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Everything posted by Buddy
When I read what you guys write I'm not sure what you mean by spiraling. Twisting of the soft tissue cannot be readily seen. You could feel it in my body but that's what personal instruction is all about. You should always use internal strength combined with whole body power. The body continuously turns around the central axis, connecting the spine to the extremities. Rise, Drill, Overturn, Fall. It's all pretty simple but very difficult to achieve. YMMV.
I just watched this guy's other "zhingyi" clip where he purports to show paoquan. This one is even worse.
I don't know if Pietro is still here but I would advise him to not believe everything someone might tell you and don't engage in hero worship. Some things he might have heard simply are not true.
I didn't care too much for the one on the beach. Zhing-yi? Maybe a basic Mandarin lesson? Not much power there. The one with Kumar and Sam Masich I have, and all the footage not on the original tape. Kumar's spiraling is neigong and not directly related to MA.
"Please... ? Research your remarks. There are instances of isolation." But taught freely without regard to anyone's "shit." And while they may have meditated, none were involved in practices involving gaining special powers. Unless you count Jesus' walking on the water and raising the dead. Even that (allegedly) came spontaneously.
"These Wudang guys say they're STILL sitting on Wudang teaching the old ways while everyone else was purged." My grandmother said meat rots in the moonlight and she was an honest soul. BTW thin weapons are for show ONLY. Terrible for the shenfa. In light (real, regular weight) weapons the weapon follows the body. For heavier weapons (dadao, dajian) the body follows the weapon.
Unfortunately, it's true.
How about just being perfectly in each moment?
Enlightenment is already in front of you. Meditate to polish the mirror so you can see yourself. Immortality? More addings on.
I'm with lerner. There is nothing that is not dao. Don't worry so much, it makes you feel guilty.
No, sorry this was crap. No shenfa at all. Here's real xingyi with superb shenfa.
"Why do you think all of the masters in the past would isolate themselves? It is because you start to feel everyone's stuff, I mean, shit." You mean like Buddha, Jesus, Mohommed, B'ahaullah? The current Dalai Lama? Muktananda, Nityananda? Oh wait, NONE of them isolated themselves, but rather taught freely. Please.
Not Daoism but some interesting affects of NLP and suggestion.
Scott Sonnon of RMAX has made available for free (+ shipping) his Flowfit DVD course. I just got it and it's terrific! Check it out: http://www.makeamericastronger.us/
You're welcome. I got mine and it's hot shit. Anyone else check it out?
So, in a world of blind men, the one eyed man is king?
I don't know, Cam. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...
Well, I post a lot on EF and what do you expect? Martial Artists are "show me" types. I've already mentioned I don't believe this stuff but try to moderate my behavior here. As a friend once said, "Get a bunch of MAists in the same room and a fight breaks out? Q'uelle surprise!
rain, But for slight variation I think they're the same. Some of it is just a matter of transliteration. I presented the easy version. The other one has much more movement in it. Once I get a website up I'm going to offer it as either an ongoing free course (via email) or perhaps a download video for a few bucks. I'm tending toward free but too often people feel like you get what you pay for. Maybe I'll offer the whole series for like seven bucks and people can either give it away or sell it themselves (Private Label Rights). What does everyone think. I'm trying to drive traffic to my blog (and eventually website) by giving away as much as I can. Buddy BTW, I'm thinking of adding the 8 healing sounds from Yin Fu baguazhang. A LOT different!
"Check out the new free radio interview from Qigong Master Chunyi Lin and you'll see proof of high level magic healing powers." I listened, heard claims, but no proof. Like I said, I'll have to experience someone with alleged super powers before I'll believe it. Secondly if these powers exist, I don't think they have anything to do with enlightenment. Enlightenment is already there, we just need to polish the mirror to see our original face. Cheers, Buddy
I don't believe in these "powers". If they can do it to me, then I'll believe. Why do want these sort of "powers", anyway? It's all sort of Dragon Ball Z, to me. You can get great skill by practicing hard. None of those alleged powers leads to enlightenment. If you want skill, practice. If you want enlightenment...practice.
"Buddy- Could you please show us some movement art or individual artists that you find incredible or that you admire? -Spectrum" Sorry, no. Incredible means (from Webster) "too extraordinary and improbable to be believed." I can do this thing quite readily with my students. They can do it too. But since you want to see something, here's my teacher who is light years ahead of Pan (remember Pan was once a Gao bagua guy) You won't find it incredible but to work with Luo in person is ethereal. He is scary-good. From our post-heaven (based on the third palm change: The first four of our pre-heaven: Xingyi Rooster: Cheers, Buddy