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Everything posted by Pero

  1. I only vaguely remember Michael Winn saying it was channeled stuff, but pretty powerful. There is a member Sheng Zhen here, maybe there is a connection?
  2. Five Centers Facing Heaven Qigong

    Scotty do you (or someone) practice the 9 palaces chigong?
  3. Law Wheel

    Firstly I don't believe there is that many people who practice it. Secondly, even if so you'd still be wrong by a long shot. The first four major religions all go from at least 400 milion upwards.
  4. Meow Meow

    Heh I thought you'd say that, I was speaking too general I guess. My point was that you can't end such actions without knowing the cause of them. You'd just remove the fruits while leaving the seeds. Well how do you know that? It did nothing to your utopia and so you wouldn't throw it in the bin. But you can't know what happened in that woman's mind. Perhaps cats are a disturbance in her utopia. Perhaps throwing cats in the trash are part of her utopia.
  5. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    I'm afraid not.
  6. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    No she isn't. You really should stop mixing so many things.
  7. Meow Meow

    If you don't understand how things started you won't be able to end them. Sure. But you know, that woman, perhaps that cat made her utopia unbalanced so she put it in a dumpster.
  8. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    I seriously doubt an arhat can be an asshole.
  9. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    Stream entry in Buddhism is a stage on the path to Arhatship, it means that one will not be reborn in three lower realms again. Who knows what it means to Lino though...
  10. Yes, how dare he not appear before the great Ralis. I'll ask him about it if I ever get to see him mkay?
  11. Military Training

    Yeah I thought about that but the thing is you would still be part of the military, an organization that kills people. That's the difference with a "regular" job. I suppose you could do it while disagreeing with their philosphy/actions but then it might be hard to work at such a place.
  12. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    The thing is, finding a way out is difficult enough, so why make it even harder?
  13. Meow Meow

    Hm yes, I thought about exterminating the prisoners and criminals but then in the long run that wouldn't really solve anything. They'd just pop up again eventually. These kind of actions will never stop by removing the people.
  14. Meow Meow

    That's not a bad idea!
  15. Military Training

    It's a different story if you're already a "warrior" and then want to follow a spiritual path.
  16. Ha! This happened to me once in the begining.
  17. Military Training

    IMO people who have intention to follow a spiritual path shouldn't join the military unless they don't have a choice.
  18. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    So you're saying you like the "hard way" or something? Why? You think it's cooler, makes you better or what? ... And also, I find it laughable that people think going into retreat is easier than staying in society. If it were easy a lot more people would be doing retreat. It's difficult to leave all of your attachments behind or have the proper conditions to go into retreat.
  19. Meow Meow

    I've no idea what goes through a persons mind when doing things like that. Though I'd sort of understand if it were a child, since they're ruthless. With a normal adult it's not something I'd expect, so I suppose she wasn't normal hehe. Is this a trick question? You need to ask? I suppose horrified and angry. I wonder what I'd do if I saw this in person. Whether I'd just get the cat out or also confront the person. And if the latter if it would escalate to a physical confrontation... Well I have this kind of idea often enough (suppose when I'm blinded by anger), but the thing with this kind of thinking is, are you then really any better than this person who threw the cat in the dumpster?
  20. What's the difference between the two? IMO/experience, having the chance to download a book in this way may actually lead to the person buying the book. Just recently I found a book online that I was thinking of getting for two years but didn't because I wasn't sure if it would be useful to me. But now that I was able to see it in full on my PC I saw that it would be useful and am planning to buy it when I can afford it. Also in the same way I've been able to avoid making disappointing purchases. Some books seem interesting/useful on the outside but when looked a little closer are just a waste of money for me.
  21. The Five Tibetans

    Who knows if they're 2500 years old.. Heck, who knows if they're even Tibetan.
  22. Xabir, what stanzas are you talking about?
  23. Federal Agent kills dog in dog park

    These are your assumptions, you don't know if any of this is true.
  24. Federal Agent kills dog in dog park

    The death of one is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.