
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Buddy

  1. Thanks folks. Nice clear conversation, what this site (IMO) should be about.
  2. Ramana Maharishi

    But beyond all this, so they say, is Sat Chit Ananda.
  3. I haven't read it yet but I'd like to. I was talking to someone online who's reading it.
  4. As well, NLPers have been known to rid folks of phobias very quickly. Tony Robbins ripped this stuff off for his NACS. Like Pero says, Derren is using more than just NLP and he's upfront about it in his book.
  5. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    Pero, I think my views here are well known. I won't bother beating a dead horse just now.
  6. Basic circles of pakua

    And I'm happy to leave you to your delusions. So piss up a rope. "In Bruce organisation there is no due respect to older students. We don't do Bai Shi. Have you forgotten that?" "The teachers in the this directory have successfully completed at least one instructor training in the Taoist arts given by Energy Arts, Inc. and received a certification. They are all independent instructors who operate their own businesses and are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Energy Arts, Inc." Kind of make one wonder what 'certification' means.
  7. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    Kung fu black belt? Belt systems in the CMA are a recent addition. Which style did he study in the 60s? Things were pretty closed ended back then for non-Chinese.
  8. For witch

    Celebration of summer solstice in the Rila Montains:
  9. KunLun Level 1 - Levitation

    "As a siddha the Mao Shan consider levitation a low attainment. Once one learns the higher things, lesser attainments like levitation disappear." Wow. This is pretty convenient. So, either everyone of you Kunluns are: A. Not there yet, or B. Beyond it? Isn't there anyone in between who could post a brief vid? You wouldn't need to tell how it's done, I get the secrets till you've paid for it stuff. I'm cool with that. I just want to see what I might to pay so much money for. I'd be happy to right a check for twice the amount if I could just get a glimpse. I could even post date the check and send it tomorrow. Just tell me when it will occur.
  10. "I submit the only people who escape cultivation psychosis using such methods are the ones who don't work hard enough on it. A friend of mine is a doctor at a psychiatric hospital who's been telling me meditation tales of dozens of her patients for years. They are all alike." Pshaw. I submit that there are a multitude of people who do the so called (and I say so because there is no evidence that there is a separation of methods) fire methods that do quite well given the proper circumstances. This is what ashrams are for. There, you are under the constant supervision of a qualified teacher who can direct you to the right method. Your doctor friend is a meditation expert or a symptom expert? Treat the symptom is a typical corruption of allopathic medicine. Just give them the drugs. But it's easy behind the mask.
  11. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    OK Max, I've been outta the couch. But I appreciate your words. You and I are cool.
  12. Basic circles of pakua

    Jane, I didn't bring you up, Pietro did. I'm happy leaving you out of it. I don't want a dog in that fight. I'll stand or fall on MY merits, as I assume you will as well. That's all.
  13. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    BTW, I really like your sig.
  14. Future problems

    I like a lot of this. I have always swam against the tide. Yes, it's liberating. But one warning: I was always a martial arts bum, thought I'd open a school to feed the vig. Then I realized I didn't want to prostitute my art for the money {teaching...children (baby-sitting)}. Then suddenly I was a lot older. Learn how to make a good living. Then do your art for only you. Set reasonable goals. Like, every day above ground is a good day. I'm going to write more about this elsewhere.
  15. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    No worries, dude.
  16. hey guys

  17. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    Dude, I'm a martial artist and I won't be lectured to by my junior. I didn't address him. He needs to STFU. You're not involved, move along.
  18. Basic circles of pakua

    "Buddy, honestly do you really care about Taoism. You care about enlightenment, you care about martial art. But for you if your techniques come from a buddhist school or a taoist school would be just as good." NO, I don't care about any -isms. "I don't care about Martial Arts. I don't enjoy them and I dissolved any reason for which I would care for them. But I love Taoism. I fell in love for it 20 years ago and I have never recovered. I went through phases in which I would read the classics, even though at the time I knew no one around who was interested. I went to Chia's school for other reasons, but also interested because it advertised Taoist Internal Alchemy. I found very little Taoism over there." Ah. happy for you. "I am not interested in MA, and Bruce is not (that) interested in them either." No, Bruce can't DO then any more and they are not as lucrative as teaching slackers lazy shit. "It is a game. The time for martial arts has ended. It has ended with the revolt of the boxer. And sometimes you get tired of a game, especially if you are doing a lot of dissolving. Especially (2!) if your body has been ruined to the point that you cannot play it well anymore. Do you want to crucifix him for this." Not at all. But I've known him for a lot longer than you. YOU brought this on him. I know how and by whom the current situation evolved. I'm trying my hardest to not break his rice bowl. "But he loves teaching meditation. You think it is all mumbo jumbo, but in the other thread you have someone who healed herself from a bad psychosis using meditation. Using the meditation that Bruce is teaching. Is this without value? Ask Jane." Look, I'm trying my be to not be a bad guy anymore. But ask Kumar about Jane. Then get back to me. Until then, STFU about it. "You might think it is not Taoist, and he is not the repository of a taoist lienage. But what does your teacher (with all due respect of him as a martial artist) know of Liu as a Taoist? In a time where if people knew you were a Taoist you could be dead the next day. Liu consistently teached to Bruce refering to the classics." Yes, that's what you've been told. What if I told you Bruce told someone else something different entirely? How about the fact that those who knew Liu better say something different? "He gave trasmission of the three texts (Tao Te Ching, Chuang Tzu, I Ching) to Bruce. I know this because I am working through the Lao Tzu with Alan. Who has been discussing it with Bruce himself. If the practices were really Buddhist wouldn't Liu have taught Bruce using Buddhist sutra?" I can get deeper into this whole "revealing" thing, but it won't convince the converted. "If the practices were only from Buddhism, wouldn't we have only one version of what can be done? Instead we know that according to Buddhist you can "be in" 1-7 energy body, or in 2-8. But not in 1-8. While according to Taoists you can be in 1-8. Translating in lay man terms means that according to Buddhist you can't be fully awakened (8 energy body) and alive (first energy body). While for Taoist you can become an "immortal", that is someone who is 1-8 energy body. All those are just words for us who have not reached those hige levels, but they point to a consistent picture." Quote a separate source other then Bruce. "When Liu was declared enlightened and he left for the mountains, my understanding is that he had (at least) already reached the "body of individuality" (which does exist in Chinese, just the translation is Bruce's). So why going there? And why after coming back teach Taoism, and not Buddhism?" Quote a separate source other than Bruce. "Look, this coming March, in Germany, he is teaching a workshop on the middle Tan Tien. As you know that has never been taught before. It is going to be a workshop in meditation. But the Middle Tan Tien is also in the 16 Nei Gung, so it should also be of interest to you. Why don't you come again? I would not have suggested this for another workshop, but this one looks interesting." See above. "Also in Taoism there are many referenced to "empty the heart" (which incidentally can also be translated as opening the heart). Working on the middle tan tien is a big thing. And is absolutely "taoist" work. So it is meditation, it is taoism, it is not martial arts, and it is not beginners work. Come and see if it is really all new age mumbo jumbo to fill up his swimming pool, or we are really working." Go to Beijing, ask Zhu Baojen, or the student's that Liu was supposed to not have. Pietro, What if you knew one of Bruce's top and most well known students committed a crime, say like when a dentist fucks one of his patients while they are asleep. Or a therapist takes advantage of a patient. Something that could, under normal circumstances send that person to jail. Would you say (even if that person is well respected among your community still) that the training was effective? How about if it was all covered up from the top because it might have been able to be traced that far? Please don't presume to ever preach to me boy. I walk my talk always. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
  19. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    Smile, "Like I know the method how to develop the skill to project your energy and burn people at the distance (similar to the skill David Verdesi's teacher displayed to his students)." I can drive there in about 4 hours. Care to demonstrate this on me? I'll let you buy me dim sum. But I'm sure everyone was convinced by the Matrix clip. "It's not JUST a movie." Pietro, "Hmm, so Buddy, do you think you can blow me off? Me in tree positions, you in san ti, no touching, and you forcing me to go away with your ch'i, intention, gaze, and whatever shit you can project through your mind in me?" What? Son, I wasn't addressing you with that quote and I have no idea what you're rambling about. No touch, no movement. But if I touched you, you would sure as hell know it. "This was after all a traditional exercise of xing i, right?" Bruce taught it to me, I assume so. "And you have developed the real gong fu." Yes, I'm happy to show you...or your teacher. I'm not an academic. "We put a limit of a couple of hours. So if you are not succesful in 2 hours we call it the day? (That's because I don't want to sign of myself being able to stand for too long, you know that I subscribe to the lazy taoists school)" I don't know what you're talking about here either. But take the bass out of voice, I'm your senior. Got that?
  20. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    "read the book, The Power of Internal Martial Arts by BKF There is a section on san ti, gazing, gapping and intention. The what, the why and the how." lol, no that's not it. When I first started teaching xingyi at a well known school in Boston he called and asked me what I was teaching. When I told him, he said "You can't teach those people that shit, are you crazy?" So now it's only for folks willing to develop gongfu.
  21. Basic circles of pakua

    The Big Man...heh. I know he says that, I disagree. It's in his financial interest to separate his method from others. Look Pietro, You seem to a real nice guy, I mean that. And your a good loyal soldier, I was too. But what Bruce proclaims isn't the end of the conversation. Someone asked me the other day at a workshop I was teaching, "You and this guy and that guy and this person from the old days all left...that's odd." What could I say?
  22. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    So, it's mostly geeky nerdy guys? For me it was tzu ran.
  23. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    The Advaitists would say all is Brahman. That there is no real separation between the individual consciousness (jivatman) and universal consciousness (paramatman). The searation is illusion (maya). So there is no vehicle for consciousness.