Ya Mu

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Everything posted by Ya Mu

  1. Kundalini Reiki

    I have worked with folks from many different energetic traditions. My experience is that it mostly has to do with 2 things, who you are (soul level, experience level over several lifetimes) and how much one has raised their energy body vibration in this lifetime. A technique that simple allows energy to flow is not as powerful as one with set INTENT. If a person has raised energy body level to a very high level, practices virtue, etc. so as to really tap into the Higher Level energetics, the result rate will be 1000 fold. Technique can make a HUGE difference, which is why medical qigong, wei qi lia fa, requires quite a bit of study in order to get consistent results. There are different treatment methods for different dis-ease.
  2. Shaktipat

    Perhaps I don't want to agree with someone with a big belly - is there a skinnier enlightened I can agree with? And in general, speaking of lightening, I see quite a bit of heaviness in this thread. No matter what anyone believes or practices everyone may find that light-heartedness can go a long way. You see, the world is divided up by "heavies" and "lighters". Heavies find it difficult to get in the boat that rows across the river to heaven (would sink the boat, you know?) so its the lighters that get to heaven. The only drawback is when they do they find they have to go back and swim across with 2 heavies each. Very difficult to achieve this stage of enlightenment. A stage of enlightenment even more difficult to achieve is the heavy who realizes that he must walk across the bottom of the river with a heavy on one shoulder and a lighter on another. Very imbalanced, but that is the way.
  3. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    :lol: Absolutely. Found out a long time ago to be very careful with this or I would end up with a whole lot of...stuff.
  4. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    I think that everyone who teaches potential "kilowatt" stuff should ask themselves some of the questions you raised. Some choose to go all out marketing. Does it dilute? Can't say. Some choose to keep in the shadows. Is this best? Can't say. Some of these questions I have struggled with as well. My current solution is I do not do much marketing. Post workshops on the website, mention it in a few places, and do an emailing to folks who have already expressed an interest. Is this the best solution? Can't say. Sometimes I feel poorly paid and sometimes I feel richly rewarded. I see my peers who have 1000's of students and ask myself, do I REALLY want that? While I have taught a few thousand students it is mostly 15-20 sometimes 3-10 core students at a time. One thing I have found is that, in my system, it is best for me to be careful to only share the inner door teachings with those that, over a period of time, demonstrate virtue, commitment to practice, and actually listen to what I have to teach. I remember a workshop where I showed a student, who considered himself to be very advanced, an introductory technique. He said, "so this is all there is to it then." I said yes, for you this is all there is to it. I do believe he thought he was so advanced that he just instantly "got it" when in fact he had no clue as to what I was really doing. And of course he left the workshop and trash talked about how it was nothing to it. Luckily, nowadays I seem to mostly get the ones that what I teach is for so I have much less of that sort of thing. I have considered that better marketing may help reach those that need to be reached. Try prayer. Casting of INTENT, not emotional broadcasting. May be you get the best answer that way. I have no real advice on this; we each have to assume responsibility of the consequences for ourselves. I will say one thing. What good is a teaching if it can't be passed on? I do believe things have changed and that high end energetic systems are much needed NOW.
  5. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    Ah, but you are focusing on central-generated power. This is the fallacy in most people's thinking concerning power generation. Distributed power stations via solar and wind are indeed viable and work quite well, even at today's technology. Distributed power stations remove the expense of running insane distances of energy travel with all the inherent losses of efficiency. Also they help remove the threat of a central power generating station failing due to natural disaster or ill intentioned means. My point is that the level of subsidies of coal, oil, and nuclear is extremely large and if it was a level playing field, solar technology holds it's own in viability. Once it is installed, oil used to transfer the coal clear across the country is no longer needed. Have you been around a power station - constant feeding of coal, car after car after car, usually transported an extremely long way, day in and day out. I don't see how anyone thinks this makes sense. You were complaining about subsidies, why would you support the current subsidies of oil, coal, and nuclear? You cannot show me we can dispose of nuclear waste safely (oh but not in your backyard, eh?) and you cannot show me where any type of nuclear power plants are safe and are not disasters waiting to happen. Solar IS safe - it only takes doing. For the price of that car that most people drive, they can have a solar system that will generate their power needs for the next 30-40 years AND that will, in peak power when it is needed, put distributed power back into the grid for others. Antimatter? I am referring to technology available today and that can be implemented today.
  6. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    Many wish to think that it is all about who we study with in person, lineages, systems, "shaktipat", etc. What it is about is your recognition of who you are and following that recognition. We are much more complex than what our daily brain interaction tends to think. Working in dreamtime is every bit important as working in the linear world. We help those we can. Healing others helps awaken them to who they are. You could no longer stop healing others than you could cut off your foot, for it would be like cutting off a part of you. What you do is needed NOW. You are an awesome and powerful Being of Light - I salute you!
  7. Getting Down and Dirty with Dao

    Harvested five 5 gal buckets of potatoes and 4 varieties of garlic. mmmm good. Cabbage next. Do you know how difficult it is to keep a potato plow on top of the row with a feisty rather large horse pulling it?
  8. Changing the taste of liquids?

    Ability to actually do this will depend on how much you have raised your vibrations, who you are, and your ability to set intent. Who knows when we will not be able to obtain clean water? I teach students to bless all food and drink before consuming.
  9. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    There is no question in my mind that things have been speeding up. Try doing a poll and just about every single person you ask will say they have noticed. I feel it. High energy particle precipitation, x-rays and other parameters can increase the Schumann resonance. Also, measurements differ depending on location. It is quite possible many are picking up 2nd harmonic at appr. 14hz as stronger than fundamental at 7.83 (which was just an average and not absolute measurement). I certainly agree with you that things are going to get quite interesting. Quite possibly. I do know among the younger Chinese the choice to follow in the older generation's footsteps is not as attractive to them as "modern" approaches. I remember giving a lecture to 4th year med students at a medical school and one young Chinese guy spoke up, very angry that I said Chinese medicine is so "archaic", saying there were nothing but modern hospitals in China and the old superstitious methods were from the previous generations. But I do know that, in general, students attending my classes are much more powerful at manipulating energy than even 10 years ago. Attracting higher quality students? No doubt. My ability to manipulate energy more powerful? There are always higher levels. More consciousness of energetics? Probably so. But,to me, none of these explain the intense change I have observed. And none of that explains the quickening I feel.
  10. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    If all was equitable, as in an equal playing field, as in no more oil, coal, nuclear subsidies, then I would agree with you. IMO if the government ceased all subsidies and let there be an equal playing field, then we would find solar to be extremely viable, oil not at all viable, nuclear not at all viable, and we would proceed to totally change the way we do things. I'll admit a certain bias towards solar & wind energy as these are the only forms of energy production (current technology) which make sense to me.
  11. Shaktipat

    I for one hope that you don't let someone's negativity effect you to the extent you quit posting. While I do not use your terminology and have for the most part stayed out of this thread because of that, and I do not always agree with you (most of the time I do), your and Santi's contributions are needed. There is, at this point in time, great need for Teachers with experience. Far too much non-sense is indulged in. Seekers need the voice of experience for assistance. Even if they don't realize it at the time, when they are exposed to energetic experience it does have a positive effect on the person. Sometimes this "making a difference" can move mountains.
  12. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    I do think in part that you are entirely correct. I tell students that when they do High Level energetics that they not only effect just themselves in a small sphere but everyone. And there is a definite magnetic induction effect when an experienced practitioner is within proximity to a non-practitioner or beginner. Also think more universal. I believe it is agreed that the earth's schumann resonance has increased over the last several years. So, could we be looking at an overall quickening (shifting)? I believe so. Time has gotten faster. Ask most people and they will say things like, "I used to be able to get much more done in a day." The typical response to this is that the person is getting older. I don't think that is the reason at all. What I have found is that those who do the Stillness-Movement practice actually create time (have more time to get things done). This, I do believe and have experienced, is due to the raising of the energy body vibration. I think that, as time goes on, people who do not practice will have increasing difficulty with this.
  13. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    This is an interesting observation and one that I have seen as well. I don't draw the same conclusion as you but I think if we interviewed 10 qigong teachers that have been teaching 25 years or more they all will say they have observed increased sensitivity. I noticed that a change from even 7-8 years ago but huge change from 25 years ago. Some I have talked with about this said it was because of my own personal growth. But I don't think so. I think folks do have an increased sensitivity - whatever the reason.
  14. Shaktipat

    What I got out of reading the posts by Santi is that he was trying to make a point that ALL things fall within the Divine. And I agree with him. I find that personal attacks are much more insulting than any particular colloquial or street language. I learned to speak many words of color by working on a boat on the Mississippi river in my younger days. And today sometimes I let some of these words fly when I teach - not trying to be insulting, they are just part of my vocabulary, and they are honest words. If we are insulted by such words I suggest we each explore the inner why; we may be surprised at the answer. When are we all going to learn to respect each other? To me, that is one of the greatest lessons any of us could possibly receive from posting or reading on this board.
  15. Talk about a sure bet - if you are wrong they can't collect!
  16. I believe that Electromagnetic Wave Pollution is one of the biggest problems of our society. Some of us can feel it, others are just bothered but don't know by what. I think there are health risks. For cell phone you might try, to see if it would help, a low-powered bluetooth device and keep the cell phone away from you.

    I have met and talked with the engineer who brought forth one of these. It was the infrasonic component. Keep in mind that one component of qi is just that - one component. Qi is multi -spectral. Plus the machine has no INTENT. Have heard of some documented results. I tried one and couldn't tell much, it has no effect on the pain I had when I tried it. I don't know if the one you are referencing is different. Machine will never duplicate the complexity of qi. I worked on a stroke patient last night in a hospital room. The air and everyone in the room suddenly got so hot I had to back off the intensity of the treatment - in the first 5 seconds of the treatment. Machine do that? Don't let me discourage you from trying it. It may help.
  18. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    Oh you misguided Songs, The oil companies HAVE a plan. They are going to save the walrus(s) in the gulf.
  19. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    There is a vast array of qigong systems that go from simple stretching, simple breathing, to complicated and not-so-complicating energy cultivation. It is buyer beware. That said, don't let what I said above throw you, I was simply friendly tweaking SJ.
  20. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    "Nickle and dime crap." I seriously disagree here. Ar you saying oil, coal, and nuclear have not been HEAVILY subsidized in our country? How could you think that? If just solar hot water was implemented by everyone then there would be an approximate 30% reduction in utility usage. ALL that coal you see being transported from one end of the country at every hour of every day uses OIL to do so. This usage would be cut SIGNIFICANTLY. Do you think the automotive industry has not been HEAVILY subsidized? How could you think so? Just think - 70% of the population drives under 40 miles to work. Electric powered vehicles, the technology we have NOW, would do that. Say 50% of the population adopted electric cars with solar powered charging stations. 50% reduction of need for oil. Do you wonder why Germany, Japan, and other countries are so far ahead of the USA in adopting solar? (oh yes they are) It is because of folks who think like you, quite specifically 8 years of oil buddy buddy hell caused by GREED of the previous administration (closed door oil bigshots with huge GREED SETTING energy policy! Still can't believe the American people stood for this!) and the backers of said administration. And the current administration is not really doing anything to pull us out of this oil oil oil addiction either. I was around when solar tax credits existed late 70's early 80's. A HUGE industry sprang up, making great strides in solar efficiency and implementation. Then BAM, oil interests were successful in getting the subsidies pulled, and the industry crashed like a brick. Just think what could be if that hadn't happened. Have you ever SEEN a solar hot water heater?
  21. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    I don't know about your neck of the woods but here in the USA we have been in desperate need of a 3rd sensible (one that actually makes sense) party. After 8 years of thieves I think led by not even average intelligence selling our country down river and financially breaking us then another by a smart person who I think is acting extremely dumb, if something does not change we don't have a hope or prayer.
  22. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    Hi, I was referring to booklet/dvd courses. But, will say that time after time after time I have students tell me they get more from one workshop with me than from several years of training in other systems. And I wish to quote (paraphrase) a dude called Starjumper, "Not all qigong systems are equal." "There is a difference between "wimpy" qigong and real qigong." If I improperly paraphrased what you said I apologize, please set me straight. Nope. Entirely depends on the workshop. Instead of making such a general statement, the quality of the seminar would need to be evaluated. Kinda like saying, "I ate a rotten apple therefore all apples taste like crap." edit: But I do agree, long term study of an efficient system beats the hell out of a single workshop. I encourage folks to stick with it and offer a 500 hr certification program. I have never understood "workshop junkies" who take one form one week and another the next week. Hard to imagine what they end up practicing.
  23. sleeping time /dream practise

    Yes, I believe so also.
  24. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    Many people have learned it from the DVD then shown up at the workshop later. I do not have a youtube video up of this system. However, I do offer money back if unhappy with purchase. This is the only video to which I have posted a link in TTB.
  25. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    Agreed. Corporate culture has overtaken both common sense and common long standing conservative values and replaced them with greed, control, mind/brain washing, and dominance. I believe, though, that fail it will. It appears that it may take something as drastic as a partial/large proportion wipe-out of humanity, but a return to the family farm (metaphorically and physically) will happen.