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Everything posted by mYTHmAKER

  1. Yin Yoga Question

    From a google they look pretty much the same Biff Mithoefer has trained in Interdisciplinary Yoga with Amba and Don Stapleton. He has also studied yoga with Sarah Powers, Paul Grilley, and Ana Forrest. Mithoefer is the author of The Yin Yoga Kit: The Practice of Quiet Power. Maybe check out both books in a local bookstore
  2. Yin Yoga Question

    I found a martial arts school where they do yin yoga - recommended to me by paul Grilley. We went to one class to learn the routine. They did 5 minutes of the following poses. We did them in the following order 1. Shoelace (cow pose) right side 2. Shoelace left side 3. Half butterfly right side 4. Half butterfly left side 5. Forward bend 6. Sleeping swan right side 7. Sleeping swan left side 8. Dragon right side 9. Dragon left side 10. Saddle 11.Childs pose 12. Butterfly 13. Pentacle / corpse pose . I added this they went on to do their form practice I do these 2 - 3 times a week sometimes more often. If I'm not energetic they are great as they don't take that much effort. If I'm short for time I do 3 minutes. As to whether you're doing enough I can't say. How do you feel when you finish. Are you working on the areas that need working on. For me 3 minutes is minimun as I feel my body needs time to relax into the stretch. Hope this is of some help
  3. Life of a Qi Gong teacher

    Unfortunately you are right.
  4. Knees

    Knees together - no problem
  5. The Tao Bums Name

    Do you think the original guys who were hanging out meditating. doing qiggong called themselves daoists. Maybe they had t-shirts or team jackets. I think if you call yourself a daoist you ain't one.
  6. Knees

    I'm curious. Can anyone here do this. Stand facing a wall feet shoulder width apart one inch from the wall. Nose touching the wall. One should be able to go down into a full squat to the floor hinging at your joints Rise up to standing in reverse - nose to wall.
  7. OT: costs for (acupuncture) treatment

    My health insurance usually pays for acupuncture. I used to have to have it prescribed by an MD so I would find an acupuncturist who worked in a doctors office. The law later changed and I can go directly to the acupuncturist. They usually accept what the insurance pays them. Sometimes I have to co pay $5 or $10
  8. Hi

    Regarding knees many taiji players and martial artists have knee problems. Stand facing a wall feet shoulder width apart one inch from the wall. Nose touching the wall. One should be able to go down into a full squat to the floor hinging at your joints. If you can do this you will have proper knee alignment. In this position your knees must be centered over your feet. Stand up with a chair, seat facing you the edge lined up with your knees. Move into a squat. If your knees pushed the chair forward you are moving improperly. Now try again with the image in your mind that you are about to sit in a chair.You will bend at the qua and your behind will move back directly toward the make believe chair - your knees will not move forward. Stand legs shoulder width apart with one leg about a foot in front of the other. Bend your front knee sit deep in your qua. Your weight is 100% on your front leg. Turn your waist in the direction of the front leg (if right leg front turn right) at the same time feel your leg vertically into the ground and push the inner thigh toward the right. There should be no movement (rotation) in the knee. Now turn your waist toward the left . Keep pushing your inner thigh toward the right. Do not allow your knee to move to the left (rotate) with your waist.
  9. OT2: Costs for Chiropractor

    I used Pete Egoscue' Method a while back. Got good results. One thing I've learned is if somethings wrong with my body I am most likely the cause. It could be anything from how I stand. Am I always letting my spine hang and lenghthen. Am I jamming my spine in any activity. What type mattress am I sleeping on - my stomach -back - side. What type of chair do I sit in. How is my posture when I sit. Michael most car seats are pretty bad especially some of the ones that go to the back of the neck.
  10. Healing a Hematoma

    I use Woodlock externally for injuries. You can buy it in chinatowns or do a google. I also use wet heat - hot water bottle with a damp towel wrap. Before sleep is good Breathe gently and send your breath into the area as much as you can.
  11. Shrooms

    I knew a blind meditator who could see lights in meditation
  12. Dream Work

    Since I started telling myself before I go to sleep that I will remember my dreams I remember more dreams than I used to. I also say if any fear comes up in a dream I will face that fear in the dream and if any fear comes up in the waking state I will face the fear. I do the same for obstacles. I ask to have the solutions to questions or designs when I wake up.
  13. Lian Gong

    Anyone know anything about or have any experience with Lian Gong
  14. Immortality Poll

    Why is it rather bazzare. You have been speaking of David and his training expecting everyone to take it on blind faith. Just as the teacher sees if the student is worthy, the student should check out the teacher, not take the word of someone he doesn't know. By seeing someone move you can tell a lot. For instance looking at John Changs video I see relaxed graceful movement, a quality of softness and connectedness, a being centered and at home in his body. This makes me think he is for real.
  15. Immortality Poll

    Here and now is hardly a cliche. It is being present. Not many can achieve it. It just might be enlightened state. I agree it takes effort I believe in saints, holy men, women but I think we are pushing the envelope when we have them walking on water and having virgin births. History is written or I should say rewritten to control people. I don't believe in giving my power away. I would love to see a video clip of David in motion to see the way he moves. A picture is worth a thousand words. It would be greatly appreciated
  16. Feng Shui

    Interesting site re feng shui We have the power disc in our space and we wear the universal Qi shield Power Disc ----- Universal QI SHIELD
  17. Immortality Poll

    My point is that I don't believe it. Why are we always looking for so called miracles when our being here in this time and place is miracle enough in itself. The world as it is is a miracle. A wise person once said " why are you trying to see with your ears hear with your nose and smell with your eyes when the true miracle is that you see with your eyes hear with your ears and smell with your nose."
  18. Shrooms

    Your avatar looks a bit stoned lately
  19. Feng Shui

    They are 4/12 inches x 5 inches. I am neither selling nor pushing anyone to buy anything. Sometimes size doesn't matter.
  20. Immortality Poll

    That's how the story goes.
  21. Immortality Poll

    I probably wouldn't know an immortal if I tripped over one. (not in the mushroom sense ) How would anyone know if they have met an immortal or if a being is one. There are many things I couldn't perceive until I got to a certain stage in life or in whatever training or level of awareness I was pursuing. I could then see where I had come from and the level of those without my experience - knowledge but I couldn't quite see where I was going. From this I would conclude only an Immortal can know an Immortal
  22. Feng Shui

    It can be checked through muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology) on aphysical level. On a subtle level you can feel it. However this is subjective and not really verifiable.
  23. Waysun Lao

    For what it's worth In Taijiquan Through the Western Gate Rick Barrett does have positive things to say re Waysun Liao.
  24. Immortals

    Sean are there any clips of David so we can see how he moves.
  25. Debt consolidation? Anyone?

    This may sound pretty basic but here goes anyway. Make a list of everything you spend. See where you spend money where it's not really necessary. Use the library instead of buying books. You should be able to search and reserve online. Only buy books that are really necessary. Eat out less often. Take food to work from home. Any thing you no longer need give to the thrift shop for a tax deduction. Someone throws something out take it to the thrift shop for a deduction. See if you can deduct workshops either as donation or business related to Tao Bums - testing products. All the small stuff adds up. Get a 0% card as someone previously suggested so you can stop paying interest. Use cash don't charge. Sometimes if we don't buy something right away we realize we don't really need it.