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Everything posted by Buddy

  1. And yet you still respond....
  2. And you are much more erudite than I. Mine is more pit bull style. I'm the Charles Bukowski of skepticism.
  3. It has been implied elsewhere that I am writing under the name "Hern Heng" (or maybe the other skeptical guy) Perhaps it's too big a stretch to think I'm not the only one? Anyway, I'm not him.
  4. Hurrah for the man

    Needless to say I'm not a fan of hiding behind a moniker. It's too easy to shoot your mouth off without having to back it up. But the internet is a wild place and fear of it is understandable. BTW, two "Ps Tripp, my dad's name.
  5. Basic circles of pakua

    Too late, you're found out.
  6. Su Dong Chen

    My teacher's kung fu brother, a serious bad ass.
  7. The emperor does SO have clothes!
  8. Basic circles of pakua

    Miro, I'd be happy to show you some "collegiate wrestling." You clearly didn't understand Brian's reference and once again in your phony monk passive aggression, merely want to stir the shit. What's the matter, begging at the temple ain't making enough to buy cigarettes?
  9. Basic circles of pakua

    "It is a really valuable piece of info that in Kumar's lineage bagua is akin to college wrestling." Miro, Care to site your source? BTW I'm Yizong. "Could you elaborate on that." I could, but my views are unpopular.
  10. Xingyiquan Video

    My teacher doing Rooster: "There is Linear Xing Yi and there is non Linear Xing Yi." What?
  11. Taijiquan

    Because I don't want to be just about nay-saying I'd like to add some nice video. Here is a film of Dong Yingjieh from 1950 doing Yangjia taijiquan.
  12. Taijiquan

    That's my friend, Kent's, teacher. Kent also has some youtube vids teaching WSJ'a bagua. Here's more CPL: From Israel: Danny Lai: Chen's son doing bagua sword: Chen himself:
  13. Taobums and change

    See how it goes? Now there are people who were already here as lurkers, smarter than me, who feel comfortable enough to question the nonsense. Weeks ago they might not have wanted to step forward because they knew they might be trampled under foot by The True Believers. 278 people joined this before me. The rest came lately. But it took a bigmouthed a**hole like me to make it safe for the people with legitimate questions to come forward. So, Leo, that's why I'm THEIR Tom Joad. I'm a bonze. I'm the wrathful demon that makes it safe for those real seekers to question and prod. If their questions make you uncomfortable...GOOD! We live in a world of cheaters and hucksters. Most of you grew up under organized religion and organized government...you should know better than to sneer and snide the questioners. You should know better than to be comfortable in your assumption that you are One of Us. I remain, Yours, Just Buddy PS, It's Sunday and I live in Massachusetts. Are you ready for some.....football?
  14. A man dies

  15. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    Before I scoff at phony pagan lineages (and since you assume that I need your diet............) bring it on.
  16. Money, Money money money. Money money money money. Or spiritual advancement. Money money money and money. It's sad that someone would go so far as to post this about David Sham Verdisi so as to get "inside." It's not mwight's issue, it's Sham's.
  17. Basic circles of pakua

    While I am often critical of the current situation, I owe a LOT of what I have to Kumar. He taught me how to see the truth.
  18. Taobums and change

    That'll be 29.95 a month.
  19. So it sounds like you're saying a physical process must be completed. How does the Vedantist or Dzogchen idea of "the ground of reality" is already there and only the realization of that fact is necessary?
  20. My Theory Of How Qigong Really Works

    Very interesting discussion, thanks.
  21. Book Club Anyone?

    OR, Thanks a lot. I thought I was done buying books on this subject!
  22. Taobums and change

    "It's like this: Open your third eye, go to the toilet." LOL!!! Now, if someone would only put THAT into a fortune cookie!
  23. Basic circles of pakua

    You mean...pal, bro, cuz, chum...? Buddy is taken!
  24. Taobums and change

    No football from me Harry. But today is the Superbowl and our team is poised to make history. But I'd be happy to freely share my neigong with you. No secrets, no charge. hagar, Nice post. I've been a sucker before so I know that one from experience. I'll admit that one up front. "Where does your somewhat cynical outlook on taoist arts fit in with being here on a taoist board?" It's not some -ist arts it's all of them. Mostly with Daoist stuff, it's because it seeks to be unknown. I think the Indian traditions are (and of course this isn't and hasn't aiways been) a little more transparent. There are people with real Dao traditions out there but they seldom get mentioned (anymore?) here. It's the closed door folks who get the play here. Why? Because they offer magic and you get to be one of The Faithful (for $$$/month). "But when are you going to offer us some of your own experience, not only reflections? " I've hinted at them. Because no one has asked? I'm not looking for followers. Have you read my (not well maintained) blog? There's a little in there. I want to. I'm going to, but I'm not an expert. BTW, I have experienced things I can't quite put a finger on, but I don't think it's magic.