Actually, the Nicene creed *IS* still the be all end all. The other churches that are influenced by theosophy and such are considered to be in schism with Rome, and therefore cannot ordain Bishops, which means that they are out of valid apostolic succession. Judeo-Christian religions are not really flexible when it comes to allowed beliefs. It is all pretty well spelled out, just some churches that have broken off redefine things to fit their own ends, as happens in almost all religions. Thats the reason I have felt I must break away with that belief system, because I feel that the force that governs the universe would never punish people for not joining 1 club over another. With as many types of people as there are, there is that many ways. As I was once told by someone, its sort of like the governing force is fishing in a lake. And all religions are different fishing poles. It doesnt care which one you bite, as long as it gets you in the boat at some point.