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Everything posted by Buddy

  1. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    There is no carrot.
  2. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    The qi paradigm has not been proven (unless it was in the Scandinavian langauge bit I couldn't understand). The problem here is that many of you are invested in it being true and resent any intrusion on your beliefs. You even get very hot and bothered to the point of personal insult. This is very interesting. I have questioned many of your beliefs and made fun of things that are easily made fun of. When challenged about my making fun, I ask for one thing-prove it. That's all, you believe it I don't. The onus is on you. I make no outlandish claims and the one's I do make I can prove. I see a lot of passive/aggressiveness in people who claim they are on a spiritual path and it's amusing. I'm just a regular guy and have no need to present myself as anything but that. It's a liberating position.
  3. Qi transmission Video

    "I didn't really want to attract the attention of close minded ignorant fools such as Buddy.I really cant respect any one's opinion on this subject if they haven't gorn out to experience it for them selves and it is quite obvious buddy's experience with chi is very limited You would think having cancer or something life threatening would make one more open minded to the experiences life has to throw at you." So you have to resort to personal insults? How do you hope to have any credibility now? You wouldn't say it to my face. You don't have any idea what I know and have experienced so keep your mouth shut.
  4. "Since Steve Smith has no reason to lie then that means your document is incorrect, doesn't it. " Uh, you'll want to leave this one alone. Guru Sonny issued this document just before his death. I'm sure Mr' Smith believes what he says and I'm not questioning his skill (although the clip was a bit iffy) but the document is legit. Sorry. "This type of sorcery is frequently depicted in Western mythology and even Disney cartoons for example, the hand motions of the wizard and Mickey Mouse with the brooms at the water well in the movie Fantasia. Buddy won't be able to resist crapping on that one, because that's what he does." You've done my work for me.
  5. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    "To the original questioner. It is easy to determine that chi is real. If I shine my hands on an unbeliever and they feel it then it makes them believers and it validates my own knowing." Well, maybe so. But you might be wanting to believe. Maybe they feel nothing without you telling them they should. "Chi can heal" Prove this one first. "but it will not do miraculous healing, that's a different ballgame. Oftentimes a person will have good healing ability on others but will not be good at using their own ability on themselves, either through negligence, karma, or because the injury is simply something which is beyond their capacity to work with." Well that's very convenient. Let's just make it the hurting persons fault because their karma is to blame. "Healing abilities with chi are on an inverse proportional scale. The fewest have the most and the most have fairly little." What? This is total....(careful Buddy you're trying to be even handed)...commentary with NO evidence to back it up. Please...PLEASE site where you can prove this....bovine excrement.
  6. Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra

    It's not mythical. There are whole roads. Just choose yours. My experience is that only the Buddhists, Vedantists (and even some theist traditions in the Indian systems) have a real path to totality. YMMV
  7. Tao Bums Forum - Growth and development

    I'm thinking why should we think of ourselves as -ists at all? Should there be a t-shirt about we are Dao-ists? Dao should be sanatana dharma, the eternal way. Why is this not obvious?
  8. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    Not at all. I'm glad I met him when I did (late 80s). If you meet him then we'll have common ground to discuss him, otherwise I'll just the leave subject where it is.
  9. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    I was many years ago. It's not just the neigong. He teaches his version of Daoist meditation as well.
  10. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    And yet, one might wonder why Bruce isn't a better person all around, in addition to the health aspect. The same might be asked about some of his students.
  11. Islam: What The West Needs To Know

    It's not a matter of saying "to hell with Muslims." And we can speculate till the cows come about what might have been. Many Muslims have spoken out loudly about the way these Wahabists have ruined their religion. In the long run, it will have to be up to them to take their religion back.
  12. Qi transmission Video

    ZD- I have way too much meaningless trivia stored up. I used to read a lot.
  13. Qi transmission Video

    If you liked the dancing guy, you won't like this one:
  14. Qi transmission Video

    I am not arguing that there is no benefit to a positive mind in healing. VC, I'm sorry that line of reasoning is wrong and it's pointless for anyone to tell me what is or was in my mind. The point is NOT whether or not poison ivy or cancer medicines work, the point is they work regardless of belief. The point is something should work regardless of belief, if it is real. And the stuff in the video simply isn't. Now if you want to suspend your logic and buy into this nonsense, it's on you. For me? If I get into a car accident, please send me to the emergency room, not some dancing guy in silk pajamas. Richard- Quoting Rajneesh? Now that's a credible source.
  15. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    ..."hokuspokus buddy hokuspokus..." I have, until now, stayed out of this topic.
  16. Qi transmission Video

    I don't disagree. But it's not the point of my comments.
  17. Qi transmission Video

    This line is pointless. Belief isn't necessary for calamine lotion to work. Certainly I hoped the chemo would work, but I had no particular faith in it. What you find unlikely about something you know nothing about is meaningless. The point is joe thinks that this dancing silliness wouldn't work on me because I don't believe in it. What would you say to creationists who "believe" the world is 6000 years old?
  18. Is KunLun Bogus?

    No, the important thing is to be on a road that will take you where you want to go.
  19. Qi transmission Video

    "So who's to say that your belief that chemo would work didn't have an impact." Because I didn't have any belief in it either way. I was under an eminent threat of death, and had no indication that the chemo WOULD work. It doesn't always.
  20. Qi transmission Video

    Joe, And yet when I had chemo for cancer, it worked whether I believed in it or not. The same goes for calamine lotion if I get poison ivy. France exists even if I don't believe in it. If my belief in something in required for its existence...
  21. Tao Bums Forum - Growth and development

    I was nice to you but...no bother. I'll sleep well just the same.
  22. Islam: What The West Needs To Know

    Are you shitting me? The Inquisition ended centuries ago. The rest of your arguments are moot because it absolutely doesn't address my point. And did I mention the Inquisition ended 400 freaking years ago? "They just usurp their land and bulldoze whole neighborhoods while people are still inside (including American peace activist Rachel Corrie). Oh yeah, and then they erect an apartheid wall around their new land (paid for by US taxpayers)" But they don't send suicide bombers to fly airplanes into buildings to kill FUCKING 6000 people!!!! NOR innocent people of their own fucking religion in their OWN neighborhoods!!! Are you a freaking IDIOT that you don't see the difference? Let's ask Iraqis what they think about your stupid ideas!
  23. Islam: What The West Needs To Know

    Why do you have to go off topic? NO JEWS OR CHRISTIANS are trying to impose their religion on others by violent means. Islamists are. The Taliban blew up centuries old Buddhist mountain carvings. Al-Qaeda flew four plane killing thousands of innocent people. They continue (against the Q'uran) to kill Muslims in various countries.
  24. A man dies

    No need to do either. It comes to everyone, the great equalizer. Yet everyone is oblivious to this eventuality. The man in the story knew his death was eminent, and he prepared, based on his tradition, for it when the time came. What's neat is that because of his practice, he when the time came. Let me ask you this: Do you fear...before you were born?