" in the middle-ages are entirely barbaric by today's standards. Rather, concern yourself with the feeling of conscience - your emotional link to the dynamics between all things. This is the path of realization in which you eventually discover "I am THAT". In other words, everything is connected, and you cannot affect anything else without affecting yourself in the process. At the most basic level, there is no separation between the living essence of all sentient beings and even the material essence of things which are not considered sentient. Regardless of your subscription to or agreement with some kind of externally imposed set of laws, or some code of conduct - if you cannot control your actions in an absolute way, you will be instead motivated by the inertial activity of your inner being. This is the true meaning of "karma". The more you engage in something, the more likely it will continue to happen. It is quite simple. This is also where the idea of "sin" comes from, because if you do consider yourself to be a follower of a certain code of conduct, but you transgress against it and fail to live up to the standard, you have "sinned". This is why the church says everyone is a "sinner", even the truest believers. At the end of the day, these ideas of moral superiority and higher ethics and all of that must be examined deeply. Especially in so-called "spiritual" people, they tend to be a heavily fortified defense mechanism which hides the rampant hypocrisy of a life lived at odds with espoused principle. In other words, people who do not "practice what they preach" and who do not "walk the talk" will often hold such higher ethical standards as being a focal point for life itself. Life itself does not have ethical standards. It has an order, an unimaginably vast and deep order of balanced workings and manifestations which are all of the same essential substance. But the institutionalization of ethical conduct is only a man-made creation based on the interpretation of a particular goal-oriented scenario in relation to it - which is limited by the understanding of the man in question who has implemented it - which is again limited by many other things which have made that man what he is, in terms of background motivations like culture, personal history, and so on.
  4. Can there be such a thing as a Nazi Dao?

    "Questions have often been asked at these lectures as to what is 'black magic' and I have replied that there is neither red, green, nor yellow magic. There is mechanics, that is, what 'happens,' and there is 'doing.' 'Doing' is magic and 'doing' can be only of one kind. There cannot be two kinds of 'doing.' But there can be a falsification, an imitation of the outward appearance of 'doing,' which cannot give any objective results but which can deceive naive people and produce in them faith, infatuation, enthusiasm, and even fanaticism. "This is why in true work, that is, in true 'doing,' the producing of infatuation in people is not allowed. What you call black magic is based on infatuation and on playing upon human weaknesses. Black magic does not in any way mean magic of evil. I have already said earlier that no one ever does anything for the sake of evil, in the interests of evil. Everyone always does everything in the interests of good as he understands it. In the same way it is quite wrong to assert that black magic must necessarily be egoistical, that in black magic a man strives after some results for himself. This is quite wrong. Black magic may be quite altruistic, may strive after the good of humanity or after the salvation of humanity from real or imaginary evils. But what can be called black magic has always one definite characteristic. This characteristic is the tendency to use people for some, even the best of aims, without their knowledge and understanding, either by producing in them faith and infatuation or by acting upon them through fear. "That is why I say that there are many things worse than 'black magic.' Such are various 'occult' and theosophical societies and groups. Not only have their teachers never been at a school but they have never even met anyone who has been near a school. Their work simply consists in aping. But imitation work of this kind gives a great deal of self-satisfaction. One man feels himself to be a 'teacher,' others feel that they are 'pupils,' and everyone is satisfied. No realization of one's nothingness can be got here and if people affirm that they have it, it is all illusion and self-deception, if not plain deceit. On the contrary, instead of realizing their own nothingness the members of such circles acquire a realization of their own importance and a growth of false personality. - Tiger of Turkestan, 1921
  5. What defines a Daoist?

    The disciples saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb on his way to Judea. Yeshua said to his disciples, "That man is round about the lamb." They said to him, "So that he may kill it and eat it." Yeshua said to them, "While it is alive, he will not eat it, but only when he has killed it and it has become a corpse." They said to him, "He cannot do so otherwise." Yeshua said to them, "You too, look for a place for yourself within repose, lest you become a corpse and be eaten." Yeshua said, "Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. If you become my disciples and listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death." Yeshua said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do then? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do then?" Yeshua said to his disciples, "Compare me to someone and tell me whom I am like." Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a righteous angel." Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher." Thomas said to him, "Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like." Yeshua said, "I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have measured out." And he took him and withdrew and told him three things. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked him, "What did he say to you?" Thomas said to them, "If I tell you one of the things which he told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; a fire will come out of the stones and burn you up." - Gospel of Thomas
  6. This is a good indication of such activity. Khandro Déchen points out: Like the Khordong gTér Dorje Tröllö, this one has a five skull crown and upward flying hair, but he faces to the left – as does the Düd’jom gTér Dorje Tröllö. The Aro gTér Dorje Tröllö rides a tigress which is larger than the usual mount, because she is the powerful sangyum Tashi Chhi’drèn and therefore shown in dynamic upward leaping form. Unlike the Khordong gTér Dorje Tröllö and the Düd’jom gTér Dorje Tröllö, the Aro gTér Dorje Tröllö carries four phurbas—two in his waist sash and one in each hand—which destroy the four philosophical extremes of monism, dualism, nihilism, and eternalism. The tigress possesses a wisdom eye on her forehead in display of the fact that she is also a yidam. This is a characteristic of the Aro gTér and the third wisdom eye can be found on every animal which acts as a mount for the major yidam.
  7. Will Power

    It was just another photo on the white board. Another form with the numbered exposition of requisite determination. Some sort of blameless bid for gentrification, as it was briefed. A picture of bongos with berets and tar stained lips migrating across spit stained reeds in brass and copper. They would have never planted that Field of Reeds themselves. It was all too much grunt work. Each and every blank crying out for an answer that was only destined for redaction, and yet the assignments would still be listed in numbers and letters first. As always, the passage of force exerted seemed to be the issue at hand. "Right there at your fingertips", they said. So it was, with the taste of this score on the tongue. They could score a corner office in the high rise with a bubbling spoon and a fast jab to pastry pies in the sky. But on the ground, the chips fell on another line. They were counted after each throw, each inquiry. There wasn't any time for that kind of baby face bullshit. Each report came spilling through the backs of pages in wet ink. It might have been a matter of opinion, but even the telegraph notes bore it out: too many colleagues called into question, too many insects still on the route. "That's why you get this license", they said. At least they paid the phone bill. They damn well better, when the job stack builds more than a little black book filled with restless dakinis. It was not just an adventure, not just another sleepless night. Those fine specimens were tired of just looking. They had spun so many jingling turns around the altar, it was time for action. They wanted to taste the blood and sweat and let that erupting juice fill every yearning crevice. Claws splitting flesh in a wild lust for expansion. The demand was shared around and passed like a joint, wicked contact highs before the inevitable and directly full-on inebriation. "Left to your own devices", they said.
  8. this one is dedicated to the 'marblehead deja vu fund for homeless children':
  9. Well, Bubba Free John was a scam artist, not a "Crazy Wisdom guru"... whatever that is supposed to be. You should have seen his original text for "Garbage and the Goddess", it probably would have tipped you off a bit better than even the second-hand accounts. You may be referring to Ken Wilber, he actually endorsed Bubba for a while... and then later had to recant. In the same way that your average person has no interest fighting in underground cage matches to the death, the average person has no real interest in actual "crazy wisdom". That doesnt stop the average person from dreaming of being a UFC superstar, though. The fame game has many names. Its all bullshit ego posing.
  10. Is he off preaching the ways of the majesty that is the full lotus position? Did he finally manage to build that UFO from his own pubic hairs? Seems he hasnt been here in a while. I just discovered that the Wanderling has a nice long page about him regarding some sort of discussion that took place here. http://the-wanderling.com/hempel.html Quite interesting! They seem like a match made in heaven.
  11. Where has Drew gone?

    Yes I figured as much. Ive gone through about 4 profiles already on RS, each one banned for various reasoning that must have made complete sense to them. Which is fine... we all have our reasons for doing what we do. But there is quite a bit of asuric nonsense floating around these days, and RS seems to attract so much. Lots of ripe material to work with, to be sure.
  12. Paganism and Daoism?

    pay attention and you just might learn something...
  13. Crazy wisdom in Tibetan is yeshe chölwa. Yeshe means "wisdom," and chölwa, literally, is "gone wild." The closest translation for chölwa that we could come up with is "crazy," which creates some further understanding. In this case "crazy" goes along with "wisdom"; the two words work together well. So it is craziness gone wise rather than wisdom gone crazy. So from that point of view, craziness is related with wisdom. The notion of wisdom here is very touchy, and we will have to get into the technical aspect of the whole thing. Wisdom is jnana in Sanskrit and yeshe in Tibetan. Yeshe refers to perception or to enlightenment, which exists eternally. Ye means "primordial"; she means "knowing," knowing primordially, knowing already. The idea is that you haven't suddenly acquired knowledge. It isn't that somebody has just told you something. Knowledge already exists; it is here and we are beginning to tune into that situation. Such a thing actually does exist already. Wisdom isn't purely manufactured by scholars and scientists and books. The notion of "crazy" is connected with individual situations. When wisdom has been completely and thoroughly achieved, then it has to relate with something. It has to relate with its own radiation, its own light. When light begins to shine, it reflects on things. That is how we know whether it is bright or dim. Therefore, when light is very brilliant, when it reflects on things properly and fully, we know that there is some kind of communication taking place. That communication is expressed by the intensity of that wisdom light shining through. That communication is traditionally known as buddha-activity or compassion. Compassion is not so much feeling sorry for somebody, feeling that you are in a better place and somebody is in a worse place. Compassion is not having any hesitation to reflect your light on things. That reflection is an automatic and natural process, an organic process. Since light has no hesitation, no inhibition about reflecting on things, it does not discriminate whether to reflect on a pile of shit or on a pile of rock or on a pile of diamonds. It reflects on everything it faces. So that non-hesitating light reflects choicelessly all the time; it shines brilliantly and constantly on things. Craziness means not discriminating and being without cowardice and paranoia. It isn't our duty to go around the corner and convert someone. This is a different approach. Whatever needs to be reflected on is reflected on, and whatever needs to be done is done - on the spot. Maybe that idea doesn't seem to be particularly crazy from your point of view. You might think that if somebody is crazy, he won't leave you any space at all. He will just roll all over you and vomit all over you and make diarrhea all over you. He will make you terribly crazy, too; he will extend his own craziness. But this craziness is not so neurotic; it's just basic craziness, which is fearlessness and not giving up anything. Not giving up anything is the basic point. At the same time, you are willing to work with what is there on the basis of its primordial wakeful quality. So that is the definition of crazy wisdom, which is sometimes known as wisdom gone wild. Crazy wisdom is connected not only with reflecting on things, it is also connected with the space around things. The crazy wisdom person provides immense space or environment around things. That environment is completely thronged with the energy of its own fearless wisdom. When a crazy wisdom person decides to work with you, when he decides to liberate you, you become his victim. You have no way to run away from him. If you try to run backward, that space has been already covered; if you try to run forward, that space has also been covered. You have a feeling of choicelessness in regard to the particular teacher that you relate with, so your relationship becomes very natural and open. So the crazy wisdom teacher is somewhat dictatorial. The space he creates is thronged, filled with a strong charge of heavy enlightenment, heavy primordial sanity. That is usually our problem. We can't handle too much sanity; we would like to have a little corner somewhere for neurosis, a little pocket, just a little puff here and there. If we run into too much sanity, we say, "Boy, it was heavy!" - Chogyam Trungpa
  14. new is the new new atomic fission splits god from man zero relevance to big bang origin story floating zero point field hands steering clans bound to wheel in sands turning foundries into boundaries sound and fury signify phantom autograph steel cut phonograph recordings from atlantic broadband spell casting crystal decoder ring ghost writers uncover sleeping prophecies coursing through veins of mineral reciprocity criminal ore city melting point field transit hybridized vehicles drive honeycomb fissures fertilized with stone carved pesticide vanishing drones of homeless queen screen door combustion cone finally spiral into grid displacement conclusion quantum fusion crypts inter buzzwords towards endless fuel exhaustion boats slip stream to stream and shore to shore charon installed as ferryman application requiring one-time low low payment your money or your life
  15. Fear of leaving the body

    The short answer is yes, but not through gritty determination, rather you need to fully relax. If you have ever experienced "sleep paralysis" or waking up and being unable to move, you will understand where the fear comes from. It has to do with the instinctual avoidance of vulnerability due to the loss of voluntary body/mind. Also the sensations can be very intense during an experience of the dissolution of waking consciousness, energetically speaking. It is not quite an experience of death per se, but since it is not part of the ordinary waking mind's functions, it may seem that way at first. Once you go through it a few times, that basic animal fear will go away. Just be gentle with yourself, the tension you are feeling is your resistance to this process. Let that energy fully unfold instead of grabbing it with your muscles. There will be other obstacles, but if this is happening to you without your deliberate seeking for it, you may have a natural talent and therefore I would advise you to work with it.
  16. Your question itself is wrong, and therefore there is no right answer. It is like me asking you: "Since gnomes eat unicorns, how will leprechauns ever survive the winter?" Your use of capital letters is quite creative, though - good job on that!
  17. Buddha kept silent about God

    There isnt anything more to be said.