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Everything posted by Pero

  1. So what have I missed?

    I'm glad you're back. I don't remember goku getting banned, what did he do?
  2. Get to know the real Procurator

    I don't agree with his banning, but I guess it was the only way....
  3. Starman returns

    Well I hope I'll never be this "old".
  4. Starman returns

    Well you're not showing that very well, considering you can't stop talking about him. And what truths? I'm not sure you said anything substantial so far but maybe I missed it.
  5. Get to know the real Procurator

    He's an ass, so what?
  6. Bronnikov Method

    Don't know about this method but it's not impossible to see without eyes.
  7. i think i found Li Jiong's school

    Sounds a little like falun gong.
  8. My Teacher

    You know, "the source" was basically the source of evil aka the devil in Charmed. Yup... So you better watch out.
  9. Dark Zen

    DZ is fake or something.
  10. Attacment and Beliefs

    Depends on what. Everything is like an illusion. If we'd really understand that, what security would we need?
  11. up coming event

    I hope you can make it, good luck.
  12. The Max Christensen Facts Not Fiction Thread.

    Uh, if I remember right, Derren doesn't use NLP alone or even at all sometimes, but just makes it look like he is. I think someone mentioned once that he said so himself too... He's a magician after all.
  13. Need a mantra

    Thanks, but I don't practice that. And when for me when I say meditation, in general it means more like formal sitting session.
  14. Keep it clean please

    Why? Not that I agree with things Patrick is doing, quite the opposite, but that isn't "porn".
  15. Methinks if you tried to do that you wouldn't be able to type anymore. (edit: my 666th post hehe)
  16. Need a mantra

    Yeah they say that but I'm usually the most asleep during the morning and the most awake during the night.
  17. Yes, that's good, considering that "ascension" doesn't exist in Buddhism and is IMO one of those new age fluff terms. I think they got it of Stargate SG-1. We can only wish that it would be.
  18. No. The methods of sutra take eons (?) to reach enlightenment. You also have to take into account that next to that, it is not easy to reach enlightenment, for example practicing an hour or two a day is nothing. And then besides that, we are also in Kali Yuga, which means it is even more difficult.
  19. It's not about inspiration or being a hobby. Years back I was watching Dragonball and thought it was great. I always liked how hard they trained. But it's about believing things like visualizing a ball of fire between your hands and throwing it at a mountain will make the mountain explode... It's difficult if not impossible to disprove something that doesn't exist. Can you disprove that I have two, invisble to others, purple wings on my back? I didn't mean to say that you're stupid. I don't consider myself stupid either (well most of the time at least hehe), but I do a lot of stupid things anyway.