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Everything posted by mYTHmAKER

  1. Tarot Set for Advanced

    The deck is only as advanced or good as the reader
  2. Definite yes. The way we carry ourselves, our energy, our being has an effect on others whether they are aware of it or not. People who come into our home say it is very peaceful so a yes to environments also.
  3. imho heaven is yang as it is expansive - earth is yin as it is limited. However this can change due to relativity as already stated. It all depends on context.
  4. Voice loss - can it be spiritually caused?

    mYTHISmAKER says that Edgar Cayce lost his voice before his psychic abilities opened. Also another person who she doesn't remember the name. So you might get some info reading about Edgar Cayce His foundation has information on what he had to say about different diseases and symptoms. mYTHmAKER says have you tried acupuncture - had your pulses read?
  5. Bums Average Age

    21 to 30 - 31 to 40 - 41 to 50 - 51 to 60 etc is how it's usually done Maybe we should vote twice if we are 40 once for 30 to 40 and once for 40 to 50
  6. Bums Average Age

    as an example if one is 40 do you vote in 35 to 40 or 40 to 45
  7. If you had only one day to live...

    I would play taiji and say good by
  8. Which 'Neigong Forum' Banner Is Best...?

    Curious as to what this would look like with lettering being white or off white
  9. I can make it spin in the other direction. I see blue/purple and brown/orange and black and white
  10. Seeking positive, alternative, off grid community

    Remember where ever you go there you are. In my experience with ashrams the day to day situations/problems were no different than anywhere else. In fact they may have been more intense.
  11. being a peaceful warrior?

    practice inner smile don't give anyone anything to push against be centered stay centered BE
  12. The existentialist ordered one with nothing
  13. Thanks Trunk - you did good
  14. remove the thread in the back push string through and re sew if needed
  15. go to a fabric store or sporting goods store and buy s a strong string. attach it to the old string and pull it through or attach to something stiff and push through.
  16. Tao Te Bums

    This expresses the state of all realized beings at which point there is only oneness, no religion, no philosophy. The philosophy, religion taught in a true fashion is the means - the path - to arrive at the no path no religion no philosophy no differentiation. All is one.
  17. I found out I'm Jewish

    Who else you gonna be
  18. Tao Bums Study House: any interest?

    Hope it works out.
  19. what is the sound of one hand

    simple Simon says - clap one hand LOL If you can tell us the answer it is not the answer. The Tao that can be explained is not the Tao The hand that is clapped is not the hand.
  20. Building a pyramid house-

    You might try using earth berms and sitting the pyramid on top. This way the pyramid will sit on vertical walls avoiding the headroom problem. You could branch out to the sides (outside the pyramid) for toilets, utilities,bedrooms etc keeping the pyramid as your main space. You could also create a sleeping area in the pyramid with screens. This would keep the integrity of the pyramid.
  21. I found out I'm Jewish

    check out a gift certificate for a circumcision
  22. how does one reach enlightenment?

    when one is "enlightened" does one know one is "enlightened"?
  23. I Ching Paintings

    Thanks. If you read - Information about the paintings- and - Diagram showing how the lines express the form - on the site you will see how they relate to the I Ching. Would be happy to answer any questions if I can.