
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. I'm looking to borrow "25 Doors to Meditation". If anyone can spare to be without their copy for a little while I would be greatly appreciative. =)
  2. National Qigong Association videos?

    Emei Eighteen Methods Qigong Video looks interesting.
  3. Blog and system structure

    I agree we should have a file library of opensource or personal texts by members.
  4. You've done a great job Sean with the site! The navigation bar on top "News Forum Wiki" prevents people from bookmarking pages other than "". If you don't use frames then people can bookmark any page on the web site easily. There is a free spell checking service for forums at:
  5. If we had a password protected download page we wouldn't need encryption. For the public domain etexts we can put them on wiki. I don't think Bodri would like the sharing of his books electronically, and it would be real easy just to make a copy. For CDs it would be real easy to encode them in mp3 or a really compressed format like a real .rm file to save bandwith. The question is how close to the letter of the law do want to stay? And if taobums becomes a place of distributing copyrighted texts it could open up sean to being sued.
  6. Pages too wide

    If you go to your profile and: 1) look for "Board Style:" 2) Select "subsilver" The red version of Tao Bums is gigantic using FireFox 1.0 so I selected subsilver as the board style and it solved the size issue.
  7. Just did my first one-arm hindu-pushups!

    Congratulations! That took a lot of work. =)
  8. Sun Do Books Videos

    Anyone know if there are any manuals or videos on the Sun Do system? How would the Sun Do system fit in to Bodri's system? Trunk seems to recommend it highly. I'm not close to any practice groups.
  9. The name of the site

    I don't mind taobums but unless you know the referance the title can cast the impression that the forum is formed by outcasts, drunks, or drunken outcasts. I like:
  10. Detoxing

  11. White Skeleton Meditation

    Does anyone know where to pick up a copy of "Twenty Five Doors to Meditation" for a reasonable price? Amazon has it listed used for $125 for a $15 book. I bought Bodri's "How to Measure and Deepen Your Stage of Spiritual Realization", it's over 700 pages so it's going to take a while to get through. Does anyone know if "How to Measure and Deepen Your Stage of Spiritual Realization" pretty much covers the material in "Twenty Five Doors to Meditation"? Is it really work worth getting if I have access to his other books?