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About Gerard

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Stranger things

    Maybe octopus closely related to shark than we ever thought: Octopus jumps shark and goes for a ride on its back Like catching the bus!
  2. Can't do string on head visualization

    Dunno but honestly the way we are going; how tech has engulfed our lives; I'd solely focus on brutal leg work. If Ma Gui advocated it before the Industrial Revolution, today would be like hundredfold: "Ma Gui advocated a rigorous approach to training with a heavy emphasis on developing extraordinary lower leg strength." I do lower basin walking every day on the Earth hours (9-11am) and Asian squats in early am morning training. Visualisations make you very ungrounded especially if you are a Yang person (Fire years and signs achtung). Careful here.
  3. Software issues.

    I made that comment as I read some users saying the site is owned by someone else, not Sean. So much intrigue, why doesn't he come forward and explain the whole situation in a dedicated thread. It isn't a big deal. Anyway it's good now. So thanks anyone involved in fixing this issue.
  4. Software issues.

    If you don't know as a mod, imagine us the users. I wish the new owner could come forward, introduce themselves and explain the whole situation as a matter of courtesy. It would be a nice gesture.
  5. Software issues.

    Yes good know as it used to be in the recent past. 👍
  6. Software issues.

    Running DDG browser on iOS 18.3.2 Up to date. Every single site I visit opens instantly.
  7. Software issues.

    Last time I checked (14/03/25): Bad getaway message. I couldn't access the site after three attempts. Today (17/03/25) It has improved but it's still slow. UPDATE: When I clicked on "courtyard" button I got the bad gateway error code 502: 1. Browser ✓ 2. Cloudfare ✓ 3. The Dao Bums site Host error X The site feels like connecting to DIAL-UP Internet, echoing Taomeow's feedback.
  8. Daily slop

    Conveyor belt produced type of food, that's what junk food is all about. No art, no skill, no quality and no love! On the other hand, I love Basque food even though today has become very popular but still the good stuff is there 'lurking in the shadows' but you have to find it while being careful not getting caught up in tourist traps. Japanese junk food? I don't think so.
  9. Software issues.

    Definitively and thanks for your offer. Surely site will be back to normal, up and running before this mess started.
  10. Software issues.

    I agree but the people/person who owns this site is not really that interested in it. So, if that's the case pass it on to people who really care, thank you.
  11. Software issues.

    Completely agree. Very slow again.
  12. Software issues.

    Maybe wait till the whole thing finishes rebooting? No idea, just a rough guess. My end is OK, no slowness or connection timeout.
  13. That Snake looks good too. Thanks to whoever designed it.
  14. Software issues.

    Thanks Jenn. I love the Snake logo. Fire (sign) and Wood (year) nicely combined. My vote is YES.