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Everything posted by Pero

  1. New Qigong Videos

    Oh man you're no fun.
  2. New Qigong Videos

    Buddy what is the purpose of your baduanjin and how do you think it works? I'm curious what you think because you've got like, uhmmm how to say, non-chi kind of explanations.
  3. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    LOOOL, this is just hilarious. :lol:
  4. Really beautiful. Some hot new friends you got there too, when can we come visit to meet them?
  5. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Uhm, yes, actually.
  6. Does god exist?

    Mewtwo, buddism doesn't say there aren't any gods, just that there is no creator god and that those gods are still in samsara so you shouldn't take refuge in them. So I don't see a problem.
  7. The Four Yogas Of Enlightenment

    What similarities do you mean? I see nothing on that site. And BTW, there's no such thing as "advaitayana buddhism". Dude just threw together some stuff that sounds interesting to make some bucks. So I wouldn't waste money on that, unless of course you've got too much of it.
  8. About Master Choa Kok Sui

    Interesting, thanks. You wouldn't know the teacher, no one famous.
  9. About Master Choa Kok Sui

    Hi I did pranic healing level 1 years ago... Can you share something more about Arhatic Yoga? I've always wondered what it's like.
  10. Stand with Tibet

    The outer refuge is in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Vortex, I think you are right more or less, but I didn't say a word on Palestinians or anything else. Never said that Tibet was the only problem or whatever in the world. All what you wrote is why I dislike politics and usually don't get into it.
  11. Chanelling qi through love.

    Why is that?
  12. New Forum User

  13. Chanelling qi through love.

    Must've been dropped on his head. Too old for him. But damn, I checked and they're older than I am lol.. I always thought they were younger. edit: There was this Michelle girl here who was offering sex at one time.
  14. Stand with Tibet

    No, Tibet is getting exposure now because the riots started when Olympics are held in China. I'm pretty sure that a year before that, Tibet wasn't in the minds of most people at all (myself included). I don't know about rich part (probably true I guess), but taking refuge in the teacher doesn't contradict Buddhist teachings. And you see, this is why I think you have an aversion towards Tibetan Buddhism, you just haven't studied it and then come to believe things like this and human sacrifices and what not (you didn't post that, it was in the articles). Well anyway, I'll be pretty much offline for the next week or so, so maybe we'll continue this discussion later (or not haha).
  15. Stand with Tibet

    Well, likewise. Except for the anger part. I'd be lying if I said that it doesn't upset me on occasion, but I am hardly angry much. Oh it is a good point, and I thought how hypocritical we are. I'm not the only one who uses the term in regards to Chinese occupation of Tibet. Oh really? I don't recall myself ever saying such a thing. Conditions certainly aren't idylic now. You mean the Chinese that were moved there after the invasion... Well since they're there now I guess you can't just send them back. The older Tibetans are saying that life was better before. Soldiers killing civilians who are running away and the refugees is pretty much plain and simple. Not sure why you ask but actually I have, I just don't agree with a lot of it. My anger? LOL... You make it sound like I'm angry all the time or something like that. LOL, ok.
  16. Stand with Tibet

    Well sadly I think there's not much hope for this to happen. "New agers" often talk how things are going better all the time or that the "golden age" is coming or some nonsense like that, but really it's getting worse.
  17. Stand with Tibet

    Genocide took place during those invasions, but I guess for some people it's still ok to do it now because "it was done in the past". And maybe because the US did something, it's ok now for everyone else to do it too. Actually I think I've read exactly this kind of excuse a couple of times online. Another ridicoulous excuse people use is that Tibet had slavery or something similar before Chinese occupation as if that makes it alright to invade and kill people. But well of course, it's no different from what the US did, after all, they "freed" the Iraqis... And isn't it funny that Tibetans would rather go back to the so called "slavery" than be under CCP rule? Video of Tibetans droping like flies when passing through the mountains and hundreds of thousands of Tibetan refugees - all western propaganda right? To what should I "free" my mind to? To CCP party lines, "Tibet was, is and always will be a part of China", "Tibet was freed from the crule rule of the aristocrates" etc.? "A lie repeated a hundred times becomes the truth" - Mao Zedong Well at least you agree that the invasion was because of greed and power. And who ever said that China is to be blamed for everything that's "wrong" in the world?
  18. Stand with Tibet

    Is he a historian? It seems not. Is he a militarist? I hope not. Or is he a foolish child that absorbs the medium as truth? It's truly ironic to talk about propaganda, when in China CCP controls everything. I hope there will come a day when the Great Firewall of China falls... Meh, I was thinking of replying to the rest, but I don't want to argue and it'd be a waste of time anyway. So...
  19. Stand with Tibet

    Well, a particular spirit worship comes to my mind... Oh
  20. Mer Ka Ba

    What is the purpose of Merkaba?
  21. Stand with Tibet

    Well I'm sorry, but that's the impression I got. Yes, but where do you look? There is nothing that is not presented by media in one way or another. I mean look, you're telling me to see for myself and at the same time you're posting articles from media... I know. I meant generalizing that because some monks fought, now nobody is a monk in Tibet. And again, people have limits. Being a monk doesn't automatically make one a Buddha or something who can do no wrong. Well, maybe you'll be surprised, but I don't really disagree. That doesn't mean however that things should just be left as they are. Karma isn't fatalism. Agreed.
  22. Stand with Tibet

    That Tibet is part of China for 700 years is pure nonsense. Unless if China is also claiming that they are part of Mongolia now? Mongols ruled when Tibet was part of China, which is actually wrong, more right would be to say that Tibet and China were part of the Mongol empire. And during the Ching dinasty when Tibet was also supposedly part of China, the Han Chinese didn't rule, the Manchus did. But where are they now? That 5% against 95% hehe. If you look in the world today it's pretty much the same thing. Most of the wealth in hands of the minority. And China is no exception. I guess Burmese monks aren't monks either. But anyway, that's generalizing. And pictures of monks fighting and weapons could simply be CCP construct. I wonder how we would act if we were oppressed for decades. There's only so much people can take. Even if the negative stuff from Tibetan history is true, why do you think Tibetans would rather die in the process of fleeing CCP rule than live under it? It's said out of the frying pan and into the fire... Oh great. Lin, I just noticed you posted basically the same BS article that Max posted, only separated in 6 parts. Do we have to go back to Beijing Orchestrating Tibetan Riots? It's really ironic to talk about western propaganda and then post something like that. But then of course now it makes sense where your aversion towards Tibetan Buddhism comes from.