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Everything posted by sinno

  1. Who are you?

    classic post bro
  2. Manly P.. Hall Lectures

    thanks phore im gonna check it out asap...will report back : )
  3. the only time i feel irritated while doing semen retention is if i do not circulate the energy by doing the MCO...after then i start to feel lively again
  4. Secret Smile/Inner Smile + Energy Work sounds like the way to go.
  5. Seth Ananda for president!!
  6. Chi Kung Q&A with Sifu Dan Ferrera

    you dont stop learning no matter what level your at
  7. im practicing a different version of Spinal Breathing called "Mizong Spinal Breathing" which is similar because it goes from the Root to Ajna chakra....i have a practice journal where i practice for 1 hr. 30 mins. everyday for 35 days and im on Day 11...we'll see if i awaken Kundalini later on down the line but my 3rd eye is really getting stronger as a result of this practice
  8. Energy channels

    sounds like a good idea
  9. Plane of infinite awareness

    did you see any of the KAP lineage gurus?
  10. Plane of infinite awareness

    hmmm....ok *tries to access plane of infinite awareness* ok im getting something i think im going to astral project! *breaks wind* lol damn...sorry my bro maybe in a month or two! haha
  11. *2 thumbs up for KAP*
  12. Robert Bruce - Call To Action!

    hello Robert nice of you to come to the forum i like what your trying to do and ill definitely be signing up for the course
  13. Tao meets the Druids

    i feel you about things being in certain peoples programming...ive always felt the same way about sufi/islamic practices. ive been drawn to them all my life.
  14. WP

    Chuck Norris
  15. 11:11

    yea i dont think thats true when you ask people on the street, "what time is it?" and they reply back "3:33" lmao but yea i used to see this ALOT last year when I had started practicing Tenaga Dalam which involves alot of Zikr... A month in i had a Sushumna Awakening which led to my Heart and Crown Chakras being opened...I would definitely agree with Leon in saying that it is a sign of good things to come
  16. Cultivating while keeping it in my pants

    i admit ive had the same problem and running the Little Orbit helps tremendously
  17. I've got some good news...

    damnit i gotta get to these threads quicker
  18. A Buddhist lama enlightens his dog

    looks like he was interested in ensleepinment more then enlightenment
  19. KUNDALINI chat on Radio

  20. Inner Power, Tenaga Dalam

    ahh my favorite thanks for the links
  21. Shaktipat

    its not a problem...the term African-American is shouldnt worry about it to be honest because if your sincere when you use either it will show...But neither of those are offensive to me whatsoever doesnt matter to me anymore...Since joining KAP ive gained brothers and sisters of all complexions and love them just the same ...i'm about associating with people that have Good hearts nowadays and that could be of any color this is completely off topic though...lets get back to Shaktipat
  22. Shaktipat

    nah ur not alone...brotha #3 here lol i dont post much though i just like to play the background and soak in all the information
  23. Stilling the mind

    Opening the Heart Chakra will still the mind, trust.
  24. Could anyone share a sufi meditation? great meditations on this site...the Soul meditation is great for opening the Heart pm Vajrasattva (Santiago Dobles) and he could help you more with this