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Everything posted by Pero

  1. Beyond Duality

    Oh really? Then what does it have to do with? In truth non-duality are merely empty words which have about as much value as horse shit to most of us. No, I saw it, but I was being serious.
  2. Beyond Duality

    No, you don't. The last time I asked you this you said that you wouldn't let yourself be stabbed.
  3. Have you gotten your Tibetan flag out yet?

    The "hijacking" went both ways. Many consider Bon as the 5th school of Tibetan Buddhism (including the Dalai Lama), though the Bonpos disagree in a way, saying it's Bon and not Buddhism, which is completely fine, but the methods are pretty much the same. They have refuge in the 3 jewels, except that the Buddha is not Shakyamuni but Shenrab Miwoche, they have bodhicitta, sutra, tantra and dzogchen etc. Bon leads to Buddhahood. To me the difference is more or less the same as the differences between Nyingma, Kagyu, Gelug and Sakya. And so certainly I find it pointless to use words like hijacking or stealing which only enforce sectarian views.
  4. Beyond Duality

    Then why wouldn't you let yourself be stabbed?
  5. Wang Liping in Denmark

    Yeah he didn't have to give anything at all for it. Just practice all the time, die a few times, listen and follow everything exactly that his teachers said. Nothing to give at all...
  6. I personally don't think it's the same at all. Because there is no one actually transmitting anything at that time, it's just a recording of some words. In any case, I think the Vajra Guru mantra is one of those that transmission is not necessary, but I'm not sure. I asked this question about pronounciation recently to Ratna Rinpoche, because for example in a text we used at the teaching it said Benzar, but I prefer Vajra which I learned before, and he said either one is ok, it's just a little different pronounciation. But then I had transmission for both... So I think like Jaloo, when in doubt, use the version that your teacher used. edit: I looked on e-sangha a bit, it doesn't require transmission. But of course if you can get it, that would be very good too.
  7. new kunlun book

    I don't even practice kunlun.
  8. new kunlun book

    Man you guys are boring...
  9. new kunlun book

    Darren Brown doesn't use just NLP, it only looks like that. He's a magician.
  10. western magic

    The irony is, that according Israel Regardie, hypnosis is the most despicable form of black magick... Well I read Crowley made this distinction, magick being the real stuff (which he did) and magic being stage magic. It's not in the dictionary though.
  11. western magic

    Meh, that's children's play for Freeform. This reminded me of an interesting comment made by Ross Jeffries. One time he was having lunch with Richard Bandler (co-founder of NLP) and he mentioned something about NLP being similar to magick, and Bandler replied "of course it is, I made it that way", or something like that.
  12. Natural Living

    ROFL!!! Seriously though there really is a ... , he's an old member here, but hasn't been seen in a long time. Or at least I haven't seen him.
  13. Bye for now!

    Good luck.
  14. Natural Living

    Hmmm, so if I'd show you a cookie and tell you to jump in my lap you would do it? Wow, :::, are you the reincarnation of ...? Or maybe his relative? Do you know where he is?
  15. Your Last Breath On Earth

    Well, that depends, would I die right now? If so, not practicing as much and as well as I could. If you mean the last breath I will take at end of my life, then I now hope that at that time I will not have the regret of not practicing as much and as well as I could. Depends on karma. There's a map? Total beginner is where I'm at...
  16. How to make good karma?

    Well, though my English is good enough, it's not my first language. I don't know about you, but I'm certainly not taking any drugs. Awareness is not enough. Kundalini, maybe, I have no idea. Thank goodness I didn't post how I first thought to, if you think I'm being negative now. And please don't call me Mr. Pero, it's kind of funny. Hmm, but then again, it's also kind of cool... What could I tell you? Do you not understand the difference between good and bad?
  17. How to make good karma?

    That's a little strange, that you expect criticism... I thought it was common sense mostly. How can they get misled? Hm, what? I don't understand. It doesn't confuse if they educate themselves a bit. Most of us want to be free of karma, but wanting something doesn't make it so. Till you are really free of karma you will still abide by it whether you like it or not. You don't need any intuition to see if what you do harms someone or not. Well, creating a cult, saying things like "I'm a brother of Buddha and son of Jesus" (or was that the other way around?), supposedly Wang Li Ping not being happy with him because of the things he is doing...
  18. Full-lotus fallacy

    Why not combination of 1,2 and 4? I like that one. Yeah I liked it also. Right, I don't think anyone thinks otherwise about his heart. His head on the other hand... But then, it's hard to say over the internet, just by reading some written stuff. Awww, now you made me feel all cudly.
  19. How to make good karma?

    Irrelevant. Basically what you're saying is that if you do a good deed and the other person is not thankful it's not good karma. You're also saying that your intentions are not correct, "I helped that one, but the bastard isn't thankful to ME". If you really want to help someone, should it be about you or the other person? You also can't know that perhaps because you broke up a fight, that later their heads cooled off and they became buddies. So if you are able to break up a fight, it could very well be the right thing to do. And I would be wary from listening to Li Hongzhi. Yes, it is the illusion of your kindness.
  20. karma

    Uh, it's not the girl who talks about killing animals. Actually it's not, it's quite smart.
  21. Must See Video

    No, one could not say that, because that is not Buddhist teaching. And unless wearing Buddhist robes is just the new fashion in Russia, the monks there were Buddhists. So yes, we could say that's wrong. Of course you could say that it depends on your definition of god, but in any case it is a little strange to use that term here in the west considering the history and culture.
  22. karma

    I always wondered if I could be with a GF that cheated on her ex, even if it were with me. Because, what stops her from doing the same to me? I guess from your examples, nothing. As for karma, it's hard to say that what happened to you was the result of the fact that she cheated her ex with you in this life, could be something from previous life. In any case it happened, and you can't change it. And hey, it's no excuse, but at least she was black out drunk as you say, I think it would be worse if she cheated you just like that. Dog dying may not have anything to do with your karma, but everything with his.
  23. Must See Video

    Cool video. But either the translation is wrong, or they're a little strange Buddhists to speak about god being incarnated.
  24. ROFLMAO!!! Just hilarious. HAHAHAHHA