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Everything posted by Gerard

  1. Enlightened movies

    Here's a list: (My favourite movie ever! Especially the rooftop scene) 2001: A Space Odyssey Wings of Desire Jeremiah Johnson
  2. Enlightened movies

    Conclave (2024). I really liked this film and highly recommend watching it.
  3. Any updates on the new logo? The Year of the Snake 2025 starts on 29/01/25. Thank you
  4. Is anyone working on the new logo? Here is one I like: Source:
  5. 2025 Year of the Green Snake (Wood)

    I forgot to include Raymond Lo's general overview of the "Year of the Green Snake." You can read it here.
  6. The Snake is ruled by Fire but it is Yin in nature. It is associated with transformation (moulting in the animal kingdom), wisdom (Fire) and growth (Wood, 2025). You can read a detailed analysis here.
  7. Edit: fixed by taking a screenshot of the web image and then uploading it to the online image hosting site.
  8. Unable to post the image as this forum still has the ongoing problem of not enabling inserting images in posts. Sorry not my fault.
  9. Hello, When you are ready to open up you'll understand the whole thing. If you are not you'll only see BGZ as either a nice form to perform or another martial art. I learnt BGZ in park, learnt the Ding Shi Ba Zhang (8 Mother Palms) which is the foundation of the art and two other forms which are really irrelevant except for the Millstone Pushing Palm and Lower Piercing Palm part of the Double Change Palm routine. But really rotating, change, stepping, practising in the natural environment and mindfulness + Foundation work is what delivers the goods. Also Taurus, Scorpio, Leo & Aquarius are fixed signs. They are stuck in their ideas (egos) and won't change much Cardinal and Mutable signs are willing and will experience change. Your location makes a difference as well, East and South West directions will experience the most change due to being associated with the Wood element (movement). China and Australia are very good locations in that regard.
  10. Paintings you like

    The Fortune Teller (Enrique Simonet, 1899). Realism & Impressionism movements.
  11. Indeed. He was and is actually wrong. "Health and illness are caused by an imbalance of the two basic forces, yin and yang, and by the influence of the five elements (water, fire, metal, wood, and earth) on the organs of the body." (Huangdi Neijing, 250+ BCE)
  12. 1. What exactly would you like to know? Some stuff, I won't discuss deep does the rabbit hole go? Unless you have gone deep enough, one won't be able to understand it. 2. How long have you been practising for?
  13. Help with Kidney issues

    This type of circle walking will heal you completely: 1. Hold only one Palm 2. Do as many rotations as you like on one side and then switch over and repeat the same amount. I used to use a timer to prevent counting circles as it's too easy to miss the count. 3. Practice preferably in a park amongst the trees and if possible next to a water source (creek, lake, pond, etc.).
  14. Help with Kidney issues

    You also created this other thread recently: You come from a very abusive family environment, and expect to heal yourself after 1.5 years of BGZ practice? BGZ is currently doing its good job at slowing resetting your ENTIRE ENERGETIC SYSTEM. Let's be realistic here, you must understand that what you are going through is all part of a realignment and healing process and this takes time. Expect pain while you heal yourself. It happened to me many times and one was near life-threatening (sudden release of heat in the gallbladder meridian running along the head). You need to find a teacher that is more focused on the internal aspect of the art and a Taoist practitioner themselves. A practice that is GENTLE, RELAXED, PEACEFUL and WARM in nature. Be easy with yourself because healing from childhood trauma requires a lot of work. I hope this helps
  15. Help with Kidney issues

    I didn't realise it was you who recently opened this other thread: I missed the part where you stated the following: There are no Eight Mother Palms the the BGZ system I'm learning, which is Yin style. My teacher is very focused on form and MA training. On the other hand, you are saying in this thread: I do a physical labour for a living. You are very Yin, Metal Snake, even when this animal is ruled by Fire but you were born in a negative and descending year (2001, Yin Metal). Because you are experiencing conflict this year triggered by Wood controlling Earth (Wood Dragon), follow the dietary advice I gave you, ZERO SWEETS, and also the TCM practitioner advised you to stop focusing on static work and more moving one. HE IS CORRECT HERE and I also advice you doing the same plus; Go find another BGZ teacher. Any BGZ system without true core of the art being the 8MP is no true BGZ since you will be inheriting a half-baked system. HJH's foundation work would be very beneficial to you as stated already severely times. It is ver demanding bit worth a tone of gold. Find a BGZ teacher that is focused around the 8MP. As Maddie stated as well you may have triggered a lot of HEAT due to: 1. Anxiety 2. Lifestyle ---> physical labour 3. Focus on static postures & zi fa gong 4. Too many expectations Relax and enjoy learning BGZ from scratch in the park amongst the trees. This is how I learnt it myself got several years under my teacher's guidance. So for now, take a break and put your effort in finding a better BGZ teacher that teaches the 8MP.
  16. Help with Kidney issues

    It could be HEAT too if he does a lot of physical labour. Fire evaporates water Which according to the Wu Xing falls under the "reverse or deficient destructive cycle." He also needs to bear in mind his constellation sign as Fire signs need to be careful with not depleting their Jing too quickly as ageing will occur at a faster rate. This applies to Aries, Leo .& Sagittarius primarily but Scorpio need to be careful as well since they're driven by desire. Also: This second tool provides a better advice regarding favourable and unfavourable directions.
  17. Help with Kidney issues

    Hmm. Foundation work actually nourishes the Kidney though. It would be very beneficial for you. Refer to He Jinghan YouTube channel for such work. BGZ long term practice will take care of that as HEART (Fire) blood stagnation is the main culprit. You need to fix that. A high amount of sugar will place excessive amount of stress on the Kidney since sweet is associated with Earth and Earth controls Water (Kidney). If you have a lot of Earth in your Ba Zi chart there's trouble for you this year since Dragon is an Earth animal. Earth controls (dries) the Kidney force. When Earth is too dominant, it can bury the Metal element, and therefore Metal loses the ability to nourish the Kidney. Earth is associated with the sweet taste. Supplement your diet with Goji berries as they can be taken with regular food. This particular herb nourishes the Kidney and the Jing. Take it on a daily basis until this Dragon year is over. Also, reduce sugar intake and avoid sweet foods as much as possible. When Earth is too dominant, it will absorb and dry up the Water force. This leads to problems with the bladder, kidneys and the urinary system. Drink plenty of water. When Earth is too dominant, it may lead to a lack of motivation and hinder overall health. Engaging in outdoor activities, spending time in green areas, parks, and forests, and breathing in fresh air are advisable. Stay away from polluted areas as much as possible. Good luck
  18. I have reported a thread that was created three times yet the threads are still active. The General Discussion area has currently a thread that has been created three times. Is it that difficult to delete them? Do your job, please. Also contact the OP and send them a warning about stop being an idiot and open only one thread for the topic you want to discuss. Thank you!
  19. Help with Kidney issues

    We know nothing about you to make an accurate assessment: 1. How do you practice the art? Tense or relaxed 2. Is you form correct? 3. Do you spend more time doing foundation work than circle walking? It should be that way. You can't build a house on a weak foundation as it will collapse. 4. Lifestyle 5. Diet 6. Sexual activity. 7. Year of birth, eg. if you are a Wood Dragon BGZ is not recommended. An Earth & Metal art like Xingyi Quan would be more suitable.
  20. Help with Kidney issues

    Lifestyle pattern set over years/decades of poor habit; eg. study while seated on a chair for many hours a day; inactivity; excessive masturbation which blocks meridians in the pelvic floor, etc. Are you an stagnant animal; eg Water Rabbit or a fast moving one; eg Fire Tiger. You need to take into account many factors before making a correct diagnosis. Also no amount of herbs and needles will correct the problem, they are only a temporal fix. Grounding work and Ba Gua Zhang is a wonderful tool that fixes everything. But a lot of work is retired over years of practice in order to undo, remove and rewire the whole system.
  21. Help with Kidney issues

    See never the GP. Please refer to: Internal energetics are very complex.
  22. Vipassana meditation

    Good point stirling and spot on. The OP needs to understand that without a real life teacher they won't go far and even with a real life teacher there is no guarantee of success either.
  23. Vipassana meditation

    One more thing, which I have many times stated on this forum in the past, in case you missed it. "Dont walk this path alone in the beginning because you won't go far." In other words, you need a teacher that will guide you in the beginning and help you with the big road blocks you'll encounter m, which will be countless and impossible to manage alone. The Buddhist Theravada meditation system is very sophisticated and can't be learnt without proper guidance.
  24. What follows is a good case. The granitic outcrop known as "Peña Sirio" is located in La Pedriza nature reserve (Spain). The name to this cliff was given in the early XX century by some locals who noticed that the star Sirius was coming out behind this cliff during the night hours. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Its name is derived from the Greek word Σείριος (Latin script: Seirios), meaning lit. 'glowing' or 'scorching.' Incidentally this area is scorching hot in the summer months. Sirius is colloquially known as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (the Greater Dog). The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nilein Ancient Egypt and the "dog days" of summer for the ancient Greeks, while to the Polynesians, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, the star marked winter and was an important reference for their navigationaround the Pacific Ocean. Source: Doesn't Peña Sirio have an uncanny resemblance to a dog?