Hi all! My name is Paul I live in Venice Beach, California.
I've been practicing Cheng Man Ch'ing's Yang short form of Tai Chi for several years now, but without any real focus on internal cultivation until recently. I recently took a one-month intensive massage certification course at the Instititute for Psycho-Structural Balancing in Culver City, California and it awakened my interest in bodywork and energy cultivation.
I've been working with some of the Mantak Chia material, and have been studying qi gong in general (mostly Jwing Ming Yang's books.) I also practice hatha yoga to keep limber.
I'm just really excited to be on this path and to be joining an online community that is focused in this direction. I am interested in finding a local teacher, so if anyone has any recommendations, I'd be very interested. Looking forward to becoming an active member.