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Everything posted by Tao99

  1. Is there an objective world?

    What if? What if in the 21st century using the Hadron collider science discovers the postulated Boson particle, or "God particle", the particle that gives mass (solidity) to all the other particles? Then we will know there is mass, and where it comes from. Then the Buddhist metaphysical theory will be shown wrong. Will the Buddhists be able to do what the DL suggests and follow science? Does Buddhist metaphysics at that level of theoretical detail (then proven wrong) change the Buddha's supposed core message? From my Chinese Zen (Chan) training, seeing the impersonal (empty) nature of the Tao as spontaneous, dependent origination was a part of the training but not the core, and whether there is mass (solidity) or not was not discussed. I personally don't think the Buddha would care; his concern being at core with the 4 NT. The collider is about to begin experiments on the God particle and we shall see what we see, whether we want to see or want not to see.
  2. Plattfform Zin

    Empty Mind Films <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  3. The Tao Bum Pai

    If we did this we might end up with a bunch of science terms, specifically - TBP = synapse, neurotransmitter, neuron, bioelectric (refined=relaxation respone/ragged=stree response), nervous system, and maybe even neural-initiator (spirit) The TBP Seat of the Soul:
  4. "Real" Happiness

    Is real happiness the same as being blissy, or full of bliss? Is it the same as being tranquil or serene? Is is real because its based on a necessary real cause, and not on a secondary side effect like being rich? So easy to question, so hard to answer ...
  5. Qi is NOT Energy

    With definitions, purpose or context is important, and why some words have more then one definition. What if qi is such a word and has a general meaning for Chinese philosophy, and another for alchemical meaning? I think we need to keep these two clear. Your general definition of qi as "some form of 'energy' which itself can take different forms and behave in different ways" is useful for philosophy (metaphysics/ontology), but maybe not for specifically alchemy/meditation. This might employ another definition on this level. When I taught seniors and the very sick Tai Chi meditation at a hospital, I kept both the movements and the concepts very simple and for the sole purpose of health. So qi (for our purposes I said) was defined as the bio-electricity running in our nervous system or "meridians". I said it feels like "rising steam" and it can be refined and circulated through the meridians to create a relaxed state of tranquility or Quietude, which Western science calls the relaxation response - a bio-electrical response that can be measured by external sensors. And that was about as much alchemical theory as they got, but enough for them to self-produce the relaxation response ("refined qi") completely on their own. Some might say I did the wrong thing, but their internal state did measurably improve and that was the goal, so I think I did the right thing. happy holidays everyone!
  6. "Real" Happiness

    In the mean time some crazy old kook in the back starts rantin about how Laozi had described the ancient masters of the Tao (albeit rather arbitrarily as they were too deep to comprehend), and surely they were happy (is that the same as blissy or serene?) as one can be! Tao Teh Ching Chapter 15 Of old those who were skillful masters of the Tao were subtly mysterious and profoundly penetrating; too deep to comprehend. And because they cannot be comprehended, I can only describe them arbitrarily: Cautious, like crossing a frozen stream, Careful, like one guarding against danger, Reserved, like one visiting, Flexible, like ice melting. Genuine, like uncarved wood, Open, like a valley, Merged, like muddy water. Who can make muddy water gradually clear through Quietude? Who can make the still gradually come to life through Tao-embracing activity? He who embraces this Tao does not want to fill himself to overflowing. It is precisely because there is no overflowing that he is beyond wearing out and renewal.
  7. Taoist Philosophy

    Correct me if i'm wrong, but I don't think these are meant to be the same chapters as the TTC. I think these are the chapters of your own book. Is that correct Marblehead? For example, chapter 24 of the TTC, translated by Wing Tsit Chan is: 24.1 He who stands on tiptoe is not steady. He who strides forward does not go. 24.2 He who shows himself is not luminous. He who justifies himself is not prominent. 24.3 He who boasts of himself is not given credit. He who brags does not endure for long. 24.4 From the point of view of Tao, these are like remnants of food and tumours of action, Which all creatures detest. Therefore those who possess Tao turn away from them. happy holidays everyone
  8. MT

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  9. KAP

    One need not be GOD to JUDGE everyone. In fact it's a parent's primal, functional Right and Responsibility to judge everyone as to what's good or bad for their children (because the children aren't developed/experienced enough to make informed, rational choices.) And same is true for neighbors, other adults, etc.
  10. KAP

    Amen to that. In total agreement. Well said.
  11. Foundation of a Beginning

    yes, it could even set them off in the wrong direction. Ah, but where is the start, the root, and what is the natural law? Laozi tries to point us in the correct, natural direction: " All things flourish, and then they return to the root, a state of rest, or Quietude." Laozi
  12. Gurdjieff

    Yea, harsh, contrarian, sarcastic, pointed, commentary are usually a part of a legitimate and lively debate/argument. And like you say, physical assault is a whole other matter (as is random insults and shouting). As a rule for me, I would only accept such miserable techniques from Zen masters, who are specifically trained in them and their purpose (in Linji sect). And even then, I would need to see their lineage tree and inka certification. Zen Master and Abbot of Bailin Temple China, Jing Hui
  13. KAP

    Yea, the shit problem is you pussies and butt hurting bitches, who are faggot circle jerking. This place is full of talkin shit and its bullshit. This bullshit place has become a sexist, homophobic, sewer shit hole. So unawake, unaware, unenlightened, unrealized, unevolved and undeveloped, it's bullshit. So I too am done with this place. Happy Holidays.
  14. Haiku Chain

    wash it down with wine i'm stoned again out of mind blah blah, yad da, blah
  15. Haiku Chain

    awareness dawns slow gentle firing is warm time to preserve life
  16. Haiku Chain

    Patterns apparent Nature cultivated first Quiet .. by the stove
  17. Haiku Chain

    Unmoved, unshaken.. Quiet, Still, Empty, Withdrawn Detached, Disconnect
  18. "Real" Happiness

    "Ah, excellent" I thought, "I shall sit on that chair there." But unfortunately, I was asserting a false positive, a belief in a presence, where there was only absence. And KERPLOP ... I landed unceremoniously on my bottom. "Behold the diabolical power of the Unreal Thought, the illusion!" I shouted to one and all.
  19. He wasn't asking for medical advice. His questions in his title are - So how long exactly should one breath in and out?, how about during exercise? good meditation questions as far as I can see.
  20. This is a serious problem. Listen to your doctor. I wish you good health and good energy (prana/chi) from each inhale, and expelled waste from each exhale, keeping and feeling the good energy inside! Remember - breath energy is good for health!! When your body feels like gathering more, LET IT. When your body feels like exhaling the waste, LET IT. If your object of meditation is not your breath (thought, quietude, image, body, environment), FORGET IT. Here's the simplest breathing exercise I've seen. If I were you I would currently forget about the posture and try it sitting comfortably and lieing down. Listen to the words on breathing very carefully!!! Good luck and please keep us informed as to your practices and results. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  21. Taoist meditation

    Oh yea for sure. Each bead you hold could represent an in-breath then an out-breath etc as you go around the string. Or each bead you hold could represent a single step of the practice. Or each bead you hold could represent part of a mantra you are saying. So I think there are many ways you could incorporate them to focus and quiet the mind.
  22. Taoist meditation

    It appears that there is no single, pure, common, well-known, simple Taoist Meditation that you can practice! Maybe a good Tai Chi class is the best basic Taoist meditation you can practice after all (moving meditation). The mysterious Taoist master, The Cultivator of Realization (circa 1400-1650) states clearly some of the main steps that should be included in a "good = deep" Taoist/Tai Chi meditation practice. Let's call it the Taoist COR Meditation Practice. (COR - Cultivator Of Realization) - "Return the mind to Quietude whatever you are doing, not imagining what is yet to come, and not thinking about what has already passed. After a long time of this, Spirit and Meridian Energy merge, feelings and objects are forgotten, Spirit solidifies, Meridian Energy [internal Strength and Vital Energy] congeals, and there is just one breath in the belly ... Once this breathing occurs, keep strictly to Empty Quietude, and refine your Internal Strength into Vital Energy [of the mind], which together [as the Meridian Energy directed by Spirit] go through the three Passes [up the spine to brain] and pass into the three Chambers [down the front from brain to solar plexus to belly]." Anthology on the Cultivation of Realization by 'The Cultivator of Realization', circa 1400-1650 from Taoist Meditation Cleary page 52
  23. j/k "If it were not for the laughter, the Way would not be what it is." -- Laozi