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Everything posted by Pero

  1. Buddy teaches Bagua, he was also a student of BKF for 10 or 15 or something like that years.
  2. So the TTC teaches you how to get pushed around and stuff? What are you talking about?
  3. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Nope, Slovenia. But I've been there once or twice per year for the last three years.
  4. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    And BTW, most people call me Pero, which is short for Peter in my language. I don't know why you'd want my full name but there's a picture of me in my gallery (though it's a couple of years old). I don't know how you look like... LOL, no.
  5. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    It's XSZ as is taught in Zhineng Qigong. Supposedly a simplified version.
  6. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    It's not the entire thing, just the XSZ part. But yeah, there could be problems. Although, that seems like it's Anna's site so, maybe not?
  7. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    What did you watch? I saw a video, not pictures and text. And actually it's pretty similar. If not the same. I'm not sure, I'd have to check it out more carefully. Re-read.
  8. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    You mean other than the actual Xing Shen Zhuang? Yeah it's real hard to figure out who he is, since he's got over 700 posts here and a blog about his practice.
  9. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    I guess you didn't watch the whole video.
  10. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Thanks for comparing with China. I'm sure all the people you've saved from torture and death because of the PMs will be very grateful to you.
  11. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Uhm, there's a reason it's called a private message and not just "message". I guess people like you, Gamuret and Sean can't read well enough. I wonder if that's the side effect of your practices. I only told you maybe you should erase the part where you said that it was Joeblast who PMed you so it wouldn't cause him problems or something. I was sorry I asked. Really, who gives a fuck about first amendment. Would you talk about what other people confide to you with other people just because of the first amendment? You talk about orgasm this, full lotus that, but really it doesn't seem to have given you shit other than some blissed out self-centered attitude.
  12. That's ridiculous. Maybe you are confusing a confident person with an egotistical one. Maybe an insecure and shy person has room for everybody to intrude on their space and do what they want.
  13. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Wayfarer, hilarious! David is speaking in English, but a woman at the same time is translating into Russian, so it's kind of hard to get everything he's saying. He's talking about the theory of Xing Shen Zhuang and explains it on a student too. At least that is in the first 15 minutes. It's interesting. I think it's about 50 minutes long. There are some articles on the site too, but all in Russian. He's got a pretty wife. How did you find this, since it's in Russian?

    Just watch the video with sound Drew. Thanks Jedi. Almost motivates me to take it up again hahaha.
  15. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    For most people, karma just comes to fruition. Negative or positive. There is no "making up". This is viewing it in a sense of "I did something wrong and now I have to to do something good to make up for it". But it's not like that. Good action creates positive karma, bad action negative. If you steal someones money in order to give it to charity for example, you'll accumulate both positive and negative karma. Vajrayana has methods of purification though and maybe lower vehicles too, I don't know. (edit: that is at least according to my poor understanding)
  16. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    For normal people it isn't, we just accumulate more and more. But you can stop accumulation of negative karma by means of renouncing negative actions.
  17. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Sorry, but that's not true. Karma isn't erased just because you learned from your past mistakes. Karma is piling up whether you learn from past mistakes or not, the difference is only that by learning from past mistakes you don't repeat them in the future and so don't accumulate more negative karma because of them.
  18. Stand with Tibet

    Would post in the Off-topic forum, but here there's more traffic. Click on link to sign: Stand with Tibet - Support the Dalai Lama
  19. This reminded of the game Deus Ex...
  20. any ken wilber fans here?

    Possibly. I don't know, but I've read other's people opinions and some are similar. I read that he claimed he was enlightened. But in any case, if you find him useful that's great.
  21. any ken wilber fans here?

    Wilber's rant, and responses
  22. The Four Yogas Of Enlightenment

    What do you think are the similarities in dream yoga?
  23. any ken wilber fans here?

    Didn't he go nuts or something a short while ago? ...